Status: Completed

I Hate the Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Chapter 49

Patrick’s POV

I sighed as her cell went to answer phone for the millionth time. Where the hell is she? She kept doing disappearing acts for the past two days and I was starting to get extremely worried about her. She only really spoke to a few people plus Sky and Bloo. Apart from that she never joined in any conversations and was either spending most of her time in her bunk or wandering around random cities. This had to stop.

“Where do you think she is?” Pete asked softly. I looked up, leaning my back against the wall and closing my eyes.

“I have no idea, she could be anywhere. Why does she keep doing this!? Something bad always happens to her when she’s alone.” I sighed. I just wish she’d stay around us or at least tell us where she is instead of doing a disappearing act and turning her phone off. Pete stared down at the floor, his eyes filled with worry. I hated this, I could see straight through the pair of them and it was the most frustrating thing in the world to see them hurting each other like this. A knock at the door broke the tension and both of our heads snapped up immediately. I opened the door to see Bloo standing in front of me.

“Uh I just thought that I should let you know that Mom’s back, she and the guys wanna speak to everyone.” Bloo informed us. I looked at him with a confused expression, what could they possibly want to talk to us about?

We all met up in one room and sat eagerly waiting for what they were about to tell us.

“So, we’ve been talking and we’ve decided that we’re gonna leave the tour.” Elliot announced. Everyone’s mouths fell open as we stared at them. “Mike’s mom’s ill and so he wants to get home to look after her and well the rest of us aren’t to fussed about going home. We’ve booked seats on a flight tonight at 1:30am back to Florida but Cass is gonna catch a flight back to Chicago at 12am.” I checked my watch to see that it was already 19:30pm. They’d have to head to the airport soon.

Cassidy’s POV

I let go of my children with teary eyes, quickly blinking them away. I didn’t want to cry – not in front of them.

“Mom are you sure about this?” Sky asked softly. I nodded, forcing a smile.

“Yeah sweetie, I’ll be fine. I just want to go back home.” I reassured them both. Bloo sighed and hugged me again, kissing my cheek.

“We’ll miss you, it won’t be the same.” He whispered.

“It’ll be great baby. Don’t let me spoil it for you, enjoy it. You’ve got Dads wedding to look forward to as well, it’ll be good.” I smiled, trying to reassure them as much as possible.

“Cass, you ready?” Jersey asked. I nodded and picked up my backpack. I’d said goodbye to everyone but Pete… and Ashlee of course. He hadn’t even come out to say goodbye. We all got into the car that was taking us to the airport, waving at everyone before they disappeared.

“You okay babe?” Elliot asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I buried my face into his side, shaking my head. He squeezed me tightly, kissing my hair as I let my tears fall. I’d tried to act as fine as possible when inside I was falling to pieces. I couldn’t hold it together anymore. Pete clearly didn’t give a shit about me leaving. Maybe if he had then he would have at least said goodbye. Finally I knew that there was never going to be an ‘us’ again, this was it. I’d lost him forever.
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