Cyberspace Romance

Waiting Room

Zoey paced back and forth through the hospital waiting room. The room was now packed with many of Bam's friends and family members. The doctors hadn't told them anything in the last few hours. They had no idea if he was going to live or die. Zoey just couldn't believe this was happening. How did this happen? Not even a month and a half ago, everything was going good for the two of them. They were happily in love, and ready to take their relationship to new levels, and then the Amanda thing hits, and it's all down hill from there.

"You're gonna walk a hole in the floor, Zoe." Ryder said looking up from his chair.
"I can't help it." Zoey mumbled.
"She should fucking be walking a hole in the floor. It's all her fucking fault." Novak mumbled.

Jess shot Novak a glare, which told him now wasn't the time to blame her. Zoey bit down on her bottom lip as she forced back the tears. It was her fault. She shook her head and then walked out of the waiting room.

"Way to go dick head." Chad mumbled, getting up from the chair and walking out of the room.

He was probably the only one who didn't think Zoey was being childish and immature. He had been cheated on once before, and knew how hard it was to get over it. He caught her just before she got in the elevator, and spun her around and wrapped his arms around her in a warm hug.

"It's gonna be alright, Zoe. Novak's just a dick head."
"He's right." She mumbled through the tears. "It's all my fault."

Chad shook his head, and continued to rub her back. He wished she would calm down. They was going through enough stress with Bam on the verge of death, and Kelli three days over due, they didn't need a hysterical Zoey on top of that. After nearly ten minutes of convening, Chad finally talked her into going back into the waiting room. She walked over and took a seat next to him. Novak shot Chad a glare when he sit down beside Zoey.

"Who the fuck does he think he is? Bam's laying in there fucking almost dead, and he's comforting that bitch." Novak whispered.
"Shh." Ville hissed.
"Yeah, man. Just shut up about it." Dunn added.

Noavk rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. He was blaming Zoey for this-- only to hide the fact that he really blamed himself. He was the one who gave Bam the number to his old dealer, which meant he was the reason he had an excessive amount of pills to began with.

Zoey buried her face in her hands. This was the worse time of her life. She was going insane as she sit there not knowing what was going on with Bam. Was he dead or alive? She remembered back to all the times they shared. All the dates they had went on, all the kisses they shared. She couldn't help but to cry even more. He was everything she ever wanted in a man. He made her feel alive-- he made her strive to take her life places she never thought it was possible to take. He gave her courage; he pushed her.

The door came open, and everyone looked up hoping to see a man in a long white coat; only to see Johnny Knoxville, and Steve-o walk in. The room instantly frowned and the guys walked over to where Dunn and Novak were sitting to be filled in on what was going on.

"Stop beating yourself up over it." Chad said.
"It's my fault though." Zoey mumbled.
"it's not your fault, Zoey. Stop it." Chad said.

Chad could look at Zoey and tell she had been going through the same pain as Bam had, only she didn't handle it was prescription drugs. She looked about twenty pounds lighter, and she had bags formed under her eyes. She looked very ill, and different from the bright ray of sunshine he had met before. All of her personality and spunk had been drained from her.

He knew they needed each other to complete one another. They were each others key to the lock. Both miserable without one another. Chad knew that after this, they would have a lot of working to do if they wanted a relationship. New bridges of trust would need to be built, and they would have to each get over things from the past. If Bam survived, Chad knew he would possibly have to go into rehab or some sort of detox to get off the pain killers his body was addicted to. It was going to be a hard road ahead for them, but Chad had all the faith in the world that the two of them would make it.

The door opened up, and this time a man in a white jacket did walk out. He had a emotionless face as he stepped into the room and ask for the immediate family. Zoey's heart sunk to the pits of her stomach-- she knew he had died. Why else would he only ask for the immediate family? She watched as Phil, Ape, and Jess raised from their seats and walked out into the hallway.

The doctor gave Ape a small smile, and then sighed.

"He's awake, but a little fuzzy right now. We've got him stable though. We almost lost him again, but somehow by a miracle he pulled out of it. I wanted to speak to you all alone, because I personally think he's going to have to go into rehab or detox to get over his addiction." The doctor said.

"But he's fine? He has no internal injuries? Nothing's wrong with him?" Ape ask.
"He's fine, a bit fuzzy like I said-- but he's going to have to work to over come this addiction."
"When can we see him?" Phil ask.
"Right now if you want." The doctor said, and began escorting them down a room.

Bam looked out the window and sighed. His mouth was dry, and he felt like a complete pile of shit. He didn't know how long he had been out for-- the doctors just told him he was very lucky. He huffed when they told him that. He didn't want to be lucky, he wanted to be dead. He was sick of the pain-- sick of not being able to have her anytime he wanted.

"Bam?" His mother's sweet voice said.

He turned over and faced her and smiled. He knew her heart was breaking right now. He had put her through a lot of shit in his twenty nine years, but attempting suicide was by far the worse. She walked over and hugged him. He could feel her tears through the blue hospital gown.

"I'm fine, Ape." He said, his voice hoarse and dry.
"I'm gonna murder you if you ever try that again, kid." She said kissing his forehead.

He gave her a weak smile, and watched as his father and brother came into the room.

"So. . . I guess I'm getting shipped off to some dinky rehab when I get outta here, huh?" Bam ask, trying to be light of the situation.

He had always teased Novak, Steve-o, and his other friends about having to go into rehab to fix their problems. He never thought he would get an addiction that he needed help for. He was wrong.

"Yeah. . ." Phil said, looking at him.

Bam nodded his head-- he didn't know what to say to his family. He couldn't tell them why he done it. He would sound stupid, but he also couldn't make up a lie. He knew they would see right through him.

"You wanna see her?" Jess questioned.

Bam looked at him for a minute, and then wondered who he was talking about. He then smiled, and realized he must be talking about his newest kid-- the kid that was due any day. Was Jess a father for the third time while he was knocked out?

"What'd you name her? I thought it was going to be a boy. . ." Bam said laughing.
"What are you talking about?" Jess ask.
"The kid-- you had your kid, right?" Bam ask.
"No. . . Kel's still pregnant, I was referring to Zoey."

Bam's heart skipped a beat-- which right now wasn't very healthy for him. She was here?

"She's. . . She's here?" He stumbled with his words.
"She's been here for hours, Bam." Ape said, "You wanna see her?"

Bam nodded his head. He hadn't saw her smiling face in over a month. He couldn't wait to see her. He watched as Jess walked out of the room to go fetch her. Ape walked over and kissed him once again on the forehead.

"We'll give you two some alone time. . ." Ape said, and then she and Phil walked out of the room.

Bam laid there nervously waiting for Zoey to walk into the room. He could see her beautiful smile already. He couldn't wait to see her again.