Kidnapped By A Vampire And Sold As A Slave. Son Of A GUN!

Once upon a time, there was an angsty teenager named Quinn. Quinn just broke the fucking tacos. Quinn is very, very pissed off. The next day, Quinn sneaks out of the house to go to the Sadie Hawkins dance. Well... She makes it as far as the park.
  1. Absolute Defectiveness.
    I think I just broke the tacos.
  2. That Kind Of Running.
    Kay. Stuff actually picks up in this chapter, just so ya know.
  3. Chloroform And A Legitimate Reason To Strike You.
    Poor Quinn. She has absolutely no idea what is going on....
  4. If I Had My Way... I'd Ravage You.
    Okay. So obviously you are understanding how much of a meanie this guy is.....
  5. The Presumably European Man.
    Quinn becomes acquainted with the rest of... them.
  6. My Name's Bethany!
    Oh Jeezus. Here she friggin' comes.
  7. Single Serving Friends.
    Bethany just doesn't quit. Very annoying, yeah? Oh yeah! CAUTION! THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS SOME SLIGHTLY GRAPHIC SEXUAL MATERIAL.
  8. Automatic Kalashnikov, 1947.
    If you've gotten this far into the story, I'm assuming you like it.
  9. You Rang?
    The ash blonde speaks in an accent.....
  10. Don't You Speak English To Me!
    Hmmm.... A fight breaks out.
  11. This Isn't Nam.
    Kalashnikov and Quinn seem to connect...... As much as they can.
  12. But You Can Call Me Peace.
    Quinn wakes up in the hospital, a bit confused and disoriented. Then she gets an unexpected visitor.
  13. Fair Game.
    Confuzzled Quinn.
  14. Acrophobia: The Fear Of Heights.
    Kalashnikov comes back, and Quinn hates him for it.
  15. Someone Outside.
    You'll never guess who shows up at the door of the warehouse.
  16. Vampires Don't Exist...
    Quinn's best friend Ella is reunited with her.
  17. Juice Box Says Shut The Hell Up.
    They ruined their lives.
  18. Marlboro.
    Quinn gets fixed up for auction day in the warehouse.
  19. Don't Worry About It.
    Quinn gets first dibs on breakfast.
  20. Hot Bachelor Vampire.
    Quinn and Ella shower off for the coming auction.
  21. Eight-Hundred Dollars.
    The auctioning begins.
  22. Madame Lucille.
    They meet their slaver.