Cyberspace Romance

Acceptance Letter

Zoey stood on a chair in her kitchen and washed down her cabinets. She was leaving tomorrow to go stay the weekend with Bam. She was looking forward to it, and couldn't get him off her mind. She had been cleaning non-stop since he left, hoping that it would somehow distract her mind from trailing off to him. Though that was failing. It didn't matter what she done, Bam still clouded her mind.


Ryder yelled coming through the front door. Zoey nearly fell from her chair in shock, but managed to catch herself. She slowly climbed down and then walked over to her brother who was about to piss himself with excitement. She had never seen him so happy. She pushed back some hair that had fell into her face and stumbled over to where he was reading a piece of paper. He looked nervous as his hands were reading the text.

"What is it?" She ask.
"I got into West Chester University!" Ryder squealed.

Zoey smiled, taking the paper from his hand. She had no clue he had applied to West Chester University. She studied over the acceptance letter and smiled at her brother. She was proud of him.

"Since when did you wanna go there?" She questioned.
"When we went there, Jacob and I saw it. . . I loved the school, and you gotta admit the town is amazing. . . So I figured I could give it a shot."
"Yeah. . ." Zoey said smiling.

She knew it wasn't set in stone yet, but it was very possibly that Ryder could be going to school in Pennsylvania. She pulled her brother into a hug and told him how proud she was. In less than a month he would be graduating from high school, and then starting college to make something of himself.

"Do you think after I graduate we could go down and take a tour?" Ryder ask.
"Yeah, we could arrange that. . . You wanna go with me this weekend?" She ask.
"No, no! I'm staying with Jacob, we've got a double date with the Smith twins." Ryder said smiling.

Zoey giggled a bit, and then finished cleaning the kitchen. Her apartment was now spotless. She had cleaned every room in the house, every corner, every crack. She could feel the butterflies fluttering around in her stomach when the phone began ranging. She knew it was him. She rushed over to the phone and smiled as she picked it up. As soon as she heard his voice, the butterflies started going crazy.

"Hey you." She said smiling.
"Hey beautiful. What have you been doing?"

She told Bam all about her day at work, and how she had come home and worked her butt off cleaning.

"Oh! But guess what?" She said.
"Hmm?" He ask.
"Ryder got an acceptance letter today, you'll never guess from where." She said grinning.
"Harvard?" He questioned with a laugh.
"No, Silly. West Chester!" Zoey said, a little bit happier than she would have wished.
"Shit! Really? So, is he moving here or what?" Bam ask interested.

He knew how close Zoey and Ryder was-- and knew if Ryder decided to go to college in West Chester, then that would mean a lot more Zoey around.

"We're not sure if he's even going there yet. After he graduates, we're coming down there and taking a tour of the college. Then he can decide." Zoey explained.
"and if he does decide to go to school here, is he gonna have a dorm or apartment?" Bam wondered out loud.
"Actually, i'm not sure. I never even thought about it being almost two hours away."

Zoey was so happy about Ryder being accepted she hadn't even began to think about the distance that would be placed between them. She had always been so close to her brother, he was her best friend, and now he could possibly be moving away. She didn't know if she liked the idea of college in West Chester anymore. Though, she decided to keep her opinions of that to herself for now. She knew nothing was set in stone, and if Ryder really wanted to go to college there-- then she would somehow fix it so he could.

"So, are you excited for tomorrow?" Bam ask
"I suppose so." Zoey said, hoping she didn't lose her cool.

She was more than excited. She was ecstatic about tomorrow. She couldn't wait to see Bam.

"I suppose so?" Bam ask hurt. "Come on, Zoe. . ."
"You know I'm excited, Bam." She said, following her sentence with a small giggle.
"I sure hope so. Ape and Phil can't wait to meet you."
"Your parents wanna meet me?" She questioned him.
"Yeah, they do. Ape especially."

Ape was thrilled that Bam had ask Zoey to come down for a visit. She couldn't wait to meet the girl who had brought back Bam's glow. Before Zoey came around, Bam was more like a zombie than a human. He hadn't been himself in over two years, and somehow when he met Zoey all of that changed. The sparkle in his eyes returned, along with the personality everyone loved.

"So, what are our plans while I'm there?" She ask wondering if he actually had plans for them.
"I figured we could wing it mostly. Though I do want you to meet some people. I figured one night we might have a cook out or something, and then the rest of the time we can do whatever." Bam said.

They had three days to spend together, and Bam planned on spending every second possible with her. He already knew so many things about Zoey, but there was still a lot of ground they hadn't covered. Part of that being their feelings for each other. Bam knew what he felt for her, he wasn't sure if it was love, but he knew whatever it was-- it was strong and growing daily. He needed to know if she felt the same way.

Bam and Zoey soon got off the phone. She needed to finish packing for her trip, and rest for work tomorrow. She walked into her bedroom and looked at her suit case. It already had several outfits in it, but she didn't know if they was the ones she really wanted to be stuck in.

She had never been like this before, and couldn't figure out why she was now. Not even when they first met was she like this. She didn't care what she wore, or how she looked until they kissed, and now she just wanted to look perfect. She sighed, running a hand through her long hair. Bam had probably seen her at her worse.

He had saw her getting staples in her arm, saw her without make-up, saw her when she first woke up, saw her when she was pissed at Ryder for taking all of her clothes. Clearly, he didn't mind what she looked like or how she dressed, so she really didn't have a reason to freak out.

"Ugh!" She groaned out closing her suit case.

These feelings were too much for her to handle. She hadn't felt this way ever! The bad part was though, she didn't know if he shared the same feelings or if he was simply along for the ride. Was it possible that she was maybe just a rebound chick? Maybe he was just using her to get over his ex wife? She knew she shouldn't jump to conclusions and assumptions, but sometimes she couldn't help it.

She had never been the girl with good luck in the love department. Her high school sweet heart ended up cheating on her the entire time they was together, and she had no clue. The last couple of guys she had casually dated had ended up being jerks. She hadn't had a real boyfriend in over three years, and wasn't sure if she was ready for one now.

She had so many things going on at the moment. Could she handle being someone's girlfriend? Not just any someone though, could she handle being Bam's girlfriend? The constant paparazzi hounding her about the two of them. Bam meant a lot to her-- but did he mean enough for her to give up her freedom?

If she and Bam did end up together. She knew it wouldn't be possibly to go walking out on the streets without being noticed. They wasn't even together, and her face had already been plastered on a tabloid magazine. She knew people would also take her words and change them. Rumors would be started on her, and some people would actually make her out to be a horrible person.

She bit on her bottom lip as she placed her converse in her suit case. Pondering on some of the things that had just rushed through her mind. She come to a conclusion.

Bam was worth it.
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