Cyberspace Romance


Bam slowly raised up out of the hospital bed, but he fell back down. The pain shooting through his body was excruciating. It wasn't just the physical pain either, he had used the entire night to sober up and reflect on what had happened over the past week. He had lost Zoey, lost the woman he loved more than anything. He glanced up at the ticking clock on the wall and saw that it read a bit after eleven in the day. He knew that it had been almost four hours since his last dose of medication. The doctors had him on a heavy pain killer since he was in so much physical pain.

"You feeling any better?" Ape said walking into the room.

Ape frowned when she saw Bam's face. The swelling was horrible, his left eye was nearly swollen shut, and there was a scratch coming down from his forehead to his temple that required 34 stitches. His left arm was in a cast, and his stomach was bandaged up because of his broken ribs. The rest of him was covered with scratches and bruises.

"I feel a bit loopy." He replied.
"It's the medication." Ape told him, and waited for the nurse to walk in with another dose.

Ape watched as the nurse walked into the room with a cup and a zip lock bag in her hand. She had all of Bam's medication inside the bag. She took out the three pills he was on, and then watched as he took the tablets. She gave him a weak smile and then walked out of the room. Bam leaned back on the pillow and groaned.

"You've done some pretty stupid stuff, but drinking that much, and then driving was the dumbest yet." Ape said.
"I know." He said, not wanting to disagree with her.
"You could have killed that woman in the SUV, Bam! You're lucky she's not suing. . . Jess went ahead and took care of her vehicle damages." Ape said.
"I know, mom. I'm a dumb ass."
"And poor Zoey! She looked so helpless when she was here!" Ape said.

Bam looked over at his mom confused. When did Zoey stop by? Did she stop by to see him or did she have another reason for stopping by?

"When was she here?" Bam questioned, hoping she answered before the pills knocked him out.
"Last night-- as soon as she heard about the accident she came." Ape said.
"Did she come in the room?" Bam questioned, he didn't remember seeing her.
"No. . I believe she talked to Novak, and then left."

Bam didn't blame himself for the break up. He was blaming them both. He didn't look at what he done as cheating. He had thought it was Zoey-- and he had even tried to explain things to her two different times. She was being stubborn, and allowing a misunderstanding to cause them a break up. What could he do if she wouldn't listen?

"So, what happened between you two?" Ape questioned.
"I kissed another girl. . ."
"Let me finish. . . I thought it was Zoey. . ." He said trailing off with his conversation due to the medication kicking in, "but. . it wasn't." He said before closing his eyes.

Ape couldn't make much out of Bam's response to her question. She reached over and pulled the covers up over him and watched as he slowly went to sleep. Her heart ached for Bam. She knew he must be going through a lot. He loved Zoey so much, anyone could see that. She just wished there was something she could do to help the situation.

Zoey curled her clients hair quietly as everyone around her chatted. She couldn't concentrate on anything but Bam. She was so worried about him. She wondered if he was really okay, of if he was hurt. Novak had said he would be fine, but that still didn't help her sleep last night.

"You alright, Zoe?" Eva questioned.
"I'm fine." Zoey said, giving her friend a weak smile.

She finished up her client and then sent her on her way. She was glad the day was almost over. The bell to the salon rang, and she looked up to see who was walking in the door. She smiled seeing Ryder and Shianne walk in, hand in hand. She walked over and hugged each of them.

"We brought you some cookies from the bakery." Ryder said.

Zoey smiled, and reached into the brown bag and pulled out a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie and took a big bite out of it. Shianne smiled up at her.

"I'm glad I can eat them and not feel guilty now." Shianne said laughing.
"Yeah-- I can't wait for you to get a little pouch." Zoey said.

After thinking about it, and coming to terms with the fact that Ryder was going to be a father whether she liked it or not. The idea of a baby was growing on Zoey; she actually couldn't wait to spoil it.

"What's Frantz doing today?" She ask Shianne, finishing off her cookie.
"He's going to go see Bam." Shianne said.
"Do you know if he's doing any better?"
"They said he looks pretty beat up." Shianne said.

Zoey nodded her head and slowly took the next client in. She wanted so badly to go and visit Bam. To see how he was doing, and place a kiss on his forehead. She wanted to take care of him, change his bandages, and nurse him back to health. But her heart was broken into a thousand pieces. He was her first love, and he had betrayed her by kissing another woman.

The day passed by rather quickly because they started getting busy. At the end of the day, Zoey closed up the shop and headed home. She still had some painting she needed to get done and thought this afternoon would be the perfect opportunity to do so. It would help her keep her mind off Bam.

She pulled into her drive way and was surprised to see Bam's hummer sitting there. She scrunched her eyebrows up in confusion, as she stepped out of her car. Sitting on her porch was Ville and Novak. She walked up on the porch and looked at the two of them.

"What are you guys doing here?"
"You should go see him, love." Ville said.
"He's doing alright-- even Novak said so."
"Yeah-- he's doing alright, but Zoe. It really was a misunderstanding." Novak said.
"I saw it with my own eyes, Novak. There was no misunderstanding. Bam and Amanda kissed-- he cheated on me, you cant take away from that."
"He says he didn't know it was her-- he thought it was you." Ville said.
"He was wrong." Zoey said walking past them and into her house.

Ville groaned loudly, and walked off the porch. Novak pushed open the door and then walked inside the house. He spotted Zoey walking down the hallway. He followed her and then stood in the door way.

"Zoey! What the fuck is your problem. Just fucking talk to him."

Zoey turned around, shocked that Novak would walk into her house and talk to her like that.

"He's the one who fucking cheated on me." Zoey spat.
"But you're the one whose being immature about the fucking situation-- At least fucking hear him out! You said you loved him. How did that change in a fucking week?" Novak ask.
"I do love him. Don't stand here and tell me I don't. He fucking hurt me! Don't anyone understand that? I fucking saw him kissing another woman!"
"If he wanted to cheat on you, don't you fucking think he'd do it somewhere where he wouldn't get caught? He's not fucking stupid, Zoey. You should get your head outta your ass before it's too late." Novak said walking out of the room.

He was aware that Bam had messed up. But Zoey wouldn't even hear him out, so she was messing up just as bad as he was. He slammed her front door and then walked over and got inside the hummer and headed off towards the hospital to visit his friend.