Status: Completed

I Hate the Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Chapter 8


“Ah, I can't stand up!” I laughed, attempting to balance on the ice as I clung to the barrier at the side.

“C'mon, I'll teach you.” Brendon smiled, taking my hand in his and pulling me round.

“I thought you said you loved to skate?” Gabe smirked, skating backwards in front of me and Brendon.

“I do. I'm just not very good.” I laughed.

“Your terrible sweetie.” He chuckled.

“Screw you Saporta. I will get better, eventually.” He shook his head, laughing and skated off.

I glided around the ice without Brendon's help. He was still skating right next to me, just in case. But I had gotten the hang of it now. I just couldn't skate backwards, yet.

“Ha! See, I told you I would get better.” I beamed proudly at Gabe as I skated past him.

“Hm, I'm impressed Stump.” He laughed, catching up with me.

“Can't touch this na na na na.” I sung, skating in between Gabe and Brendon. They both laughed at me like I was some nutter on day release.

“Try this, Stump.” Gabe turned around so he was skating backwards, wiggling his bum as he danced.

“I've just got the hang of going forwards. There is no way I'm going to risk injuring myself by skating backwards.” I stated, watching as Gabe skated in a zig-zag backwards.

I lost all concentration on what my feet were doing and lost balance, falling backwards onto the ice. I smacked my head and the next thing I knew everything had faded into darkness.


The room came into focus as I opened my eyes, my head pounding.

“Bubbles, your awake.” Patrick and Brendon grinned from beside the hospital bed I was led in.

“No duh. What happened?” I asked, confused. Everything was a blur to be honest.

“You fell and hit your head on the ice. You've hurt your wrist too.” Brendon sighed.

“Bubbles, your mom's here.” Patrick informed me as we waited with me for the doctor to assess me.

I'd been awake for a few hours now and everyone had gone home after waiting for me to come round.

“What? Why? Please don't say you called her.” He nodded slowly.

“You were unconscious, Sky. I didn't know if you were going to be okay so I had to ring her. She caught the earliest flight she could, Jersey, Elliot and Alex are with her. They were worried about you.” They always worried too much! Hm, I wonder where Mikey is.

“Sky! Baby are you okay?” My mom asked worriedly, bursting through the door with Jersey, Elliot and Alex in tow.

“Mom I'm fine, stop fretting.” I complained as she pulled me into a tight hug.

“I was so worried about you! Are you sure your okay?”

“Yes mom, I'm fine. I've just hurt my wrist and bumped my head, no big deal.”

“Oh shit.” Alex mumbled, his face serious.

“What?” My mom questioned, all of us looking at him worriedly.

“She can't afford to loose anymore brain cells can she?” He smirked.

I reached out and hit him on his arm with my good wrist. He was always making fun of me, but he was hilarious.

“You scared me then.” Mom scowled.

I laughed at him as did everyone else as he pouted.

“Hey mom, who's looking after Harley?” I asked worriedly.

I'd totally forgotten about her, good owner I was.

“Mike stayed home with her.” She smiled.

Arw, what a sweetie. He'd got pretty attached to Harley since I'd gotten her.

“Right Sky, you can go home now I think. If you notice any changes over the next 24 hours bring her straight back here.” The doctor informed as he looked at my notes. I squealed and jumped off the bed, excited to go home, well back to uncle Patrick's.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's so short!
I might update again later (:
Thank you for all of your comments.