Cyberspace Romance


Zoey walked into the coffee shop where she was meeting Kristen for a drink and catching up. She took herself a corner booth and then pulled her book from her bag. She was on the third book in the Twilight Saga. She began reading the fourth chapter as she waited on her friend.

"Sorry, I'm late Zoe." Kristen said tossing her purse into the booth seat and sitting down.

Zoey looked up from her book and smile, placed the book mark in place and then closed the book and sit it down on the table. She smiled at her friend and the waitress who was waiting for Kristen to show up, came over, and they ordered their coffee's.

"So, what'd you end up doing yesterday? Ryder experiment any crazy ideas on you?" Kristen ask sipping on her drink.
"Nope. actually, he went out on a date last night."
"You were alone? You could've called, Zoe!"
"Oh. . . yeah, but I was caught up with stuff." Zoey explained.
"What kinda stuff?"
"Running my credit card bills up mostly, and then I chatted with this Brandon guy for awhile." Zoey said.
"Brandon guy? Please don't tell me you're talking to some stranger on the Internet. You know how dangerous that is!" Kristen hissed.

Zoey rolled her eyes and continued to drink her coffee. Kristen was all up for talking to guys on the Internet until she met one, dated him, and then he ended up being married. Now she was against it, since she had a bad experience. Zoey tried to tune her out as Kristen reminded her of the guy, named Greg from Florida.

"A wife, Zoey! Some perverts on there are MARRIED just looking for young girls like us to spend their time with for a day or two. Nothing, but liars, cheaters, and scum." Kristen continued though Zoey struggled to voice her out since her voice was growing more angrier.
"Kris, i'm not dating him! I just chatted with him ONCE. We talked music, television, family, and friends. Nothing else, it's not like I'm going to jump his bones." Zoey added once Kristen's rampage was over.
"I'm just looking out for you, Zoe." Kristen mumbled.
"I know, and I thank you. . . but trust me, I think I can handle myself." Zoey said.

After a few more minutes of uncomfortable conversation, Zoey said her goodbyes to Kristen. She loved her friend, but at times she hated her too. She was just a very controlling, and opinionated person who didn't know when to keep her opinion to herself. Zoey walked down the streets and smiled when she came across a booth that had fresh flowers. She handed the man a ten and a five and then picked up a bouquet. It would look good on her kitchen table, and probably take some of the odor of a teenage boy out.

She waved to her neighbors as she opened the front door of her apartment. Inside Ryder was spread out on the couch watching a skate DVD. She just rolled her eyes as she walked over, and took the clear vase from under the sink. Washed it, filled it with some water, and then placed the flowers in it, and set it in the middle of the table. Ryder peeked up over the back of the couch and laughed.

"You're such a girl, Zoe." Ryder said with a chuckle.
"I'm glad I'm such a girl. You're such an animal, Ry. I bet your room has the cure for cancer in there. Have you cleaned it this week?" She questioned him walking into the living room.
"I actually don't think I've cleaned it this year, Zoe!" He said with a grin.
"Yuck. So what are you doing today?" She questioned.
"Actually, probably just watching DVDs. Kyle burned me this awesome DVD with different skate footage." Ryder added.

Zoey took a seat in the recliner and watched a bit of the video with her brother. She didn't understand how he became so tuned out when a skate video was in. Sure, it was semi interesting to watch the guys do some tricks that she would never even dream of doing, but she didn't understand how her brother could just stare like a zombie at the screen for hours.

"Yes!! This is the Bam Margera footage. I can't fucking wait." Ryder said with excitement.

Zoey scrunched her eyebrows up in confusion and watched the screen. The video had changed from ramps in the middle of a city, to ramps in the middle of a forest. She wanted to giggle at a large brown monkey in the screen. Then a tattooed man with a pink thong came into the view, and jumped off the top of a ramp, missing his skateboard completely and falling right on his face.

"This is skateboarding?" Zoey ask, cringing as she saw a peek of his privates.
"No, that's Brandon Novak." Ryder added.
"He looks like he needs a shower." She said.
"He probably does. Haven't you watched Where The Fuck Is Santa?" Ryder ask.
"Why would I watch something titled that?" She questioned him.
"Because it's hilarious! Come on, Zoe! After this DVD is over. We're watching that." Ryder said.

Zoey just laughed and nodded her head. As long as she got to spend time with her brother then she could care less what she had to endure or watch. She told him she'd make them a quick meal and then they could watch the movie in peace. She decided on Tacos.

"Is the food almost done? Cause this just likes five minutes, then we're putting in Santa!" Ryder yelled.
"Yes, I'm just stirring the hamburger meat. You want soft shell or hard?" She ask not seeing the need to yell since they was only a room apart, and there wasn't even walls blocking them.
"Uhm." He stalled. "Mix it up!"

