Cyberspace Romance


Zoey tossed the covers off her legs as her cell phone alarm went off. She had arranged to wake up early, so she could spend a little more time with Bam. She looked into the mirror that was placed in the bedroom she was in. Her make-up from the night before was still on; just smeared in a few places. Her hair was still straight, just messy from sleeping. She unwrinkled her tank top from sleeping and then walked out of the room quietly, making her way down to Bam's room.

Once she arrived to his door, she slowly pushed it open and walked in. She looked over on his bed and saw him laying there sleeping. She held a hand over her mouth to suppress her laugh when she saw him drooling on his pillow. Slowly she walked over to his bed. She smiled when she saw two cats at the bottom of Bam's feet curled up and also sleeping. He had mentioned he had them, and she recalled their names as Mischief and Trouble.

Slowly she pulled back the covers and crawled into the bed beside him. There was only a small amount of space available due to how he was laying, but she managed to make her small frame fit. She gently moved some of his curly locks away from his face, and watched as his eyes fluttered a bit; indicating he was waking up. Slowly, his ocean blue eyes were revealed, and with a goofy smile applied to his lips he told her "Good Morning".

"Morning, sunshine." She said a little too happy.

Bam groaned and then looked over at the blinking digital clock on the nightstand beside his bed. He closed his eyes and then opened them once again, not believing he was up before eight in the morning.

"It's Seven Thirty." He said.
"Mhm!" She declared, once again too happy for his sleepy state.
"Why are you up this early?" He ask rubbing his eyes.

He was now sitting up in the bed, which had caused the two cats to jump down and move out of the room. Zoey leaned up as well and looked over at the man she was falling in love with.

"I wanted to spend time with you before I leave." She said smiling.

He smiled, and then fell back on the bed, pulling her down with him. He slowly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. She shifted her weight until she was laying on his chest, listening to his steady heart beat. He slowly stroked her hair and starred up at his white ceiling, trying to make out designs of the swirls. The only picture in his mind was her though, and how much he was going to miss her when she left today.

"Do you have to leave?" he questioned after a few minutes of silence.
"We've already talked about it, Bam. I've got to." She said, wishing she didn't have to leave.
"How long until you come back?" He questioned.

Bam was aware she had a life in New York. A career, a brother, a home. But he was feeling selfish at the moment and not concerned with that. He only cared about them spending time together. There was still so much ground they needed to cover, and he had wanted to officially make her his before she went home.

"I don't know, Bam. . ." She said. "Maybe in a couple weeks?"
"Yeah. . . I'll come see you this weekend." He said smiling.

She grinned wide. She would defiantly like that. Though, she knew the two of them couldn't go out places when they were in New York. The paparazzi were crazy and would follow them everywhere, hound them with questions.

They laid in bed for a few more hours, just cuddling and talking. Zoey had never thought it was possible to fall for someone like this. She couldn't believe how it all started. Just a regular guy on the Internet, or what she thought was just a regular guy, and now she was laying in bed with a celebrity. But, that didn't matter to her. She actually would have wished Bam just be a regular guy. Being a celebrity made things complicated and constantly tested their relationship. But to be with him, she had decided she was ready to take on any test the world tossed at her.

"We better get you packed." He said getting up from the bed.

She was suppose to leave in an hour and hadn't packed her first item. Slowly she moved out of his arms and got up. The two of them walked down the hallway. She gathered all of her belongings and placed them in her suitcase. Bam grabbed her bottle of perfume and held it in his hand. If she was leaving-- then her scent was staying with him.

"Have you seen my perfume?" She ask looking around the room.

She smiled when she saw it in his hands.

"I don't really think it'll smell as good on you, Bam."
"It doesn't matter. I'm keeping it anyways." He said smiling.

She giggled and then nodded her head, not knowing why he wanted to keep it. She closed her suitcase and sighed as she took a seat on the bed she had stayed in the last few nights. Bam walked around and stood in front of her, looking down into her beautiful eyes.

"I'm gonna miss you, Zoe." He whispered as he placed his hands on her hands and pulled her up into a hug.

She pressed her face in his chest, and smelled in his scent. She would miss him too, more than he could ever imagine.

"I'll miss you as well." She said wrapping her arms around his waist.

For what seemed like forever, they stood there arms wrapped around each other in a tight embrace. Neither wanting to let go, because they was aware of how long it would be until they hugged once again. Slowly, Bam backed away and raised his hand up and brushed it across Zoey's jaw.

"I need to tell you something, Zoe." Bam said.

He was going to tell her he was falling in love with her. He just couldn't resist any longer. She nodded her head, ready to hear whatever he was going to say.

Just as he was opening his mouth to speak, he heard a loud scream throughout his house.

"LIFE PARTNER!" The voice echoed.

Bam tossed his head back-- Novak could ruin anything, he noted as he looked down at his auburn haired beauty.

"What is it?" She whispered.
"Now's not the time." He said kissing her forehead.

She nodded her head, and the two of them walked down the stairs where Novak was tossing things out of the refrigerator. Bam just ran his hands through his hair wondering what his friend was doing.

"What are you doing?" Bam questioned.
"I'm trying to find some food!" Novak said still looking through the refridge.

He turned around pulling out a box of hot pockets, and smiled seeing Zoey standing there. Part of him knew he had just ruined something, and he knew if he did-- there would be hell to pay later.

"Hi Zoey." He said slowly.
"Hi Novak." She said smiling.

Bam gave Novak a glare from hell when Zoey turned her attention away from the two. He also mouthed a threat over to Novak which caused the skater to frown instantly. Novak knew he would be going through hell for the rest of the day.

Bam packed Zoey's suit case down the stairs. Novak was now sitting on the couch watching television. Bam shook his head at his friend.

"I'll be back in about four hours. Do not, and I repeat do not trash my house." Bam said looking at his friend.

Novak looked up from his chips and soda and nodded his head. Right now, he knew to follow Bam's orders or there would be even more hell to pay. He waved goodbye to his friend and Zoey.

Bam sighed, Novak had ruined the perfect opportunity to tell Zoey he was falling in love with her. But at least he had the entire drive to New York to enjoy her company. Though he decided he would wait until another perfect opportunity presented itself before he expressed his feelings.
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