Cyberspace Romance

Cardiac Arrest

Zoey woke up to the pounding on her hotel door. She tossed the covers off her body and then slowly made her way over to the door, opening it and starring at her little brother who was already up and dressed for the day.

"Ry. . . what time is it?" She ask still dazed from her sleep.
"Almost ten thirty, are you going with Jacob and I?" He questioned her.
"I'm suppose to go to lunch with. . Bam." She said struggling to say Bam instead of Brandon.
"Shit? Really? That's awesome. Well, call me when you get back here!" Ryder said going next door to his room.

Zoey turned around and walked back inside her hotel room, shutting the door behind her. She made her way over to her bed and picked her suitcase up from the floor. She tossed through it, wondering on what to wear. She decided on a simple pair of jeans, and a black heartagram shirt that Ryder had bought her for Christmas. She walked into the bathroom so she could get herself a shower and prepare for lunch with Bam.

Bam walked down his stairs dressed and ready to go to lunch. He had a grin ear to ear plastered on his face. Novak, scrunched his eyes up in confusion when Bam walked into the living area smiling.

"What are you smiling about?" Novak ask running his fingers through his greasy hair.
"I'm taking Zoey out to lunch." Bam stated.
"I thought she wanted nothing to do with you?" Novak ask.
"She's gonna hear me out." Bam said.
"and what are you going to say?" Novak ask leaning forward and picking up his drink.

Bam thought about this for a few minutes. He really didn't know what he was going to say to her. The only thing he could think of was allowing her to get to know him, without basing an opinion of his fame.

"Better think of something good." Novak mumbled.

Bam just rolled his eyes and smiled when his cell phone started ringing. He looked down at the caller I.D. and saw her number blinking he answered it.

"Bam?" She questioned.
"Yeah, Zoe. It's me."
"Okay. Uhm, you still wanna go somewhere for lunch?" She questioned him.
"Of course!, Where are you staying and I'll come pick you up?"

Bam listened as she told him the name of the hotel room and the number of the room. He jotted down the number on his hand just encase he forgot, and then hung up after telling her he was on his way.

"Good luck." Novak said.
"I'll need it." Bam muttered grabbing his hummer keys and walking out of the house.

Zoey sit patiently on the bed and waited for him to show up. She flipped through the channels on the television and looked through some of the flyer's and coupons that the hotel had provided for them. About fifteen minutes after she hung up the phone with Bam there was a knocking on her door. She raised to her feet and slowly walked over. She looked out the peep hole and saw him standing there with a grin. She rolled her eyes and opened the door.

He smiled, which caused a slow smile to curve into her lips.

"Hi." He said childishly.
"Hi." She said back crossing her arms.

Bam chuckled, knowing he had his hands full. Zoey was much different than any other girl in the world. She wasn't going to forgive him easy. He was going to need to work for her forgiveness.

"Do you like Mexican?" He questioned her.
"Mhm." She replied grabbing her jacket from the chair in the corner.

She walked out of the hotel room, shutting and locking the door behind her. She tossed the card into the bottom of her purse and followed him over to his blue hummer. She was surprised when he walked over and opened the door for her. She struggled to get into the hummer, but got in as gracefully as possible, buckled herself in, and waited for Bam to get in.

"You know, you don't have to be a gentlemen just because I'm mad at you." Zoey said once Bam got in. He just smirked.
"You think I'm being a gentlemen because you're mad at me?" He questioned her; backing out of the drive way.
"Yeah, actually, I do." She said looking out the window.
"and how do you know I don't open doors for girls all the time?" He ask.
"You branded a dick on your ass." She muttered lowly.

Bam laughed. Part of him forgot her brother made her watch all of his videos, so she pretty much knew everything he had done that had been showed on television.

"So just because I let someone brand a dick on my ass means I'm not a gentlemen?" He questioned after a few minutes of silence.
"I wouldn't expect you to be a gentlemen." She answered.
"Maybe I'm just full of surprises." He said smirking.
"Oh, I don't doubt that for one second." She said.

After a few minutes of silence they arrived at the Mexican restaurant. Bam got out and quickly walked over to her door and opened it. She stepped down from the hummer and walked inside with him. She was aware of how bitchy she was being, but she figured he deserved it after lying to her for so long. He led her to the back where there were several booths set up. He slid in one side, while she slid in the other.

"So, what's your excuse?" Zoey ask getting to the point.
"To be completely honest, I don't have one. I was putting it off for weeks. I just couldn't find the right time to tell you." Bam said.
"You didn't have a reason for lying to me about who you was?" She questioned not believing his reason.
"I dunno, Zoe. I mean, sure I'm not going to sign on the Internet and tell people I'm Bam Margera. What celebrity in their right mind would do that?" He questioned.
"Yeah, but we talked for over a month, Bam! You could have told me the first time we talked on the phone. You had so many opportunities." She said looking at him.
"I know, but I just didn't know how you'd react." He said smiling at the waitress who was coming over.

She took their orders and brought their drinks over. Then Bam continued their conversation.

