Sequel: Never Again

Three Strikes

Memories Between Old Friends

I felt sick. I wanted to throw up. Joe grasped my hand beneath the table and followed my eyes. He frowned, confused, but when I clasped his hand twice as hard, I think he had some sort of idea.

"Joe?" enquired Denise softly, looking at us with concern. "Rose?"

Joe cleared his throat and pulled his chair back. He stood up and turned to me, "Sorry Mom." He said, staring me dead in the eyes. "We'll be back in a minute."

"What's wrong?" asked Paul, starting to get up.

I turned to him. "No, no, no need. I just left some medicine in the car," I lied. "I've been getting headaches. I think it's the lighting. I winced and glanced towards the lights, hoping to make it seem more believable. "I'm really sorry. I've probably ruined dinner and we've not even star-" Joe grasped my hand again as we stood up. He'd already taken off the large diamond ring and pocketed it. I'd have to thank him for that later.

"We'll be back in two minutes," He told his family and we walked away from the table and outside. In the cool evening air, Joe frowned. "What's wrong?"

I shook my head. I could hardly get the words out.

"Rose you're going to have to do more than that."

"That's Adam," I blurted before I could stop myself. "My ex-boyfriend. We dated for two years. We broke up around three months ago. He thought we'd do better seeing different people. But... her. So soon. Why?" I cried, breathing heavily.

Joe pulled me into his arms. "It's been three months," he reminded me quietly. "And if he was stupid enough to let you go then he doesn't deserve your tears." Joe lifted my chin to see a tear form. "Besides, technically you're engaged right now. That's a lot more than his shitty date."

I laughed and wiped the tear away. "My heart's still a mess. I don't I've got it back yet." I admitted quietly. "It's just... why this restaurant? Your parents are going to make a big deal over this... he'll be there. Soon everyone will know."

"Rose, I think everyone's gonna know when this breaks out to the press. They'll have a field day."

"Great," I muttered.

Joe laughed. "Do you think you can do this? If not.. we can wait." He frowned suddenly. "Wow, look at us," he said, "We sound like we're doing this for real."

I rolled my eyes. "Technically we are, genius." I groaned as a thought struck me. "Joe... our parents are going to want to help plan the entire thing. How much money are they going to waste on a wedding that will never happen?"

"None." said Joe firmly. "We'll tell them we don't to get married yet. It'll be fine. Trust me."

"When I trust you it normally gets me into trouble," I said dryly. Joe laughed and sighed.

"Hey Rose?"

"Yeah Joe?"

"How old is Adam? He looks a lot older than us."

I shrugged. "He's twenty-three. He was twenty-one when we started dating, I was seventeen. I was... stupid, really, I guess. I fell for him as soon as I saw him. He was successfull in the company, hot... he was a gentlemen. He treated me right." I sighed, not wanting to go back down Memory Lane tonight. "And we broke up."

"You still love him?"

"He had his good points," I answered slowly. "I suppose I do still love him in a way. I'm not in love with him anymore. I've had time to grow out of that. But I fell for him."

"You picked yourself back up," commented Joe, taking my hand as he slid the ring back on my finger. "Now I know I ask you a lot of things, Rose. But do you think you're ready to go act up as two loved-up kids who're getting married?"

"I suck at acting."

Joe groaned.

"What?" I asked, affronted.

"I'm remembering your performance back in 4th grade," he told me. "The one where you forgot all your lines. Why did I pick you again?" He asked, taking my hand and pulling me back towards dinner. I smacked his arm and glared at him.

"Why did I accept?" I grumbled, feeling the heavy weight of the ring suffocate me like a ball and chain.
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Thank you to those who commented :)
It makes me update a lot quicker.