Cyberspace Romance


Hearing the news from the doctor about en emergency c-section was not good. Bam was a nervous wreck, not understanding how this could happen. All through Zoey's pregnancy everything had been perfect, and now this happens? The nurse and doctors quickly prepped her and then took her back to en emergency room. Ape and Ryder were already on their way. Zoey had tears streaming out of her eyes, not only because she was in so much pain, but because she was scared to death. These babies meant everything to her.

Bam appeared by Zoey's side. He leaned down and pressed his lips to her forehead.

"Are they going to be okay?" She sobbed, "Please tell me the babies are okay."

Bam didn't know what to say. He could tell that the doctors were worried. Three nurses were inside the room, and two doctors. Bam watched as they gave Zoey some medication. He couldn't believe this was happening. His world was coming down around him. He held her hand until the doctors announced that he needed to move away from her so the c-section could began. Bam stood back and closed his eyes as they began. The doctor's told him that normally they would ask him to leave-- but they had a feeling that Bam would refuse to leave her side.

Zoey's eyes were closed but she was still awake, Bam was standing as close to her as possible. He couldn't watch the c-section though. Zoey just kept mumbling things about the babies. He heard her ask 'Are they okay?' several times, and it killed him that he couldn't tell her if they were or not.

He stroked her forehead, "It's going to be okay, Zoe."

She was still sobbing, and he could hear her quiet prayers for the babies. It was ripping him apart. He knew she had to be in physical pain right now, but the only thing that she could think about was their babies.

It didn't take long before doctor's pulled the first baby out. Bam looked over at it and smiled, but then his smile slowly faded when a nurse frowned. He noticed the color of the baby and closed his eyes; he didn't hear a cry.

The baby was handed off to a nurse, where they wrapped it in a small pink blanket. Bam was now crying, but trying to hide his tears from Zoey. He knew the baby didn't make it. He stroked her forehead, and she opened her eyes to look up into his. She saw his tears and that's when she also realized it. She began sobbing loudly. Shew knew this wasn't going to turn out good, her life, her babies, had not made it.

The doctor delivered the next baby and handed it off. Bam didn't hear a cry yet again and took in a deep breath; this was killing him. Zoey was shaking her head and crying her eyes out.

"I'm so sorry." She kept mumbling.

Bam wanted to reach down and tell her that everything was okay, but he couldn't. He was so tore up himself.

The doctor looked over at one of the machines hooked up to Zoey and noticed he was losing her.

"You need to leave!" He said towards Bam.
"What?" Bam questioned.

The doctor pushed him out of the way, and then began working. A nurse took Bam by the arm and took him out of the room. Ape, Phil, Ryder, and Shianne were in the hallway waiting for him. Ape noticed Bam's tears and hugged him.

"What happened?" She ask.
"I don't know." Bam said.

It all happened to quick. He didn't know what was going on.

The doctors worked quickly on Zoey. She was loosing too much blood, and was under a lot of stress. Her heart rate had decreased. Zoey could feel herself going; she was in so much pain that even the medication was no longer working. She knew her babies had died, and even though she loved Bam more than anything; she was wishing she was with them. She could feel herself going under as doctor's called out demands around her.

Then she heard it.
It was the most amazing sound in the world.
She heard a loud crying noise that made her hold on.

The nurse was standing over the small little boy with a shocked expression. She was positive he was dead-- but somehow they had revived the small infant. He was now screaming so loudly. The nurse smiled, as she wrapped him up in a little baby blue blanket and finished cleaning him.

The other nurse worked quickly on the baby girl, but it was too late. She was a stillborn-- possibly dead before the c-section had even begun.

The doctor sighed, when all of Zoey's vitals went to normal. They had gave her a lot of pain medication to knock her out, but she was going to be okay. She was now unconscious, and probably wouldn't wake up for awhile now.

The doctor walked out of the room and down the hallway where he knew the father would be waiting. He opened the door and looked over at Bam.

"Is she okay?" Bam ask.
"The mother is going to be fine. I think someone else wants to meet you as well." The doctor said.

Bam was confused; he had just told his family that neither of the babies made it. He walked down the hallway and into a small little room. On a small bed, he saw a little baby wrapped in a blue blanket. The baby was crying loudly.

"Is that my baby?" Bam ask, tears now falling from his eyes.
"Yes. . . I'm so sorry but the baby girl didn't make it." The nurse said, tears begging to escape her eyes. "The baby boy is very healthy"

Bam was now crying more than he had ever cried in his entire life. This had been the most up and down day of his life. So much fear had shot through him today. He had thought he had lost his babies and Zoey. He looked down at the little boy laying on the table-- the baby that was a miracle.

They dressed the baby in a small blue onsie and then put him in the room with the other babies. Bam walked down the hall and had everyone come up to see the baby. By this time, Jess and his family, along with Chad, Dunn, Dico, Frantz, Eva, and Kay were already there. Eva was crying over hearing the news.

"The boy made it." Bam said softly.

He walked his family down the hallway and pointed to the baby boy to the left. Ape gasped out when she saw how much he looked like Bam.

Bam left them all standing there looking at the baby-- he had to see Zoey. He didn't care if she was awake or not, he needed to be with her.

The doctor's allowed Bam into the room. She was laying on the bed, her eyes closed. Her hair was matted together due to her sweating. To Bam, she had never looked more beautiful. He scooted the chair closer to her and placed her hand in his.

He couldn't believe everything had happened so fast. Just hours earlier they was enjoying a sundae, and now he was the father to one baby. His heart broke when he thought about his daughter. He stroked Zoey's hair and kissed her forehead. He whispered in her ear that everything was going to be alright.

♠ ♠ ♠
Only two more chapters after this!!

I started a new Bam story-- It's called Keep On Pretending, the first chapter is already posted up if any of you wanna check it out :)