"How did I know you wouldn't freak out?" He ask looking into her crystal eyes.
"Why would I?" She ask scrunching her eyebrows together.
"I'm a bit famous, Zoe." He reminded her.
"You're normal to me." She said.
"But, even you said I'm your brother's hero." He said confused.
"Yeah, you might be Ryder's hero, you're famous to Ryder. . . but to me you're just a regular guy from Pennsylvania. I'm twenty four years old, isn't that a bit too old to go crazy over a celebrity?" She ask.
"So you're saying you don't go crazy over celebrities?" He ask.
"No, not at all. I mean. . . send Johnny Depp my way and I might just faint. Or possibly the guy who plays Edward Cullen, now talk about hyperventilating.. . . but a guy who brands his ass with a dick?" She said joking about her last part.
"You're funny. . . very funny." He said shaking his head.

Their food arrived, and they ended up dropping the topic. Part of Bam was happy they did-- he hoped it was a sign of forgiveness. Once they finished eating he paid the bill, left a tip, and then they walked out of the restaurant together. He helped her inside his hummer and then started back towards her hotel.

"So, where do we stand now?" He questioned her.
"What do you mean?" She ask looking towards him.
"You forgive me or are you gonna hold it against me for life?" He ask smirking.
"I guess I can forgive you. . . only if you promise to not lie about anything else. Unless it's something gross you do, then please by all means lie your little heart out." She said smiling.
"Okay, That's a deal." He said chuckling.

He parked his hummer and then the two of them got out.

"So, when do you leave?" He questioned starring at the ground.
"Uhm, a couple hours I guess. Ryder wants to show me a few places around town."
"A couple hours? Come on, Zoe! You just got here. . ." He said wishing she lived here instead of New York.
"Actually, I got here yesterday! Remember? But someone bailed on me. . ."
"Hey! You said you forgive me." Bam reminded her.
"For lying, not for bailing." She teased.
"Fine, but you've got to give me a chance to make it up." He said.
"Hmm, maybe one day."
"New York is only like an hour away."
"Actually it's like an hour and a half away." She said cocky.
"Not when you drive a Lamborghini." He said proud.

Zoey rolled her eyes, and Bam just chuckled as he leaned against the hummer. He watched her turn around and stare at a car driving into the parking lot. It parked right beside her. In the driver's seat was the boy Bam recognized from the video and the note. He smiled and waved at Zoey's little brother. Ryder slowly opened the door and handed the keys to his sister.

"You've got to check out Duffer's, sis." Ryder said.
"Yeah, Zoe! It's fucking awesome." Jacob called from the other side of the car.

"Not gonna introduce me, Zoe?" Bam ask from behind her.

She turned around and smiled. Ryder stepped forward and Zoey introduced the two of them. Bam shook his hand and then leaned against the hummer.

"I saw your videos, you're pretty rad kid." Bam said to Ryder.
"Thanks. . . but I'm sure you was more interested in my sister than my stunts." Ryder said smiling at Zoey.

She blushed several shades of red and flashed him a unbelievable look. She smiled as Jacob walked over and joined in on Bam's conversation with Ryder.

"So, you're seriously doing a demo next month?" Ryder ask Bam.
"Yeah, just a few places though. One in New York, then two in Maine, one in Pittsburgh. That's about it, actually." Bam said recalling the places he had scheduled.
"I'll be there for the New York one." Ryder said.
"You better be kid." Bam said smiling.
"Ry, Jac, you guys better pack your stuff so we can visit a few more places before we head home." Zoey reminded them.

The boys nodded their head and then walked inside their hotel room, leaving Bam and Zoey alone.

"You don't have to go home today, do you?" Bam ask smiling.
"Work tomorrow morning."
"Call in sick." Bam suggested.
"No can do." Zoey said.
"Hopefully you don't run into any more of my ex's up there." He said smirking, remembering how Zoey had ended up doing Missy's hair.
"Oh yeah. . . do you always date trash?" Zoey said with a smirk that made his shameful.

Bam's mouth was hanging open. She had got him good.

"Maybe you'll change that, Zoe." He muttered under his breath as he watched Ryder and Jacob come out with their luggage.

"So, are you going to talk to me once you go back home?" He questioned her.
"I suppose I can pencil you in." She said smiling.
"Funny, very funny. . ." He said smiling
"I'll call you when we get home, okay?" She said opening the trunk for Jacob and Ryder.
"Fine. . . just be careful okay? The roads get pretty bad on Sunday's." He said.
"I will."

He nodded his head, and then walked over to her and pulled her into a hug.

"I would kiss you. . . but I'm kind of scared of what comment I'll get after, you're pretty ruthless with your remarks today." He whispered in her ear, and placed a soft kiss on her cheek, before letting go of her.

Zoey just smiled, trying hard to hold back her blush, and keeping her balance. The truth was, Bam's touch had made her legs feel like jelly. The whispering of his voice, made her almost faint, and the hot breath on her cheek nearly sent her into cardiac arrest.