Status: Completed

I Hate the Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Chapter 53

Cassidy's POV

I sat in the back of the car, staring up at the incredible church before me. It was the church that my parents had married in many years before, and my grandparents years before that. This was the church I'd always known I wanted to get married in. Like any other little girl my dream was to have the most amazing wedding. It had to be absolutely perfect and in my dream this was the church that my father would give me away to the man of my dreams; that man being Pete. Now, years later here we were sat outside the church - me in the most beautiful dress I could ever imagine and the man of my dreams waiting for me inside.

"Come on, sweetheart." My father smiled from beside me.

The driver opened the door as my dad helped me out of the car as gracefully as possible. I linked my arm through his as we headed up the church steps, my bridesmaids and my mom all stood at the entrance grinning.

"You look amazing, Mom." Sky beamed, looking absolutely beautiful in her bridesmaid dress. I'd instantly fallen in love with the dress and as soon as Sky had tried it on I knew that we had to get it. The strapless A-line dress hugged her small frame beautifully, the purple contrasting with her skin tone and the black sash showing off her tiny waist, All of my bridesmaids looked incredible in matching dresses.

Nicola ran up to me, attempting to wrap her small arms around my legs but my dress got in her way. She looked so adorable in her little flower girl outfit.

"You look beautifuls, Aunty Cass." She grinned cheekily. I laughed and thanked her, actually feeling beautiful.

My dress was beyond perfect and the moment I'd laid eyes on it I knew it was the one. The traditional white dress was strapless, a corset with a long train. I'd always dreamed of a dress as beautiful as this.

"Are you ready honey?" My dad asked. I nodded, grinning. My mom kissed me and said a few words that made me tear up before heading to her seat.

We all lined up, eagerly waiting for the music to start playing. A whole new set of butterflies flitted around my stomach. I was so nervous.

The wedding march filled the church and my father squeezed my hand lightly, I looked up at him and smiled. Nicola led the way, throwing flower petals down the aisle. Everyone 'aw'ed' at her and I knew she'd be loving all eyes being on her. Once my bridesmaids had made it to the front of the church we started walking slowly. My eyes immediately searched for Pete and I couldn't help the massive smile that appeared on my face when our eyes locked. He looked so unbelievably handsome.

My dad kissed the top of my head and whispered 'I love you' to me before taking his place next to my mom as I took my place next to Pete. He took my hand, lacing our fingers together.

"You look beautiful Cassidy." He smiled.

I was bursting with happiness. Everything seemed so perfect right now.


"Woo! Speech!" Someone yelled as Patrick called for everyone's attention. He stood up from his chair and turned to Pete and I.

"So, I've been trying to think of the perfect speech for months now. It's kept me up at night and I got no where with it so I'm just going to wing it." Patrick grinned cheekily, earning a laugh from everyone. "I've always known there was something between Pete and Cass. They've always been close and Pete's always shown affection towards her. One of the main things I noticed about Pete throughout our childhood was no matter what the situation was, his goal was always to keep Cass happy and despite what they've been through I don't think that's ever really changed and no matter how much I didn't like the fact that my best friend was dating my baby sister in the beginning, I came to realise that Cass was always happiest when she was with Pete. I knew he'd protect her and keep her safe and that's all I've ever really wanted for her. I know how much of a pain in the ass Cass can be and sometimes I don't know how Pete puts up with it but I guess I can say the same about Pete." He chuckled. "I guess what I'm trying to say is I've always known they'd end up together. They're sucha perfect couple and everything they've been through has only made them stronger. Which is why I'd like to propose a toast; to Pete and Cassidy."

I looked at my brother as a tear slid down my cheek, everyone had raised their glasses as they chorused 'to Pete and Cassidy'. I turned to my husband, his honey eyes meeting mine. He lent forward and pressed his warm, soft lips to mine. We both smiled into the kiss as butterflies erupted in my stomach; this was how it was supposed to be. Pete and I, finally husband and wife.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, here it is. Can't believe it's finally finished.
I hope you guys have enjoyed the story, I've loved writing it and hearing all your feedback so thank you :)
Please read my other stories if you haven't already