Cyberspace Romance


Zoey walked into Bam's house to clean up after Novak-- she knew he had probably destroyed the house since Bam was gone. She opened the front door and was surprised to see the house still standing. Piles of empty beer bottles and cans were stretched across the house, not to mention empty pizza boxes and other food containers. She groaned as she sit her purse down on a clean spot on the counter. She wondered if Novak was even home-- she knew he didn't like her anymore. Things between the two of them were still sour over the Bam situation.

Zoey grabbed a black garbage bag from the closet and then walked around the room and started picking up random trash. She rolled her eyes when she saw dirty condom's laying in the living room floor. Clearly, Novak had no respect for Bam's house. She cleaned up everything but the condom wrappers-- she wasn't going to touch them with her hands. Once all the trash was cleaned, she then got a broom and dust pan. She went around the downstairs sweeping up all the condoms laying out. She was disgusted by Novak's living behaviors while Bam was away. The least he could do is put his dirty condoms in a trash bin.

Once everything was off the floors, she decided to vacuum the rugs. She got out Bam's fancy vacuum and turned it on. It roared to life, and then cleaned the rugs of all the dirt and filth that were attached to them.

Meanwhile, up stairs in his bedroom Novak groaned as the sound of vacuum cleaner. He got out of bed, managing to move across the lady he had slept with the night before, and slipped on a pair of jeans. He grumbled, as he walked out of the door. He looked over the banister of the upstairs and expected to see Ape's blond hair bouncing as she cleaned the downstairs. He was shocked to see Zoey down there.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He yelled, not intending to sound as rude as he did.

Zoey was startled by Novak's loud voice. She turned off the vacuum and looked up at the shirtless jackass leaned against the banister. She was still disgusted by the dirty condoms he had left all around the room, she didn't need his attitude problem.

"I'm cleaning, apparently." She said.
"This isn't your fucking house to clean." Novak said.
"What the hell is your problem?" She yelled.

By this time, Novak was walking down the stairs at a quick pace. Even though he blamed himself for Bam's current situation-- he still didn't like Zoey; she should have listened to Bam, and then he wouldn't have even needed Novak's dealers number.

"You need to get the fuck out of this house." Novak said.
"Are you fucking kidding me? Who the fuck do you think you are?" Zoey said.
"I'm Brandon mother fucking Novak. . . now get the fuck out!" Novak screamed.
"You're a fucking moron." Zoey said.

Novak couldn't believe she was standing in front of him calling him a moron. Who did she think she was? He couldn't believe Bam liked her this much. He shook his head.

"I hope you fucking realize that when Bam gets out of there-- he'll get rid of you. You're nothing but white fucking trash." Novak spat.
"Oh! and you're so much fucking better?" Zoey hissed.

Bam had told her all about Novak's past, and present. She knew he was a ex heroin user, who often relapsed on the drug, and he was also a STD infested horn dog. She couldn't believe he was calling her white trash.

"You're only after him for his fucking money! I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't get knocked up or some shit; just so you can keep him." Novak said.

That hit a nerve. Zoey fought back the tears. She couldn't believe he would think that of her. Even though she was now pregnant with Bam's baby; that didn't mean she had gotten pregnant on purpose. Nor would she got pregnant for Bam's money; she would never do that.

"I hate you." She mumbled, walking towards the door. She couldn't stand to look at him any longer.

Novak watched as Zoey walked out of the room, holding back tears in her eyes. He wondered if he had crossed the line with what he had said. He was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of a blond sneezing from upstairs. He shrugged his shoulders, and moved upstairs, forgetting all about Zoey's feelings.

Zoey sit in her car and bawled. She blamed it on the hormones. Normally she would have just punched Novak right in the face for saying something like that to her-- but all she wanted to do now was cry. When she finally managed to calm herself down, she drove home.

She kept on reflecting on what Novak said. Would others think she got pregnant to trap him? Would they think it's a way to his money? She could care less about his money, or trapping him. She would never want to be with a man unless he loved her. She pulled into her drive way and sniffed by a few more tears. She saw Ryder's bike parked, and Frantz's truck. She rubbed the mascara away from her eyes and walked into her house. Frantz was sitting on the couch beside Ryder. Shianne was reading a book in the recliner.

"Hey Zoe! How's Bam?" Frantz said.
"He's doing well-- you should go visit him on Sunday."
"I will! I've been meaning too for the last three Sunday's, but work is just over kill without him here to help." Frantz said.

Ryder studied Zoey's face, and could tell she had been crying. He knew her all too well, and could see the signs clearly. The puffiness of her eyes, and how they were glossed over, and also her voice was a bit different. She walked into the kitchen slowly and got herself a glass of water. Ryder followed in behind her.

"What's wrong?"
"Nothing." Zoey said too quickly.
"I know you too well, sis. Spill." Ryder said.
"I went over Bam's to clean-- and Novak just got a bit wordy. That's all." Zoey said.
"What did he say?" Ryder ask.
"Just a bunch of stupid shit-- I'm over it. It was nothing."
"You cried over it! It's something."
"It's nothing, Ry. I just wanna forget about it, okay?" Zoey said.

Ryder nodded and allowed his sister to walk into her bedroom without pestering her for information. Although he wasn't going to give up that easily. He walked into the living room and told Shianne he'd be back in a little bit. Frantz was leaving as well.

"Where are you going?" Frantz ask Ryder as he got on his bike.
"I'm just gonna go see what was said to my sister."
"Huh? What happened?" Frantz ask.

Ryder explained to Frantz what Zoey had told him in the kitchen. Frantz was one of the few who actually knew Zoey was pregnant. Ryder had told him earlier, but made him promise not to tell anyone until Ape and Phil knew. Frantz offered to take Ryder over to Bam's house.

Novak was treating himself to a cold beer when the front door opened up. He groaned, thinking it'd be Zoey again. He was surprised to see Frantz and Ryder walk in.

"What the fuck did you say to my sister?" Ryder demanded.
"What are you talking about, kid?"
"I wanna know what you said to my sister." Ryder said.
"Nothing really-- we were in a pity argument. I told her she's probably only after Bam for his money, and I said I wouldn't be surprised if she got knocked up or something just to keep him."

Ryder shook his head-- it was clear now why Zoey was upset.

"You're a dick." Frantz said to Novak.
"Don't ever fucking speak to my sister like that again." Ryder said.
"Listen kid, I don't give a fuck what you say-- I'll say whatever the fuck I want." Novak said.
"Novak, you better fucking chill out; If Bam finds out you said that shit to Zoey then your ass will be chewed out- and then kicked out." Frantz said.
"Why the fuck would he chew me out?" Novak ask.
"Maybe because my sister is fucking pregnant with his kid." Ryder said, forgetting about keeping it on the down low.

Novak's mouth dropped. He couldn't believe what he had done. He dropped his head and sighed. He now knew why she left with tears in her eyes. He felt horrible about what he had said. He knew all along that Zoey wasn't that type of woman-- but he didn't think about what he was saying, and her being pregnant just made it even worse.

"Is she home?" Novak ask.
"Yeah." Ryder said.
"I've gotta go apologize-- I had no clue." He said making his way towards the door.