Status: Completed

I Hate the Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Chapter 45

Ashlee’s POV

I got out of the box of a shower that belonged to the tour bus and got changed, quickly doing my hair and make up before stepping out and walking into the living area. The bus door opened and I heard laughter as Pete climbed the steps, entering the bus. My eyes flickered to the short girl stood behind him in hysterics. Cassidy. Jealousy burned through my veins as I watched them both try to calm their laughter.

“H-Hey Ash,” Pete laughed, clutching his stomach. I glared at them both as they continued to laugh every time they looked at each other. What the hell? They’d been way too close for my liking recently. Whenever they were together they’d always be laughing and messing around like good friends. I wanted them to go back to hating each other. Pete was mine, not hers.

“What the hell are you two laughing at?” Patrick asked with a smile as he entered the bus.

“Oh my God, you had to be there ‘Trick.” Pete gasped, still laughing.

“This old woman just went crazy at Pete in the store, it was hilarious – the entire store was watching. She totally whooped his ass.” Cassidy explained in between laughing. Patrick chuckled as he grabbed a soda from the refrigerator. I tapped my nails on the wooden counter, clearly pissed – not that anyone noticed.

“Baby, do you wanna come get some lunch?” I asked Pete, my voice as sweet as honey. He bit his lip, looking back at Cassidy.

“Um we were gonna take the kids bowling actually.” He sighed.

“You could come if you want.” Cassidy smiled politely. I tried to pretend that I didn’t see Pete and Patrick’s looks of horror and confusion as soon as the words had left her lips.

“Uh, yeah okay. Bowling – fun.” I smiled enthusiastically. In all honesty, I hated bowling. I just didn’t trust the two of them alone, playing happy families.

“Great.” Cass grinned, leaving the bus to get ready.

Cassidy’s POV

We paid for two games at the desk and got handed our bowling shoes. I thanked the guy and sat down so I could put them on.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Ashlee muttered staring in disgust at the shoes the guy had given to her. I knew she’d make some sort of drama.

“Ash just put them on.” Pete told her; clearly annoyed that she had to draw attention to herself.

“There is no way in hell I’m putting them on. I’ll just watch.” She said bitterly, shoving the shoes back towards the guy.

Once we’d all put our shoes on we made our way over to the two lanes we’d be playing on. We’d split into two teams – me, Pete, Sky and Brendon were on one lane and Bloo, Summer, Joe and Bronx were on the other.

“I’m so gonna kick your ass.” Pete grinned at me.

“Bring it on Wentz. We both know who always wins, don’t we?” I smirked. I was a pro when it came to bowling and Pete was just well… an epic failure. He and I both knew it.

“Ha! So, when are you meant to be kicking my ass exactly?” I asked Pete with a laugh. He fake glared at me before pouting like a small child.

“You suck. I’ll beat you on the next game, just watch.” He told me, smirking. I could see Ashlee was beginning to get pissed as she sat on the bench, watching Pete and I joking around. To be honest, I didn’t give a shit. Things were finally going well between Pete and I and I knew just how much it meant to the twins. Plus, it was nice being friends with him again – it was something I’d missed more than anything. Sure enough, it didn’t compare to being with him and being a couple but friends was better than nothing in my opinion.

Sky’s POV

I threw my arms up into the air, grinning as I spun around to face everyone. Another strike. I was so kicking ass today.

“Argh, how are you so good at this!?” Bronx asked frustrated, although he was smiling at me still. I smirked as I passed him, taking a seat on the bench.

“Practice my friend.” I laughed. I looked up to the opposite bench where Ashlee was sat with a face of thunder as she glared at mom and dad messing around. I was so happy that they were getting on; it literally meant the world to me and Bloo. Even if it did piss Ashlee off, she’d just have to live with it. The fact that the two of them were getting on made everyone’s lives easier. They were both much happier and there was no awkwardness or anything anymore. Without any warning Ashlee stood up and stormed towards the bar, climbing up onto a stool and calling the bartender over. I looked back at dad who hadn’t even noticed she had left, considering he was talking to Joe now as mom took her go.

We finished the game, me and mom being the winners from either team. Everyone was all smiles as we made our way to the desk to collect our shoes. Once I’d got mine and put them on I headed straight for the bar where Ashlee was still sat, oblivious to the fact that we were getting ready to leave.

“Hey um Ash, is everything okay?” I asked her, a mixture of annoyance and impatience in my voice. If it had been anyone else then I would have been concerned and affectionate towards them but I knew Ashlee was one to make a drama so I wasn’t too worried in all honesty.

