Cyberspace Romance


Zoey stood there blow drying her last client's hair. It had been four days since she had returned home from West Chester. Her week at work had been hectic, since one of her co-workers had taken their vacation. She finished up the woman, and then took her cape off her neck and helped her out of the car. The elderly woman paid Jessica and then walked out of the door. Zoey began putting her things away.

Zoey helped Jessica clean around the shop a bit before they locked up and headed home. Zoe walked down the streets and smiled at a few passing by people. Her cell phone starting ringing, she struggled to balance her pure and cosmetology sack on her shoulder as she reached in her smock to find her phone. She finally pulled it out, and rolled her eyes playfully when she saw who it was.

"You know. . . Bam, it's dangerous trying to pick up the phone when you're packing about 15 pounds of hair crap down a busy side walk in New York." Zoey said laughing.
"Yeah, that's why you drive your car to work instead of walking, Zoe." He joked.
"It would take so much longer." She complained.
"Whatever. What are you doing tonight?"
"I'm not sure, why?"

All of a sudden a loud horn honked from the other side of the street. Zoey looked over and saw a bright blue Lamborghini parked. In the driver's seat was Bam. He smirked, pushed up his sunglasses and opened the door. He looked both ways before crossing the road, and then rushed over to Zoey.

"What are you doing here?" Zoey ask smiling as Bam pulled her into a hug.
"I just figured I'd visit a friend. . ." Bam said smiling.
"Oh, how nice." She said.
"Yeah, so where is Ryder?" He said pretending that the friend he came to see was Ryder and not her.
"Oh then, if that's the case." Zoey said walking up the street.

Bam chuckled and followed behind her. He noticed she fumbled in her pocket's for the keys. He reached over and took her sack off her shoulder and smiled.

"If you plan on staying for awhile. . . shouldn't you park that in our parking garage?"
"I'll just ask Ryder to do it." Bam said following her in her apartment.
"You're going to ask my brother to go park your Lambo?" Zoey ask confused.
"I've got insurance." Bam said as he walked into the living room and fell backwards on the couch.

Zoey dropped her sack to the floor and walked over to the refrigerator where she got herself a bottle of water. Ryder walked out of his bedroom and smiled when he saw Bam. He walked over to the pro skater and took a seat beside him. They talked for a few minutes. Zoey watched them as she leaned against the counter and sipped on her water.

"Oh. . ." Bam said reaching in his pockets. "Why don't you go park my lambo in the parking garage?" He ask Ryder.
"Y-yo-your Lambo? Ryder stuttered.
"Yeah, just don't run over any Taxi's and you should be fine." Bam said tossing Ryder the keys.

Ryder slowly raised to his feet and walked out of the house. Zoey shook her head and Bam chuckled as the teenager left the apartment.

"When he panics and kills someone, you're responsible." Zoey kidded.
"Nah, he's eighteen." Bam said smiling.

She just rolled her eyes and walked into the living room and took a seat beside Bam where Ryder had previously been sitting. He tossed his arm around the back of the couch and played with Zoey's hair a bit.

"So. . . there's a Kill Hannah show tonight. You wanna go?" Bam ask.
"I've heard of them." Zoey said.
"Yeah. . . so you gonna go?"
"What's the catch?" Zoey ask smiling.
"If you're taking me to a concert, then what do I have to do for you?"
"Just forgive me for bailing. . . that's all I ask." Bam said smirking.
"But then. . . I won't have anything to hold against you in the future." She pouted.
"That's the point!" Bam exclaimed.

She just giggled, and watched as Ryder walked in the room breathing loudly. He wasn't pale white, and he didn't look as if he was damaged so Bam and Zoey both assumed he was able to park the Lamborghini in one peace.

"That car is awesome!" Ryder said walking into the kitchen and grabbing a soda.
"Lindsay Newman saw me driving it, and I totally think she's going to ask me out." He said smiling as he sipped on his drink.
"Ry, she's like my age." Zoey said disgusted.
"Uh no. She's twenty three, not twenty four." Ryder said, acting as if that one year was the hugest difference in the world.
"and you just turned eighteen!" Zoey nearly yelled.
"Hey! Let the boy have some fun. . . Plus, it's legal so that's all that matters." Bam said smiling at Zoey.
"You're not helping." She muttered shooting him a death glare.

Zoey watched as Ryder walked into his room and shut the door behind him. She knew he was probably logging onto myspace so he could leave Lindsay some comment about how she looked good in her tight jean skirt and tube top. She rolled her eyes thinking about her brother being a player, and then laughed.

"What are you laughing about?" Bam ask.
"I'm just thinking about how Ryder's probably in there right now, spamming on that Lindsay girl." She said holding back her fit of laughter.
"How is that possibly funny?" Bam ask confused.
"If you knew how bad Ryder's game was. . . then you would understand."

Zoey had always teased Ryder on how he couldn't work the girls. He always scored dates, but most of the time he didn't end up doing well on them. He wasn't the most affectionate guy in the world, and he didn't know what to say at the right time.

"So, what time is the concert?" Zoey ask after a few minutes.

Bam scrunched his eyebrows up in confusion for a minute, and then pulled his cell phone from his pocket and started texting someone. Zoey watched as he closed his phone, tapped his finger against his knee, and wait for whoever to text him back. After just a few moments someone texted him back.

"Steve O says eight." Bam said reading the text.
"Steve O? I love him!" Zoey exclaimed.
"You love him? We are talking about the same Steve O? Right?" Bam questioned.

He didn't understand how his stuff disgusted her, while she loved Steve O?

"Yeah. . . he makes a cute face when he puts his thumbs up." Zoey said.

Bam laughed. That was her reason for loving him? He shook his head.

"Plus. . . he was so cute on Dancing With The Stars, when he loved on his dog. I just fell in love." Zoey said.
"You're kidding, right?" Bam ask.
"Yeah. . . Just wanted to see your reaction." Zoey said.
"So. . . you don't love Steve?"
"What does it matter? And no, I don't love him." She said laughing.

She sensed Bam's jealously. She could tell it in his eyes. She couldn't believe him though. Why would she love someone she didn't even know? She didn't believe in tossing around the word unless it had meaning behind it.

"So, we've got two hours until the show. . ." Bam said.
"and I guess I should get ready, huh." Zoey said smiling.
"It doesn't take you two hours, Zoe!"
"That's what you think. I'm going to take a long relaxing bath, and then pamper myself." She said getting up from the couch and walking away.

Bam just sit there shaking his head. He didn't know what it was about her, but she completely drove him crazy at times. In a good way, of course. When she mentioned she loved Steve-o he was jealous. He was glad she ended up joking though. He was beginning to think something was wrong with himself.

Reaching over he picked up the remote and turned on her television. He heard the water running from Zoey's bathroom and sighed.

It was going to be a long two hours without the cute red head to entertain him.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry if this update sucks. . . I've had like a bad headache all day, it took me like three hours just to type this. :\ So my apologizes.