Cyberspace Romance


Novak watched as Bam sit at the bar, and tossed back more beers. Novak had done a good job at staying sober tonight, he didn't want Bam doing something he would regret.

"another." Bam slurred to the bartender.
"I think you've had enough, bro." Novak said.

Bam looked over at his friend and shook his head, he then grabbed another beer bottle and tossed it up to his lips, gulping down the contents. He wasn't sure how much alcohol he had consumed tonight, but even he could tell he was more than he was used to but he didn't care. He knew alcohol was the only way to get Zoey out of his mind.

Eva and Jenna were sitting at the other end of the bar enjoying their night off. Jenna nudged Eva in the side and pointed down to the other end of the bar where Bam and his friend was sitting.

"I can't believe he's already out drinking." Jenna said.
"Yeah. . . it hasn't even been a week. Look whose coming over his way too."

Amanda slowly walked over and smiled over at Bam. He raised his hands up to his eyes and rubbed his eyes to try to make his vision more clear. After a minute of looking at the girl he noticed who it was. Amanda, the devil who had put him and Zoey in their current situation.

"Bam, I'm so sorry about you and Zoey." She said sweetly.
"I don't care." Bam mumbled with a bit of a slur.
"So, I was wondering if you wanted to go out some time. . ." She said flipping a lock of hair behind her ear.

Bam studied her face and then groaned. Who was he kidding? Amanda nor any other woman could ever compare to Zoey. Even in his drunken state he could see that clear as day. He finished off his last beer and then got up from the bar, and stumbled out of the Note.

Novak turned around and noticed Bam was missing. He scrunched his eyebrows up in confusion as he scanned the crowd for his friend. He groaned and then got up from the table and walked out of the bar and looked around. He looked towards the parking spot where Bam had parked earlier, and noticed the Mercedes was missing. He looked towards the road and saw the black car getting ready to pull out. He looked down the road and noticed a large SUV coming down the road.

"BAM!" Novak yelled, running after him.

He hoped he wasn't drunk enough to forget to look both ways before pulling out. He watched as the black Mercedes pulled out in front of the SUV. He heard a loud squeal of breaks as the SUV swerved to miss Bam's car, but ended up hitting the back of it anyways. He kept running as he watched Bam's car flip three times and then land on it's hood.

"CALL 911" Novak yelled to the woman in the SUV when she got out of the vehicle. By this time he had finally arrived at Bam's driver's side door.

"Bam, Bam! Can you hear me?" Novak ask trying to open the door. He saw Bam's bloody face on the air bag. He was passed out, or dead. Novak couldn't tell. He finally managed to open the door. He reached in and checked Bam's pulse, thankfully he was still alive, only knocked unconscious from the collision. Novak struggled to free him from the car. The airbag had burned his neck, and he was bleeding from his head.

"I called 911." The woman said.

Novak nodded his head and laid Bam down on the concentrate. People from the bar were now walking out to see what was going on. Jenna and Eva both ran over to see what was going on.

"Is that Bam?" Eva gasped.
"I think it is. . . should we call Zoey?" Jenna questioned.

The ambulance arrived a short bit later. They loaded Bam up into the back and rushed him off to the hospital. Novak rode in the front of the ambulance and phoned Ape and Phil, along with a few others. He couldn't believe Bam pulled out in front of that woman.

Zoey rolled over and picked up her ringing phone. She yawned, wondering who was calling her at a time like this.

"Hello?" She said
"Zoey? This is Eva-- Bam was in an accident."

Zoey raised up in the bed quickly as Eva explained what had happened. She cursed, and then ask her what hospital she was going to. She tossed the covers off her feet and then rushed to the closet and pulled anything she could find out. She slipped the clothes on and then quickly grabbed her keys and ran out of the house.

Even though she and Bam were over. . . she still cared for him, and didn't want anything to happen to him.

Zoey walked through the hallways of the hospital, worried, and frantic. Tears were trying to escape her eyes, but she was doing a good job at holding them back. She saw Jess and Kel leaned up against the wall. Kel looked like she was about to blow, she had to be at least eight months pregnant.

"How is he?" Zoey ask Jess.

Jess was surprised to see Zoey standing there. Bam had told everyone he and Zoey broke up.

"He's getting a test done right now. They know he's broken two ribs, and his left arm is broke. We're not sure about anything else." Jess said.

Zoey nodded her head and walked into the waiting room. There sit Ape, who had her head buried in Phil's shoulder crying. Ape looked up from Phil's shoulder and smiled weakly when she saw Zoey.

"Zoey." She said waking over to her, pulling her in a hug, "I'm so worried." Ape said.

Zoey rubbed her back hoping to comfort her.

"I'm so sorry that you two didn't work out." Ape mumbled.
"It's okay. . ." Zoey said.

Bam had told Ape that he and Zoey decided to call it quits, he didn't elaborate on what had happened or give her any details of their break up. Though, Ape suspected something bad had happened.

"He's out of the test. He's in the room." Jess said sticking his head through the door.

Ape and Phil slowly walked out of the waiting room and down to where Bam was. Zoey stood in the hallway outside his door where Novak was.

"How is he?" She questioned.
"He's gonna be alright. He's in a lot of pain though." Novak said.
"What happened?"
"He pulled out in front of this huge SUV. He was drunk though." Novak said.
"But he's alright though?" Zoey ask
"Yeah, he's gonna be alright."
"Aren't you gonna go in and see him?" Novak ask.
"No. . . I just wanted to make sure he was alright." Zoey said.

She couldn't bare to see Bam bruised and busted up. She was in enough pain as it was dealing with being away from him, if she saw him laying there helpless then she knew she wouldn't be able to stand her ground. She didn't even know why she was being so stubborn about the whole situation.

She waved goodbye to Novak and then walked out of the hospital. Tears slipped out of her eyes. She wished Bam wouldn't have cheated on her. What had she done wrong? She knew she never really gave him a chance to explain, but would his explanation really matter to begin with? She pushed all the thoughts to the back of her mind-- Bam was fine, and that's all that mattered. They would both slowly move on and eventually get over each other.