Cyberspace Romance


Bam held the pool stick in his hands as he watched Novak take his turn. He was trying hard to concentrate on the game, but it was becoming difficult to him. Zoey had ask him last night if he wanted to meet up with her when she was in Pennsylvania. Of course, he told her yes. But now he was scared of his answer. What would she do when he showed up and he wasn't what she was expecting? He just didn't know how to break the news to her.

"Bam.. Bam?" Novak said waving a hand in front of his face.
"Huh?" Bam ask confused.
"It's been your turn for like two minutes. Dude, what's wrong with you lately?" Novak ask.

Bam took a deep breath in, and then explained his current situation to Novak. The only person who knew he had been talking to Zoey was Frantz. Novak's face went from shock, to confusion, and back to shock. Bam didn't expect him to understand though.

"So let me get this right. . ." He started talking. "You've been chatting with this chick on the Internet and phone, and never met her." He said recalling the facts Bam had just told him, "and now she wants to meet, and you're scared to?" Novak said.
"Yes. Pretty much." Bam said leaning against the pool table.
"Why are you scared?" Novak ask.
"She has no idea who I am, Novak. She calls me Bran. Her brother is like my biggest fan."
"How did you even find her?" Novak ask curious.

Bam then explained how he had watched her on a video at Frantz house, and became curious with her. After a few minutes-- Novak had convinced him to let him watch a few of the videos that contained Zoey.

"She's hot." Novak said.
"She's just not hot, Novak. She's funny, intelligent. . ." Bam said, though Novak interrupted him.
"Wait a second!" Novak said. "You're not thinking about dating her, are you?"
"You just got out of a relationship, Bam!" He nearly screamed. "A MARRIAGE!" He continued.

Bam rolled his eyes-- he should have known not to tell Novak. Novak wanted him to remain single for the rest of his life so the two of them could pick up drunk trashy girls from the bar each night.

"Did you tell her you'd meet her?" Novak ask.
"Yes." Bam replied running his fingers through his hair.
"Are you gonna back out?" Novak questioned him.
"I'm not sure." Bam replied honestly.

He wanted to meet Zoey-- he did, very bad. But how was he suppose to meet her when she believed he was someone different? Sure, he hadn't fat out lied to her about anything, but he surely hadn't told him the truth either. He ran his fingers through his hair, not knowing what to do.

Zoey cleaned out her closet, trying to find outfits for her trip, even though it was still nearly a week away. She was excited about Pennsylvania. She would be meeting Brandon, spending time with her brother, and taking a vacation all in one weekend. Could it get any better?

Walking out of her bedroom and into the kitchen she laughed seeing Ryder have shaving cream all over his face. He shot her a glare and then turned his attention towards the mirror in the kitchen.

"Are you shaving?" She ask.
"What else would I be doing with shaving cream on my face?" He questioned raising a razor to his face.
"Okay smart ass. Better question. Why are you shaving in the kitchen?" She ask.
"Because Jacob is taking a shit in our bathroom, if you really wanna know."

She placed a look of disgust on her face and then turned around and began washing some of the dishes. Sometimes, her brother was a bit too blunt with her.

"So, did you ask Brandon to hang out while we're in Penn?" Ryder ask.
"Yeah, he and I are gonna catch a movie while you two go out." She said smiling.
"That's pretty cool. Oh, Jacob and I are going out tonight." Ryder said.
"It's a school night, Ry." Zoey reminded him.
"I know, we'll be back before ten, promise."

Zoey nodded her head. Even though Ryder was crazy, spontaneous, and a teenager-- he was mature enough to determine when he could and couldn't go out. She handed him some cash and then watched as he and his best friend left. She sighed, as she closed the door behind them and walked over to her couch, slumping down on it and turning on the television. She began watching 'Juno', laughing at the extremely funny one liners from the video.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

She reached over and picked up her phone. Smiling when she saw the number on the I.D.

"Hey Bran."
"Hey Zoe. What're you doing?" He ask.
"Watching Juno, and yourself?"
"Getting ready to go out with my friend to the bar for a bit. Figured I'd call and talk to you for a bit though."

She smiled at how thoughtful he was. Brandon seemed like a busy guy-- but he also made plenty of time for Zoey. They spent at least two hours on the phone every single day. Sometimes, at night they would talk for three or more hours. It just depended on what he had going on, and how sleepy she was. She had never got bored of him though, and they had covered so much ground.

"So. . . you never did tell me why you keep your brother." He said wondering why a seventeen year old boy lived with his older sister and not his parents.
"Oh, uhm. My parents passed away last year." She said recalling the event.
"Zoe, I'm so sorry. . I had no idea." He said feeling sorrow for her.
"Oh, I'm fine with it now. I just miss them, but at least I have Ry." She said.
"Yeah. . . what happened if you don't mind me asking?"
"Car accident. A drunk driver hit them head on. Killed them, and himself." She said recalling back to the cold winter night she had received the call.

Bam felt horrible for Zoey. She was too young to lose her parents, and then have to raise her younger brother. He knew it must be hard for her to handle all that responsibility. Just another reason to admire her though. They chatted a bit more before Novak became annoying and Bam knew he needed to get off the phone to make an appearance at The Note.

"I've got to go babe. I'll call you tomorrow. Alright?" Bam said.
"Okay, have fun. . . We're still on for next weekend, right?" She ask.
"Yeah, unless something comes up." He said.
"Of course, I know you're busy, Bran." "Have fun at the bar. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

Bam walked into his bar and was greeted with several familiar faces. Dunn and Dico were sitting at the bar chugging down beer when he walked over and took his seat. Novak traveled off in search of anyone who he could sleep with. Bam nodded towards Seth who was bar-tending and got himself a beer.

"So how's it hanging, Bam?" Dico ask.
"Pretty good."

Dico ended up getting drunk and traveling off into the bar searching for Novak. Dunn laughed, and then looked over at Bam. He was never one to hide his feelings, and Dunn had learned how to read Bam like an open book.

"What's bothering you?" Dunn ask.
"It's obvious?" Bam questioned him.
"Yeah, pretty obvious."
"I don't know. . . just confusion, I guess." Bam said.
"Confusion about what Bam?" Dunn ask.
"I met this girl, Ryan. I really like her, but yet. . . I don't know what to do."
"Tell her you like her, we aren't in the fifth grade." Dunn said laughing.

Bam chuckled, and then explained the story of Zoey to Dunn.

"So. . . she has no idea you're famous?" Dunn questioned him.
"She just thinks I'm a regular guy from Pennsylvania named Brandon." Bam said.
"Well, in some aspects. You are just a regular guy named Brandon." Dunn said.
"Yeah if you consider branding dicks to your ass regular." Bam said with a laugh.
"Dude, I'm sure she could care less about those little details. If she likes you, she'll understand. I would tell her now though, before she finds out some other way."
"Well she's coming in next weekend. Her brother is my biggest fan and wants to come down here for his eighteenth birthday." Bam said taking a sip of his beer.
"That sounds like a good time to tell her." Dunn said.

Bam nodded his head and thanked his friend for his advice. He was glad he had a friend like Dunn to make up for Novak's response. Bam couldn't believe Zoey made him feel like this. He hadn't even met the girl, and he already had such strong feelings for her. He wondered what it was about her that had him feeling like this.