Status: Completed

I Hate the Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Chapter 46

Pete’s POV

I sat in my bunk on my laptop, replying to fans emails on our website. I loved doing things like this. Tonight we weren’t playing a show so we were just relaxing and hanging out.

“Hey Pete, we’re gonna stop for a bit and go to Hey Monday’s bus to play some video games.” Andy told me, climbing down from his bunk which was above mine.

“Sure.” I smiled at him, closing my laptop and sliding out of my bunk. I felt the bus come to a halt so I grabbed my hoodie. I heard everyone leave the bus as I put my shoes on, getting distracted by Ashlee kissing my neck.

“Let’s stay here.” She purred, slipping her hand under my shirt.

“Ugh, babe we’re stuck in here all the time – lets go and hang out with everyone else for a bit.”

“You mean let’s go and hang out with Cassidy. Pete, are you still in love with her?” Ash sighed, removing her hands and staring me straight into my eyes.

“Stop being so ridiculous Ashlee, of course I’m not.” I couldn’t believe she was asking me that.

“Prove it.” She stated simply. I raised an eyebrow at her.

“How? Ash, I shouldn’t have to prove to you that I’m not still in love with my ex from sixteen years ago.”

“If you love me Pete, then you’ll marry me on Valentines Day.” She told me.

“That’s absurd, that’s in a week’s time!”

“So? We’ll be in Vegas on Valentine’s Day. We could arrange for my parents to meet us there and we could get married. It’s spontaneous, Petey.” She smiled happily.

“No, it’s insane. What about my parents? I want them there too.”

“They can fly out too. I don’t see what’s stopping us.” She said enthusiastically. “Let’s just do it. Lets get married, Pete.”

Cass’ POV

I sat on the couch in our bus. We were all pretty packed together since everyone was on our bus but it was cosy. I leant my head against Travis’ shoulder as we watched Brendon and Spence play against each other on some video game.

“Hey Cass, can I speak to you a second?” Pete asked, standing at the top of the few steps that led into the bus. I gave him a funny look before nodding and getting up. Patrick chucked me his hoody as I left the bus, following Pete to the curb of a road we were by. He let out a deep sigh as he took a seat, running his hands through his hair.

“Pete, what’s wrong?” I asked worriedly. He kept silent for a few seconds as I sat down beside him.

“I didn’t know who else to talk to Cass. I know you’re probably not the right person to be talking to about this but you get me the most. You know me inside out, what I want – what’s best for me.” He rambled.

“Pete spit it out.” I ordered, he always rambled on whenever he was nervous.

“Ashlee wants to get married on Valentines Day – so I can prove that I love her.” He mumbled quietly.

“I uh w-what?” I stuttered. Was this a joke?

“It’s insane right?” He choked out, standing up. He hooked his hands behind his neck as he paced in front of me.

“So don’t do it.” I told him simply.

“But if I don’t then she’ll take Bronx. Cass, I’ll never see him again – she’d make sure of that.” He sighed, closing his eyes.

“Do you love her Pete? ‘Cause to me it sounds like you’re only with her so that you don’t loose your son.”

“No, no – of course I love her. I just… I don’t know if she’s the one I wanna spend the rest of my life with, you know?” He was right – I wasn’t the person he should be talking to about this.

“Um, no I don’t know actually – sorry.” How would I possibly know? I’ve always known who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with – there was no doubt about it. “Look, I think maybe you should talk to one of the guys about this Pete. I’m really not the right person for this.” I told him. He looked down at me, staring straight into my eyes.

“You’re right; I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m sorry.” He apologised yet again before pausing and heading back towards the buses leaving me alone on the curb. I hung my head in my hands, knowing what he’d decide to do already. In a weeks time it would be official that I’d lost the one person I’d only ever wanted to spend my life with forever.