Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


Still remeniscing mode. But now Jackie's in Junior year, on the soccer field. Don't get lost with this one. It could get confusing.

"Jackie! IN!" Coach yelled at me.

"YEH!" I shouted back and ran onto the wet and muddy soccer field.

We were playing Sacremento High for the final game of the year. Matt, Brianna, Kristy, Zack and Jimmy were in the stands. Kristy was Brianna's older sister, and then there were Zack's new friends : Brian and Johnny. They were all starting a band together, so they were all there to support me also.


I turned to see the coach yelling to me. I turned to the other side and saw a girl running at me full speed, then I noticed the ball infront of me. "OHH SHIT!" I shouted and tried to run, but I slipped, so did the girl.

She slid into my right knee, I heard a snap and tears formed in my eyes. "AGH!" I shouted as I fell into the mud, grasping onto my knee.

I had closed my eyes as I fell, but now when I opened them I saw Matt hovering over me "Are you okay?" He asked quietly, then I saw Coach Nolds behind him.

"Yeah... I'm fine." I said and sat up, cringing in pain. "Ohhh!" I groaned as I looked down to see my legs covered in mud, and felt mud caking onto my whole backside. My white socks were now going to be stained brown and hints of green from whatever grass there was.

"Baker you aren't fine. Come on." Coach Nolds said and helped Matt pick me up. The two carried me over to the bench, where Nolds told Zack to take me to the doctors.

We left early, but the team won the game. When I found out I was sitting on the couch, the doctor telling me I had to stay home for three weeks. My knee was hyper extended and my ankle was broken.

It was around three PM, on a friday afternoon and my boyfriend, Aeron, hadn't even called once to make sure I was okay since the game last night. I sighed as I heard the door open.

"Jackie! I'm home!" Zack yelled from the entry way.

"I could tell Zack, I could tell." I laughed as someone hopped over the couch back and sat next to me.

"I got you something." I saw Matt smile from next to me.

"Oh jeez, I thought you were Zack! Scare me much!" I laughed as he handed me a box. I eyed him and he nudged me to open it.

"You'll love it." Zack laughed and sat down acrossed from us.

I laughed as I opened it and a giant cup of ice cream was capped inside. "Oh my god! I Haven't had ice cream in forever!" I shouted and, to the best of my abilities, hugged Matt. "Thanks thanks thanks!" I smiled and took the cup out and took the lid off. "Spoon?" I asked.

Matt laughed and pulled one from his pocket "Eww, pockety spoon..." I laughed, but none the less dug in "Mmm, you're the totall best friend ever Matt!" I smiled.

"Stooopp, stoopp. I'm flattered!" He laughed sarcastically.

"But you are the best friend ever, bar Brianna and the rest of the guys and Aeron." I laughed, "Aeron doesn't hit the friend category anymore." I laughed.

Zack glared at me "Yeah, beacuse you won't listen to me, and are dating him now." He huffed "Has he called you yet?"

I shook my head "But then again, he's probably swamped in work." I shrugged.

Matt and Zack exchanged looks but I brushed them off.


"BRIANNA!" I shouted loudly as she walked into my room a few weeks later.

"JACKIE! Oh God it's been a while, why did you want me over now?" She asked and sat down.

"Aeron and I had sex yesterday." I said proudly as her eyes widened.

"COOONNNNGRRAAATS!" She smiled widely and hugged me "First timer!" She laughed hysterically with me.

"I know!" I shouted.

"How'd it feel?" She asked.

I crossed my arms "Like you wouldn't know Bria." I laughed as she rolled her eyes.

"I know." She giggled and hugged me again "You did use protection, right?" She asked carefully.

"Yeah, definately. I'm not that dumb... but that was all I wanted to tell you. Him and I are actually going out tonight.. I have to go meet him at his house." I smiled as Brianna helped me stand. "Thankies."

"You have more visitors though." She smiled "Matt stalked me over here from school."

"Ohh okay. I'll go say hi, but then I have to leave to meet up with Aeron."

She nodded as we skipped downstairs. I saw Matt sitting on the couch and I jumped on him. "MATTIE KINS!" I shouted as he tickled me.

"Jay Jay!" He shouted as we both sat up "So how's the knee?" He asked, pointing at my now almost fully healed knee.

"Excelento! Or how ever you say it." I laughed as he hugged me "But I gots ta' go Mattie-o. I'm meeting up with Aeron-o for a date-o in a minute... o." I laughed as Matt nodded.

"Ok, be safe. Have fun, not too much fun though." He winked.

"Oh you don't know the half of it Mattie." I winked. His mouth droped "Cheeeeyaa!" I giggled and skipped for the door.