“Uh, not exactly but ah well.” She sighed dramatically, swirling the clear liquid around in her glass. I took a seat next to her, smelling the alcohol in her breath.

“What’s up?” I asked uninterested as I already knew what the answer would be.

“Ugh, it’s just your mom and dad. I don’t want to offend you or anything, because I know they’re your parents and all but seriously, does your mom really need to throw herself at an engaged man right in front of his fiancé?” My mouth hung open forming a small ‘o’ shape. Did she really just say that to me?

“Excuse me?” I muttered, completely shell shocked that she had just said that.

“I mean, I get it that she’s clearly not over him and everything but he’s moved on! He loves me now, not her. She’s just wasting her time and making herself look like a complete whore.” She slurred. I knew if I listened to her any longer then I’d probably break her nose again so I jumped down off of the stool and headed straight for the seats where everyone had finished putting on their shoes.

“Baby what’s up?” Brendon asked worriedly, obviously picking up on my expression and my balled fists.

“Is she drunk?” Dad sighed. I didn’t reply as he already knew the answer.

“Sky, what’s the matter?” Mom asked.

“Can we just leave please? Preferably leaving her here.” I muttered angrily.

“Bubs, what did she say to you?” Bloo asked, just as curious as everyone else was.

“It doesn’t matter, can we just leave please?” I sighed, not wanting to cause any trouble. Everyone nodded and we headed for the exit. Dad had agreed to meet everyone at the venue in a bit, once he’d got Ashlee back to the hotel we were staying in for the night.

“Babe, what did Ashlee say to you earlier?” Brendon asked me as we stood outside the venue. I sighed deeply, leaning against the wall.

“She said that my mom needs to stop throwing herself at an ‘engaged man’ and that she’s clearly not over him but he’s over her and that she’s making herself look like a complete whore.” I told him angrily. I was still so incredibly wound up.

Cassidy’s POV

I felt anger curse through my entire body as I overheard what Sky had just said to Brendon. I wasn’t eavesdropping; I was going to ask them if they wanted to come to get some food until I overheard their conversation.

I turned around and stormed towards Fall Out Boy’s bus, knowing she’d be there. I opened the door and marched inside to see her sprawled out across the couch, eating Pete’s face. They stopped when they heard me come in and Pete looked at me apologetically.

“What are you doing here?” Ashlee groaned glaring at me as Pete got off of her.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing slagging me off to my own fucking daughter?” I screamed. Pete’s head snapped towards Ashlee as if asking her if it was the truth.

“Well what the fuck do you think you’re doing trying to steal my fiancé?” She snapped back, her words slurred together.

“Oh please, why would I try and steal your fiancé? You’re so pathetic!” I yelled, extremely pissed. Pete stood dumbfounded in the middle of the living area.

“You think I’m the pathetic one? You’re the one who’s still in love with Pete after sixteen fucking years. Move on bitch, he’s fucking over you!” Ashlee shouted back.

“You honestly couldn’t be more wrong, Ashlee.” I said my tone calmer than ever. “Just stop slagging me off to my daughter and we won’t have a problem.”

“Stop throwing yourself at my fiancé then.” She replied smugly. I opened my mouth but closed it before turning around and leaving the bus. It wasn’t worth it.


I sat in our dressing room, sipping on a soda as I thought to myself. Ashlee was so annoying! The door opened making me look up to see who it was. Pete stood in the doorway with a sympathetic look on his face. I didn’t want his sympathy.

“I’m sorry about Ashlee...” He started.

“Pete you don’t have to apologise for her, she’s not your responsibility.” I sighed. “You’re always apologising, Pete!”

“Well sorry for apologising!” He snapped.

“See what I mean? All you ever do is apologise, whether it’s your mistake or not. If Ashlee wasn’t such a stubborn whore then she’d come and apologise herself. But no, she has to be incredibly immature and slag me off to my daughter.” I ranted, my temper flaring. I was now stood up, face to face with him.

“Can you please refrain from calling my fiancé a ‘stubborn whore’?” Pete yelled, waving his arms as he spoke.

“Maybe I would if she didn’t call me numerous things to my child!” I screamed at him.

“Whatever Cass, just grow up a little would you?” Was he for real?

“I think you’re saying that to the wrong person, Pete.” I spat, turning around and sitting back down. He turned around and opened the door, walking out and leaving me alone. Argh, this was so frustrating. I was so over him. Honestly, Ashlee was making such a big fuss over fuck all – as usual.
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Holy crap, I can't believe I haven't updated in so long! Appologies! I'm determined to get this finished. I've already written part of the ending so it's not far away :]
It's all planned & waiting to be written and posted so please read it & comment because who doesn't love comments, right?