Cyberspace Romance


Bam sit nervously in the waiting room, stroking Zoey's knee, as she filed out her paper work. She hummed a sweet tune, which was calming to him as she scribbled down on the piece of paper. He let go of her knee when she got up and walked over and handed the woman the clip board with her paper. The lady smiled at Zoey, and then she walked back over and took a seat next to Bam. Bam looked over and watched as a young woman held a baby above her head, and made baby voices to the young child. Zoey caught him looking and chuckled.

"What?" He questioned.
"Stop starring at all the moms." She said.
"I'm not starring-- I'm just looking." Bam said.

She rolled her eyes playfully and sighed. It was good having him here. She had been to two appointments before this-- one by herself, and one with Ape. Today was an important day though-- she hadn't told Bam, but the doctor said they could listen to the baby's heart beat today. She smiled as she thought about hearing the heart beat for the first time.

"Zoey Moore." The nurse called.

Zoey stood up, and Bam followed behind her down the white narrow hallway. The nurse in white scrubs held open a door to a room, and allowed the two of them to go inside. She followed in, weighted Zoey, checked her blood pressure, and a few other things before leaving the room, announcing that the doctor would be with them shortly. Bam sighed as he leaned back into the hard black chair that was placed in the corner for a guest of the patient.

"What?" Zoey ask.
"I'm so nervous!" Bam said with a light laugh.

Zoey laughed, and then smiled at Bam as he rubbed his hands together. The door opened and her doctor walked in with a smug look on his face. He introduced himself to Bam, and then ask Zoey a few questions.

"Well, well, let's see if we can get a heart beat, shall we?" The doctor said.

Bam's eyes nearly popped out of his head. He was expecting just a routine check up-- he had no clue he would be hearing his baby's heart beat. He grinned widely as he watched the doctor prepare her for the hearing. He walked over and placed her hand in his as the doctor started the test. Soon, a small sound was coming from a speaker. Bam smiled widely.

"It sounds so fast." Bam said.

The doctor listened to the heart beat, and then grinned.

"That's because it's more than one heart beat." The doctor said smiling.

Zoey's mouth dropped, and Bam's eyes widened as the doctor listened carefully. He smiled.

"It looks like, you'll be having twins." He said.
"Two?" Bam ask-- making sure he had heard the doctor correctly.
"Yes, two." The doctor said laughing.

Zoey was still speechless. She couldn't even begin to muster up any words. She was so thrilled with the news. One baby was a blessing, but two! That was just amazing. The doctor allowed them to listen a bit longer.

"I'll schedule your next appointment a month and a half from now-- we'll know the sex of the babies then." The doctor said.
"Two." Bam said again, looking down at Zoey in disbelief.

He was thrilled with the news-- he was just shocked. He was only expecting one baby, and now he found out he was having two. It was great news.

The doctor finished up the appointment and then allowed them a moment or two by themselves to cope with the news they had just received.

"Two! Zoey, can you believe we're having twins!" Bam said with a smile.
"I. . . uh. . Two!" She said, not able to come up with the words she wanted.

Bam chuckled, and leaned down and pressed his lips against her forehead.

"I love you so much." Bam said.
"I love you too. We're having twins!" She said smiling.

Bam chuckled, and helped her off the bed. They held hands as they walked out of the building hand in hand. Bam pulled his cell phone out, and dialed Ape's number quickly to inform her of the news. Zoey laughed as she climbed into the passenger seat of the lambo. Bam was practically running his sentences together as he rambled on about the doctor's appointments. Zoey ran over her list of things she needed to do before their flight tomorrow. She knew she needed to pack, and make sure Ryder and Shianne had plenty of things to eat at her house. She racked her brain over and over again making sure there wasn't anything else she needed to do.

Bam pulled into her drive way, the smile still placed on his lips. He couldn't wait until the next episode of Radio Bam. It wouldn't be for nine or so more days-- but then he would be announcing his recovery, the announcement of the twins, and hopefully Zoey accepting his proposal offer.

Zoey stood over her suitcase as she debated on what to place inside. She wanted to take a lot of nice outfits-- just encase they did some things out in the city. Bam had warned her that Finland was extremely cold, so she was leaning towards most of her winter wardrobe. She bit down on her bottom lip as she tossed a few sweaters inside. She then placed a pair of jeans that actually still fit inside, along with a pair of stretchy black dress pants. She had a pull over dress, and placed it inside as well. Her long black jacket was going to be her best friend during her trip.

"We're just going to be there for five days, Zoe! Geez. You pack enough?" Bam said laughing as he looked inside her full suitcase.
"I'm not even half way done! I'm pregnant-- I don't know what mood I'm going to be in, I might feel like dressing down, or dressing up-- who knows." Zoey said.
"Pack comfortable clothes-- you don't need to dress up!" Bam said.
"I'm a girl, Bam! Dressing up is what I do." She said.

Bam laughed, and sighed as he watched her place several more items of clothing into the suitcase. He was glad she just tossed one pair of shoes inside.

"I'm a Chuck Taylor kind of woman-- so I'm just packing these encase we go somewhere really nice." She said pointing to the black heels.

Bam smiled, and allowed her to continue packing everything she would need. She sighed when she zipped up the suitcase, finally prepared for their trip. Bam knew packing for him was going to be much easier than it was for Zoey. He could toss a couple of shirts, and jeans into a suitcase and go on his way. He just hoped Ville came through with all of the arrangements. The only thing that could ruin their trip now would be a delay in the plan.