She laughed, and then fixed a tray of Tacos. She wish she had Ryder's eating habits. He could eat everything in the kitchen and not gain a pound. She was pretty lucky too with a fast metabolism. But she never dared try to force it to the limits Ryder did. She walked into the living room with a tray of Tacos, and then walked back for a two liter of Pepsi and two plastic cups. Ryder put the DVD into the player, and they started watching it.

"Whose that girl? She should put on some pants." Zoey added.
"Bams EX WIFE!" Ryder said with joy. "He finally got rid of the bitch." He added in a low tone.
"Aww, that's mean." She added when she saw them hitting the sleeping man with flour and snow.
"Shh, Zoe! Watch the movie."

Zoey huffed and then sit back and watched the movie. She cringed when she saw the naked thong guy appear on the screen. She was disgusted by him trying to do number two, then he walked around for two days with shaving cream on his face. She really liked the Chad, and Hanna guys from the video. They actually seemed nice. Bam was neutral to her. He was mean, and crazy but yet she could tell he had a sweet side.

"IS THAT AN EYEBALL?" She yelled getting ready to take a bite of her third taco.
"Yeah! Wait til later, he totally shits it back out." Ryder added with a laugh.

Zoey placed her taco down on the table unable to take a bit. She was pretty disgusted now. She leaned back in the chair and endured the rest of the video. She did however laugh at the end when they ended up not finding the real Santa. She wanted to yell in the boys face 'hahaha', but she knew she'd probably never meet any of the men from the video. Once it was over, she looked over at Ryder and shook her head. How could he watch this? It was worse than jackass! Certainly not for someone with a weak stomach such as herself.

"Did you like it?" Ryder questioned placing it back in it's case.
"It was something." Zoey said cleaning up the mess in the living room.
"Novak probably grosses out every girl in America, it's not just you sis." Ryder said walking away.

Zoey laughed and then grabbed her laptop from the kitchen and turned it on. She smiled when she had an offline message.

"Hey woman, where are you? Thought it was a date!"

She noticed he was online and replied instantly before checking anything else.

"Sorry, Ry made me watch this weird Santa film with him." She said.
"Santa film? Aren't you a little old to be watching Santa Clause movies."
"I wish! Some guy ate an eyeball and then shit it back out. I nearly dropped my taco."

Bam chuckled when he read her reply. He thought she was watching some lame Christmas cartoon, when in reality she had spent her afternoon watching him.

"So, you liked the movie though?"
"It was okay, but don't ever tell my brother that. I kinda let him think I'm too old for the Jackass stuff."
"The guys doing it are all either near or in their 30s, what makes you think you're too old to watch?"
"Uhm. Having a seventeen year old brother whose been into it since he was like ten. . . yeah, that kinda turns a girl off from it. It's like a girl wanting to play with trucks. I'm just a Barbie type of girl I guess. Wait, no i'm not. . . but you get the idea?"

Bam laughed at her. He was glad she wasn't completely disgusted by his videos.

"So, where are you from, Brandon? We didn't cover that last night."
"Pennsylvania." He said without thinking.
"Awesome, as you know. . . I'm from NY. I'm probably going to be traveling down to Pennsylvania soon though."
"Really? Why?"

His heart skipped a beat. She was coming to Pennsylvania? Why? Was it to do with him?

"Just for a day. Ryder wanted to go there once he celebrated his eighteenth birthday. He wants to visit a few shops and such in a little town. His hero is from there."
"His hero?
"Bam.. Bam, it's Bam something."
"Margera?" He typed with a smirk playing on his lips.
"Yeah! That's the one. He thinks if he hangs around his home town, he'll accidentally run into him."
"It could happen." Bam typed with a smile.

Zoey and Bam spent the next several hours typing to each other and once again getting to know each other better. They covered most of the basics that were left.

"Okay. on the count of three favorite color." She typed.

Each one of them counted to three out loud, and then began type their answer.

"Purple." Zoey's answer came up on the screen.
"Royal Purple." Bam's followed.
"Royal purple? Why Royal purple?" She questioned him.
"Cause. . . purple probably makes me sound like a queer, but if I add royal, it makes me seem more like a man, right?"
"No, still sounds like a queer to me! JK" She typed.

He laughed, he was glad she had a sense of humor. That was something his ex lacked. She had a dry sense of humor, and couldn't handle his personality and stunts.

Zoey yawned and then realized it was almost eleven at night. She needed to get off the net and go to bed if she was ever going to be able to get up in the morning.

"I've go to get going, Bran. Work early in the morning."
"Okay, Night. Same time tomorrow night?"
"Yeah, same time tomorrow night. Good night, and sweet dreams.

With that she ended the conversation and signed offline. Leaving Bam completely dazzled by her wit, personality, sense of humor, and over all beauty. He really wished he could talk to this girl one on one rather than behind a computer with a almost hidden identity. But the truth was, he was scared to talk to her one on one. He just knew he'd be nervous around her, and that was one thing he had never experienced. He hadn't ever had butterflies, or got nervous around a woman so he had no clue what to do in situations like that.