"See ya ho ho!" Brianna laughed from her seat infront of the TV. I laughed, Zack would be home and wonder why they were here. Weird people.

"See ya ding dong." I laughed and ran out of the house, walking to Aeron's.

When I got there I walked in, the door was partially open anyways "Aeron! Baby where are you?" I called out as I walked into the den.

I could hear someone upstairs so I decided to go up "Aero?" I asked as I neared his bedroom door.

"AERON!" I heard a girl scream. My heart fell.

I slowly opened the door and took in the sight before me. Aeron and Beth, a girl from my English class, were getting it full on in his bed. "Aeron?" I whispered.

He stopped mid thrust and looked up at me "Jackie? You... you aren't supposd to be here for another ten minutes..." He stammered as the girl moaned again and pulled him down "Beth stop it." He whispered.

"But baby..." She whimpered as he pulled out and stood up, wraping a blanket around his naked body.

I shook my head and backed away "Aeron I.. you... we... last night... that bed.." I said, trying to make sense of this. Did I sleep with the wrong guy? Did Aeron forget to tell me we broke up?

"Jackie, baby I'm so sorry..." He whispered and reached out to me.

"No.... I'm not your baby. Beth you... you can have him." I whispered and turned, hiding from Beth and Aeron the tears that were now flowing from my eyes.

I slammed thr front door behind me as I ran back down the street to my house. I opened and shut my front door as fast as I could and collapsed on the other side, falling to the floor.

"Jackie?" I heard someone ask from the kitchen "Is that you?"

"Go away!" I shouted and just sat there, knowing it was stupid. I mean, if I didn't go lock myself in a room, someone was bound to come out and not listen to me and go away. They all cared too much to listen. Idiots.

"What happened? Are you alright? Is everything okay?" Zack questioned as he walked into the room, kneeling down beside me.

"I'm fine.. I just... Just..." I searched my mind "Fell on the sidewalk and hurt my knee again.." I lied, standing up and pretending it hurt. "I'm gunna go lie down.." I whispered and walked to my room.

"Jackie, you aren't even limping." I heard a voice, not belonging to Zack, and then a hand tug at my arm.

I looked back into Matt's hazel eyes "Yeah... good call." I laughed and rubbed my neck as he wiped a few tears from my eyes.

"What happened." He asked, but he wasn't really asking. He sounded like he knew.

"Nothing major I just... I just need some time okay?" I asked.

He and Zack nodded and let me go to my room.

I slammed my door and collapsed on my bed, screaming into my pillows. How could he? We had just had sex and he goes and cheats on me? How long had he been cheating on me for? Especially with that slut! I can't even believe this!

After being alone for two hours in my room, I heard a light knock. I was sitting in my bed, my knees tucked to my chest, my head resting on a pillow ontop of my knees. "Come in." I mumbled into the pillow.

I heard the door creak open and close "Hey... I figured you'd want something to eat." Matt whispered "Zack told me to give you this.."

I looked up as he held out a bowl of soup "Tell him to fuck off. I don't want to eat." I mumbled but took the bowl and set it beside my bed. "Why are you still here?" I asked as he sat down at the end of my bed.

"I wanted to make sure you were really okay, which you aren't. Obviously." He laughed a little "Can you tell me what happened?"

I sighed "I walked in on Aeron and Beth in bed together. Right in the middle of it... " I whimpered, but I wasn't going to cry. No I wasn't. "I mean, what didn't I give him? I gave him what he wanted last night, he said he loved me and would forever.." I paused, biting my lip to keep from crying.

Matt sighed and hugged me "I'm sorry." He whispered in my ear as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Thanks Mattie." I whispered back.

Back to now. Matt and Jackie are now sitting in her bed together.

"So what did you think of us?" He asked.

"I thought you were weird kids." I laughed and rested my head on his shoulder "I'm glad I finally saw how awsome you are as a boyfriend."

"I am too, do you know how hard it was for me not to break down and ask you out the day after that? I'd been waiting for you to be single for like ever, but I knew then wasn't the time to ask. And plus, Zack was super protective of you then." He laughed a little as I shivered "Here."

He pulled the covers up to my shoulders "Thanks Matt. And yeah, Zack was pretty darn protective, still is though." I laughed as I heard him talking with Brianna and Kristy downstairs still. "I'm going to go to bed babe, you can stay or go. I don't mind." I whispered and laid down next to him.

"I think I'm gunna stay. But I'm goin' to go talk with the guys and gals for a while. I'll be up later, okay?" He asked as he got out of my bed.

I nodded "Alrighty." I smiled as he flicked the lights out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hm... I just noticed I have to start writing for this again, lol. Off to write!


PS comments? Anyone?