Sequel: Never Again

Three Strikes

The Congratulations

The room was huge and crowded. My grip on Joe’s handed tightened considerably. It was decorated in light blues, purples and silvers; mine and Joe’s favourite colours. Balloons scattered the floor and a large banner on the wall read Congratulations Joe and Rose. I pulled him towards me and whispered in his ear “I thought you said it wasn’t going to be a huge deal.”

Joe kept his face forward as he said quietly. “I’m just as surprised as you.”

We were ushered into the room by Big Rob who allowed us to roam freely for the first minute or so, that is, until our parents dragged us away. “Rose!” My mother shouted, wrapping her arms around me. She kissed the top of my head and held me at arms length. “You look beautiful, doesn’t she Denise?”

“A princess,” agreed my would-be mother-in-law. I smiled shakily as my mother smiled.

“How come you never called? I had no idea you and Joe were together!” Mother said, giving me one of her famous looks. I smiled and looked away. The bright flashing lights of camera and disco lights blinded me momentarily. “Not that I’m not pleased, sweetheart. Shocked, more like.”

Through my smile I struggled to remember the story that Joe and I had conjured the other night. “Well,” I began, giving her another smile. “We kept in touch via calls and texts and chatting online. We remained close,” I saw Joe talking to his brothers. He looked up, winked, and went back to speaking to his siblings. I refrained from rolling my eyes. “And well… we realised that, this, was, uhm… where we wanted to be.”

“Oh that’s lovely,” Mother simpered, pulling me into another hug. “I always knew you two would end up together! Remember when you used to put your pillowcase on your head and pretend you were marrying Joseph? Remember, darling? You were only six or seven at the time.”

A laugh sounded in my ears. I turned around, red faced only to have Joe wrap his arms around me. I swallowed nervously and he whispered in my ear. “Oh really?”

I was going to deny it - tell him my mother was joking when she carried on.

“Yes, dear. It was all over her notebooks from school you know. RMF and JAJ forever and all of those things. And look where you are now, you two!” It was obvious she’d been on the wine. I frowned - we’d only been there ten minutes or so and she was already tipsy.

“Lovely to see you again, Mrs. Fletcher.” Joe said warmly. Mother nodded and pulled him into an embrace. They chatted for a few minutes, Joe spinning more lies about our recent ‘engagement’. They spoke of wedding plans and honeymoons. Joe stumbled once or twice but he didn’t back down - he spoke fluently and admirably. I never knew the boy could lie so easily, especially to people’s faces. “Now, sorry ladies,” Joe said, speaking to our female relatives. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to steal this beautiful woman away from you for a moment.”

Joe grasped my hand lightly and pulled me away. We walked away, speaking to people who congratulated us on the wedding and engagement. News reporters were there and Joe told me that they’d been asked to come for promotional photos by the industry. “So,” Joe said. His insolent smile crept back up on his face. “You used to crush on me?”

“You’re such an ass,” I said as he lifted our hands and he kissed the back of my hand. I was about to ask why when a flash blinded me. Joe sighed and apologised. “It’s okay,” I said quietly as the photographer went away. “I guess I should get used to it, huh?”

“You don’t know how much I love you for doing this for me,” Joe said truthfully. “Even though we didn’t speak for a while… you’re still there for me. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.”

I shrugged as another flash glared us in the face. “You couldn’t help it. I mean look at you, Mr. Famous.”

“What about you?” Joe nudged my shoulder. “You’re Rose Fletcher. I have two of your pieces in my closet back home. You’re not doing too shabby yourself, doll.”

I smiled, proud of myself.

Joe grinned and his thumb stroked my cheek. His hazel eyes bore into my own and I seemed to lose all conception of time or place. Joe smiled and squeezed my hand one last time. He pulled his face back and I could no longer feel his breath on my face. He shook his head and walked away, jamming his hands in his pockets. I watched him leave, my heart beating wildly. Had he been just about to…?
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