Status: Completed

I Hate the Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Chapter 48

Sky’s POV

I giggled as Brendon kissed me softly just behind my ear. I leant back onto the pillows and closed my eyes letting out a deep sigh.

“Baby, is this about the whole maid of honour situation?” Brendon asked, looking up at me from my stomach. I ran my fingers through his hair and nodded.

“Did you see the look on my moms face? She looked crushed Bren, how the hell can I do that to her?”

“You’re not doing anything to anyone baby, you can’t please everyone. You know that your mom won’t hate you if you are Ashlee’s maid of honour and you know that Ashlee won’t hate you if you’re not. Just do what you think is best sweetheart.” He smiled gently and kissed my stomach. I returned the smile and ruffled his hair, still thinking about the whole situation.

“Guys, sound check!” Jon called, walking into the bunk area. We both sighed and crawled out of bed to head into the venue. I noticed uncle ‘Trick pacing with his cell stuck to the side of his head.

“What’s wrong with him?” I asked Dad. I took in his slightly worried expression and began to worry myself.

“He can’t get hold of your mom. She left as soon as we stopped and she’s not answering her cell.” He told me, concern clear in his voice. “I’m sure she’s fine though.” He added in a failed attempt to reassure me.

“You know what mom’s like though, she probably just needs some time to think.” I said attempting to reassure him.

“Yeah, I know exactly what she’s like and you’re right. It’s just – your mom always manages to get into some sort of trouble when she wanders off alone.” He sighed sadly, clearly thinking about something that must’ve happened in the past.

“Cass can you please call me as soon as you get this! Just call me; I need to know that you’re okay. Love you.” Uncle ‘Tricks voice was filled with worry as he continued to pace.

“Baby, what’s all the fuss about?” Ashlee asked as she approached us, wrapping her arms around Dads neck.

“Cass! Where the hell have you been!?” Patrick yelled past us. We all turned around to see mom walking through the back entrance of the venue, her hands wrapped around a Starbucks cup and a pair of black sunglasses covering her eyes.

“I went for a walk, stop fussing.” She mumbled, walking past him and sipping her drink. Damn she was in a mood. I’d never seen her act like that towards uncle ‘Trick. She always hated making him worry, they were close – she never shook him off like that. I studied her worriedly as she spoke to Alex. Her hood was up and glasses covered her eyes, you could barely tell it was her. Elliot walked towards them and quickly joined in their conversation. All of us were watching her like hawks. She wasn’t herself at all.

I stood to the side of the stage watching as Hey Monday performed. Whatever had got Mom down certainly wasn’t affecting her performance – they were awesome. Mom sang with such emotion and energy it was giving me goose pimples.


“Guys, we’re going to get some food you coming?” Andy asked, interrupting mine and Bren’s conversation.

“Oo yay food!” Brendon grinned, jumping up.

“I think that’s a yes.” I laughed as he grabbed my hand and pulled me up. I giggled as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and placed lots of kisses on my neck. I loved it when he was in a hyper mood, he was so cute!

“Cass, you’re coming okay. End of.” Uncle ‘Trick said sternly, pushing Mom out of the bus. She grumbled something I couldn’t quite make out but I’m pretty sure it was just a bunch of swear words.

We wandered down the streets looking for a café that was still open at this time as it was pretty late now. I smiled as Brendons thumb rubbed over my hand, our fingers laced together. He looked down at me and grinned, making my heart skip a beat. I looked up at Dad who was walking slightly ahead with Ashlee clinging to his arm; Bloo was walking with Summer, his arm wrapped securely around her waist. I peered over my shoulder to see Mom trailing behind with Elliot and Jersey. She looked so unhappy it was unreal. I was glad that she wasn’t sat back at the tour bus on her own though.

We eventually found a small café and walked inside, ordering some drinks and food before talking about the gig that night. It had been immense, one of the best yet. Brendon and Travis had come on stage during our set to sing with me and I had gone on during Fall Out Boy’s set and sang with uncle ‘Trick which was pretty insane.
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