Sequel: Never Again

Three Strikes

A Dozen Red Roses

The acting became easier. With mine and Joe’s relationship now existing in an honest atmosphere (bar the faux engagement) I found myself able to relax around the Jonas family and my colleagues. Three days into the relationship Joe had flown back to the east coast to be with his family and do a secret show. I was sat at my office drowning in the sea of work that piled my desk when Paul flounced in. “These were downstairs. Hailey said they were for you,” he handed me the large bouquet of lilies and tulips and waggled his eyebrows. “The hubbie?”

I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face. I plucked the small intricate card from the flowers. “Yes,” I murmured, reading Joe’s untidy script. I smiled and glanced around my office for a vase finding none. That was when Peter reached behind his back and pulled out a large wrapped box I hadn’t noticed due to my adoration for the flowers.

“Here,” he said, placing the box on my workspace. “I have to go for dinner. Marie’s got me some interview with the highers in hopes of me snagging a promotion.”

Glancing up I smiled, “Peter, that’s great!”

He grinned devilishly. “I know. Want anything picking up from Starbucks on my way back?” He gestured to my tired face. “You look like you could do with some.”

“Strawberries and cream?” I supplied hopefully.

“You got it, hon. Right, I’m going. Have fun with your presents.” Peter strutted out of the office and down the hall. I watched him go, amused. Shaking my head a little at his antics I unwrapped the large silver bow from the gift box and opened it to reveal a beautiful hourglass crystal vase. My breath caught and I bit my lip knowing it was expensive. I picked up the note it had wrapped around its neck.

I noticed you didn’t have a vase in your office, so I thought I’d get you one.
The flowers will brighten up the work place but don’t worry they’ll never outshine you.

My heart leapt in my chest at his words and I blushed despite myself. He’d been spoiling me rotten ever since he’d left. Yesterday it had been chocolates I’d found hidden in the apartment. A rose left on my dresser. And now these. Rushing the ladies’ room I quickly filled the vase with water and slotted the stems of the flowers into their holder. Debating their placement silently I decided on the windowsill, allowing LA’s sunlight to flood through the window. They were beautiful. I only wondered as to how long they’d last… it was a beautiful vase and I didn’t want to let it go to waste.

Joe, of course, thought the same.

The next day a bunch of white roses lay on my desk. Frowning, I stepped out into the corridor only to have Amy, another colleague of mine, smile. “They were dropped off at the reception earlier. I hope you don’t mind that I collected them for you.” She explained and apologised before I thanked her for a smile. The day after that, Wednesday, Joe had requested twenty wild daisies to be delivered. Thursday was three sunflowers, Friday I found a note taped to my desk.

I’m sorry there are no flowers.
Your next surprise is at home. Go, I booked you the day off. - J.

Blinking to myself I frowned and clutched at my bag and design folder. Home? But - why? Peter strode into the office, grasping my shoulders and steering me in the direction of the exit. “What’s going on?”

“You’re on holiday.” said Peter as though it were obvious. “For a week.”

My jaw dropped. “A week?! Peter I’m swamped! I can’t just!” I was baffled and Peter tsk’d.

“I’ll have one of the interns take over. Go, go. Your car’s out of the shop now isn’t it?” He asked, flicking his blonde hair away from his eyes.

“Well, yes, technically, but that doesn’t warrant me a-”


“Yeah Pete?”

“Just go.” He rolled my eyes and pushed me forward. I stumbled and glared at his force and straightened myself before walking out of the offices. I left the building and drove back to my apartment, noticing that it was only 12:30 - noon. Leaving the design sheets in the car (they could wait) I stepped into the lift and waited. Once it reached my floor I jumped out only to see a very familiar face standing outside of my apartment. This was definitely a surprise.

“What are you doing here, Adam?” I said, stopping in my tracks.

The attractive blonde took seven long steps towards me. He leaned down, cupping my cheek in his hand. “I missed you Rose.”

I backed away, glaring as he came closer. “What - Adam you know I’m engaged!”

“I need you, baby. Please,” he whispered. “Take me back?” Before I could answer, before I could tell him to back the hell away he crushed his mouth against mine, kissing me hungrily, his large hands squeezing my waist so tight I thought I’d have bruises within minutes. Terrified at the sheer force of his kiss I stood there, numbly shocked. When he broke away from me, panting slightly with a cocky smirk, I looked up only to see three brothers standing at me. The middle one whose hurt look was something I could not miss. The small Dalmatian puppy in his arms squirmed and yapped happily.

I pushed Adam away from me. “Joe!” I called despite the fact he was less than ten feet away. “I-”

“No,” Joe said, backing away slowly. His wounded hazel eyes were shadowed by the hair that fell in his eyes. “I get it.” He said and strode away, rubbing the puppy’s small ears gently, beckoning for his brothers to follow. Kevin flashed me a hurt and confused look before following his younger brother. Nick, torn between me and his older brothers shook his head and opened his mouth. I willed him to say something, anything.

But he closed his mouth and walked away.
♠ ♠ ♠
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