Sequel: Never Again

Three Strikes

Save The Lies For The Liars, Joe.

Author Note: I bet you weren't expecting a twist in the story, hm? Enjoy :P

3rd Person Point Of View

Nick pushed Joe’s phone back onto his bunk after hitting the ‘Keep Message as New’button. He shook his head and grabbed his school work. Obviously they were keeping something from him, from the family. But what? Nick stared down at the math equations and algebra he’d been assigned. He couldn’t focus and the numbers blurred together. He decided that he wasn’t going to interfere. Things would come out and into the open soon. Knowing his brother, anyway. Nick set the work down and stared at the portable monitor in his bunk, tapping his fingers on his knees.


Joe followed Kevin out of the arena with his cup of coffee. The sun beat down on their backs and Joe was glad he remembered his sunglasses. He took them from the neck of his shirt and pushed them on, grabbing a seat at a nearby bench. Kevin did the same. “What’s up with Nick?” Joe asked his older brother, drinking his latte. It was his third that day and he need his caffeine kick to get him pumped for the show. Kevin sighed in defeat.

“I’ve not a clue. He was freaking out this morning. Saying he had a secret or something that he couldn’t say.”

Joe paused. “Did he say what it was? Hinted?”

“Nada. Zilch. Zero. Nothing. He was just wigging and I thought he was going to hyperventilate or something. I’ve never seen him so worked up before.” Kevin said, a worried frown marring his face. “And then with him choosing Sorry as an opener. Do you think he’s trying to subtly apologise for something?”

“He was anything but subtle in there.” Joe said, setting his coffee down on the space next to him. “Maybe you’re right. Nick’s always been the weird one.”

Kevin shot him a look.

“C’mon, Nick has his days. He’ll be fine as anything tomorrow.”

“Yeah,” Kevin agreed, drinking his iced lemonade. “So, you called Rose?”

“Not yet. She’s covering Pete’s shift. It’s his cousin’s birthday or something so he’s in Maine visiting. She said she’d call later though.”

“Dude,” Kevin smiled to himself. “I can’t believe you asked Rose Fletcher to marry you. She was always the most popular girl in school, remember?”

Joe grinned. “I remember. She dated Bobby Pearson for a while back in 10th grade. I thought she was going to marry him they were so close.”

Kevin laughed. “What made you do it? I mean… you guys were close, sure. But I mean, you’d been dating like what, a month before you asked her?”

Joe mulled over his answer for a minute, staring at the gravel. He spoke quietly and thoughtfully. “I just… I guess I never wanted to imagine her with someone else. I used to imagine her on her wedding day, Kev. Dressed to the nines in her white gown, beautiful as ever. And when, in my head, it got to her kissing the groom, he was always faceless. I never pictured her with someone else. Rose was always my best friend. She bailed me out of everything.” Joe laughed and smiled, obviously enjoying a private joke of his. “I had to ask her before someone else did.”

“Mom’s glad you did.” Kevin said seriously. “She doesn’t care if you’re holding the wedding back. She always wanted you and Rose together.”

Joe smiled, satisfied. “She’s getting her wish.” He said, suddenly looking crestfallen.

“You okay?” Kevin asked.

“Yeah,” said Joe, brightening up. “Just thinking about the wedding. It’s all so sudden.”

“I thought you guys were holding it back?”

“Oh, we are,” Joe reassured him quickly. “I guess I just want her to myself. When that vow’s made… Rose is so against divorce. When she’s mine… she’s mine. It’s all I ever wanted.” Kevin clapped his brother on the back.

“If it helps you broke about a million girls’ hearts when you announced it.”

Joe laughed loudly and shook his head, smiling. “Like I don’t know. Rose has been getting hate mail sent to her office.”

“How’s she taking it?”

“Pretty well I guess. She acts as if she’s not bothered.. I honestly don’t think she is. But you never know. She’s a master at masking her emotions.”

Kevin shook his head. “She was pleased at the party?”

“You think?”

Kevin nodded. “I know so. At that party when you kissed her… her eyes lit up. She looked as though she’d just been brought to life,” he paused at the look on Joe’s face. “I’m serious! She looked happy about all of it.” He trailed off thoughtfully. “She’s ready for the wedding.” Joe scoffed. “I mean it, Joe. From what I’ve heard and seen so far of Rose for the past three years… I think you’re the best thing that’s happened to her.”

“I don’t think I am.” Joe whispered quietly.

Kevin rolled his eyes. “My God, don’t tell me you’re keeping some burning secret from her as well? What is it with you guys today? Next Frankie’s gonna burst in telling me he’s really a girl called Francesca or something.” Kevin stood up, placing his hand on Joe’s shoulder. “Anyway, I’m gonna go check up on Nick. See that he’s not fainted or something. Practise in an hour, alright?”

“Sure, bro.”

Kevin left Joe’s side and strolled back to the bus. As he faded from sight, Joe pulled out his cell phone for the first time that day. 3 new messages. He skipped the first two - one from T-Mobile and one from his cousin who was vacationing in Italy. The third one was from Rose. He read it quickly and replied.

I’m doing my best, Ro. Amanda swears she’s never had the ring. She’s got to have it though. I’ll go back tomorrow and try again. I can’t keep pestering her otherwise she’ll probably get a restraining order or something stupid like that. I’m sorry for dragging you into all of this, Rose. How’re you feeling? I miss you, Ro.
When I get the ring back I’ll text you asap. - J.

He sent the message and placed his cell phone back in pocket. He stared at the sun through tinted shades before sighing. Setting down his cup once more, Joe reached down and his fingers slipped inside his shoe, beneath the inline and sole. On the underside of the show he caught hold of what he was looking for and dragged it out. A long silver chain upon which a ring glinted into the American sun. His purity ring.

Joe stared at the shining silver object for a moment in utter silence. He watched as it turned as his hands shook. Holding it to his lips, he kissed the ring and placed it back in its hiding place, the one where it had been hiding for the past month and a half.

He stood up and began his way back to the bus when his phone buzzed again. He took it out and scanned the text.

Just find it soon, Joe. Please.
Rose xx

He replied just as quickly.

I’m doing my best.
- J.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohhh, I bet/hope you weren't expecting that! What do you think of Joe? Why is he lying? Does Rose know the full story? Is it all for show? Please Coment/Subscribe - I appreciate each and every message you leave me - thank you so much to all of my regular commenters - chances are you'll be getting your own stories in the future :)
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