Status: Completed

I Hate the Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Chapter 5


I climbed out of moms bedroom window, onto the garage roof. I prayed to God it was strong enough to hold me. So far, so good. I crawled to the edge, dangling my legs over, the cool wind blowing my hair out of my face. Chicago really was beautiful, well this area was. It was freezing though, I had three hoddies on that I'd managed to pull from my suitcase and I was still cold.

I sat there for roughly ten minutes in peace and quiet until a tallish boy with shaggy black hair walked down the dimly lit street. He was humming softly to himself and looked up as he passed. He stopped when he saw me, a confused expression on his face, highlighted from the street lamp. He pulled out his earphones and cocked his head to the side questioningly.

“Er, what are you doing up there?” His voice was soft and velvet like.

“Thinking.” I smiled.

I looked down at the drop from the garage roof to the floor, it was a bit of a drop. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath and jumped, landing on both feet gracefully. I walked over to him and stuck my hand out.

“Sky. And you are...?”

“Pete or Petey, but you can call me Bloo, everyone else seems to.” He smiled, shaking my hand, his fringe falling into his face slightly.

“In that case, you can call me Bubbles. So then Bloo, why are you out so late? It's like nearly half five in the morning. Shouldn't you be in bed?” I asked, a small smirk on my lips.

“Shouldn't you?” He smirked back.

“I have insomnia. Sitting outside helps me to sleep.”

“I have insomnia too. But that's not the reason I'm out.” He laughed softly.

Another boy, looked a lot like Bloo, ran towards us.

“There you are! Tom just told me you left so I came to find you.” He panted, trying to catch his breath.

“Hey there sweet thing, name's Bronx.” He smirked, turning to me. I rolled me eyes and turned back to Bloo.

“So, what is the reason you're out?” I was sometime too curious for my own good.

Someone needed his older half-brother to come babysit him at a party.” He laughed.

“Oo, a party on a Sunday night. You guys are hardcore.” I smirked, hugging my hoodies closer to my body.

“I did not need you to babysit me.” Bronx scoffed.

“I just thought you'd wanna come. You need to get laid bro.” He added.

“I don't, bro. I don't exactly like the idea of ending up a walking STD like you.” I laughed at Bloo's comment as Bronx glared at him.

“I do not have any STD's, thanks. I'm going, laters gorgeous.” He smirked again at me before leaving.

“No offense, but your half-brother seems like a total ass.” I said to Bloo, watching Bronx as he walked off down the street. He laughed softly and nodded

“Er, yeah he is. That's what happens when you have a slag of a mom who spoils you like crazy and makes you believe that your better than everyone else.” He sighed.

“Oh, nice. That your step-mom then?” I replied, shifting my weight onto my right leg.

“Unfortunately. The one and only Ashlee Simpson.” He groaned.

“Ouch, that must suck.” He nodded, pouting slightly.

“Wait, so your dad's Pete Wentz?” He nodded again.

“My dad is going to kill me for being so late and that whore is going to encourage him whilst not punishing her precious son.” He rubbed the back of his neck.

“Guess you better be going then. Laters Bloo.” I smiled, turning around and attempting to climb back up the garage.

“Want a boost?” He chuckled from behind me.

“I'm fine thanks.” I replied.

“Oh really?” He laughed, watching me fail at trying to get back up.

Thank you mom for making me short. I wonder if my dad's short. That would explain my elf-like height.

“Er, is that offer still open?” I sighed in defeat as he came over, locked his hands together and gave me a leg up.

“Night Bubbles.” He smiled, walking away.

“Night Bloo.” I whispered, climbing back through the window.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, what do you guys think of Bloo? I'd love to know your thoughts so pretty please comment !

Thank you for your comments (:

Kara.christine - I think everyone has a thing for Brendon, I mean, what's not to like ? :L

athenaisgreek - Pete did keep Pete [the twin Pete], that's who Bloo is. If that's what your on about, if not ignore me (: