Cyberspace Romance


Zoey walked into the bar behind Ryder and Jacob. They was a bit early, but that didn't seem to matter to the boys. They quickly walked over and got inside a booth and waited for the room to fill with bodies.

"I really hope Bam or some of the crew show up." Ryder said excitedly.
"Yeah. Wouldn't it be awesome to meet them!" Jacob said.

Zoey just smiled at her brother and slumped against the wall. She didn't want to be here, but she knew she shouldn't stay at the hotel room either. She was beginning to think Brandon wasn't who she expected him to be. She had never thought about it being fishy before, but now there was so many gaps in their conversations. He hasn't ever showed her a picture, he hardly talked about his family, he never mentioned his past, he just kept conversations simple and usually about her.

A hour or so later, Bam parked his hummer outside the bar and noticed how crowded the parking lot was. He and Novak got out and walked towards the door. On the side of the building was a flyer with a picture of The Moxy.

"ALL AGES SHOW" was what caught Bam's eyes though. He checked over the date, and then pointed to the flyer making Novak read over it.

"What are the odds of her knowing about this? Plus, even if she is here, then you don't even have to go near her. She doesn't know who you are. So what does it matter?" Novak said
"Yeah, I guess you're right." Bam said and walked inside.

When he looked around his bar he didn't see her so he felt pretty good about being her. Then again, there was so many people; he could hardly see anyone. He and Novak made their way towards the back of the bar where Greta and her band stood. She gave him a smile and then hugged him.

"Lots of teens showed up." Greta said scanning the crowd.
"Yeah, you guys are gonna be big. I told you!" Bam said smiling.

Greta smiled and he helped them all sit up for the show. He kept looking around for a beautiful red head, but he didn't see one. Then again like before-- the bar was packed and it was hard to see anyone unless they was standing directly in front of you.

"Oh shit!" Ryder squealed out.
"What?" Zoey ask looking up from her phone where she had been playing a game.
"Fucking Bam is here! Check that out Jacob! He's hanging with Greta." Ryder said.

Zoey looked towards the stage where Ryder was pointing and saw who he was talking about. She recognized him from the videos Ryder watched all the time. He had on black jeans, a blue shirt, and a black blazer over it. A ratty thin scarf was hanging around his neck, and a beanie was pulled over his hair. He had piercing blue eyes, and a face that would make any woman melt. He was much more handsome in real life than he was on the videos she had watched.

"Why don't you two go introduce yourself?" Zoey suggested.
"No way, Zoe. Celebrities hate to be bothered." Ryder said "I'm just pumped to be in the same room as him."

Zoey laughed. She didn't understand how Ryder was so obsessed with celebrities, but yet he wouldn't approach them. He treated them as if they were normal people.

"Well, looks like you're too late anyways." Zoey said looking at the crowd of young girls who now swarmed the guy.

Soon the show started. The pink haired woman took the stage and caught the attention of everyone. Zoey knew one or two of their songs, since Ryder blared them in the apartment. She sung slowly along not wanting to be too loud.

"I'm thirsty. I'm gonna head up there and buy a drink." Ryder said.
"I'll go. You and Jacob stay here and enjoy the view." Zoey said.

Zoey moved out of the booth and adjusted her tank top as she walked down towards the bar-- which was serving drinks. She walked up and smiled at the man with a scarf wrapped around his head.

"Three water's please." She said with a smile.

The guy nodded and walked off. She knew it'd probably take a few minutes since they seemed to be really busy.


Zoey turned around hearing her name and starred at a man with long hair and a beard. He was wearing a flannel shirt, and she didn't recognize him as anyone she knew. So she didn't know why he knew her.

"Yeah?" She questioned him.

He took a seat beside her and smiled.

"So he finally told you huh? That's great! That's what I miss for going outta town for the week. I'm Joe Frantz, by the way." He said shaking her hand.

She was still confused. He told her what? Who was he?

"What or who are you talking about?" She ask confused.
"Bam silly." He replied laughing. "So, how did you react hearing the news?" Frantz questioned her.
"What news? I'm sorry. . . but I think you have the wrong girl." She said.
"No way, you look exactly like her. You're name is Zoey Moore right?" He ask wondering if he could in fact be wrong.
"Yes, My name is Zoey Moore. . . but I don't think I'm the girl you're looking for."

Frantz gave up and just shrugged his shoulders. Zoey paid for the drinks once they came and then walked them back up to the table. She handed her brother, and his friend one.

"Ry, I'm gonna go get some fresh air." She announced.
"Go out the back way. You'll probably have to repay if you use the front door." He said pointing towards a back exit.

She nodded her head and made her way through the crowd and out the exit.

Bam saw Joe sitting at the bar and made his way over and shoved his pal who had been out of town for the last few days.

"The show's going good, huh." Bam said taking a seat beside him.
"Yeah. . . but forget about the show for a second. Is that Zoey chick retarded?" Frantz ask.
"Huh? What are you talking about?" Bam questioned him.
"I saw her just a few minutes ago. She acted like she didn't even know who you was." Frantz said.
"What do you mean you talked to her?" Bam ask quickly. "She's here? Zoey's here?" He ask raising his voice a bit more in panic.
"Yeah, she came and ordered some waters and then acted like she had no clue what I was talking about." Frantz said.
"FUCK!" Bam yelled burying his face in his hands.
"I've got to call her. . .then I've got to leave." He said pulling his cell phone and cigarette's from his pocket.

He walked out through the back exit. He looked around and saw a few people smoking, but didn't pay much attention to who they were. He just knew he needed to dial her number quickly, to check to make sure she didn't figure anything out.

Zoey reached down in her pocket once she felt it vibrate. She had turned the ringer off during the show. She didn't even smile when she saw who it was.

"Hey Bran." She said emotionless.
"Zoe. . . where are you?" He ask.
"Uhm. I'm at some show with my brother and his friend." She said raising up from the side of the building.
"Which show? What building?" He ask
"Uhm. Moxy something, and it's called the note. Bran hold on, I've got to turn my volume up."

She fumbled with her phone, and then pressed the wrong button. Ending the call instead of turning up the volume. She cussed, and then redialed his number. She waited patiently for him to pick up-- but what caught her attention was the sound of "Your Sweet Six Six Six" ringing from another phone. That was Brandon's ring tone to her, or so he said.

She walked out from the side of the building and looked around. She saw her brother's hero holding a blue phone, he was the one with the ring tone. He answered his phone and Zoey soon heard the voice trailing through her phone.

"Zoey. Zoey. What happened?"

She watched as the voice on the phone, matched the lips across the empty parking lot.

"Brandon." She said making sure it was him.
"Yeah?" He questioned.

She watched as the voice on the phone, and the lips in front of her moved at the same pace. She couldn't believe her eyes. Was it a consequence?

"Bran. . . What did you say my ring tone was on your phone again?"
"Sweet Six Six Six by HIM. Why? Listen Zoe. I just wanted to apologize for tonight." He said quickly.

Zoey walked out and towards the man who had no idea she had figured out the truth. He looked up and swallowed hard seeing her walk out from the blind side of the building. She looked at him, and then pointed to her phone.

Bam was shocked-- he didn't know what to do. All he could do was nod his head.

She now knew the truth-- and he wasn't ready for it.