Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


*Matt's POV*

This morning I had called Zack, to see if Jackie was home so I could go over and talk to her. She'd been quiet and weird ever since she and Raychell broke up, six weeks ago. They'd only gone out for a week... and ended mutually. So here I was, standing outside of Jackie's door, hearing her loud music from inside, and feeling like a teenager again, nervous. I knocked loudly and heard the music shut off.

"Come in!" She shouted. I walked in and leaned against the door.

"Hey." I smiled.

She looked up and smiled, but was hiding surprise "Oh, I didn't know you were here."

"Yeah... came over to talk to you, actually." I smiled and shrugged.

She gestured to her bed and I sat down "So, what up?" She asked, putting away her sketch book and crossing her legs.

"I just wanted to come talk... see if you were ok. You haven't been very social lately... Not that that's a bad thing." I held my hands up.

She laughed "Just busy and stuff.... Well that's a lie, I'm not busy. I'm just stressed."

"Over what?" I asked, trying to figure out what was bothering her.

"Nothing in particular... just life. Cleaning, I need to clean this hell hole of a room before anything... Mum and Zack are both pissed off." She laughed "It's so cluttered."

"I could help." I shrugged "Come on, so you can come out and play."

"As fun as that sounds..." She laughed as I dragged her off the bed.

I picked up some shirts and threw them at her "I'm going to the beach, and you're coming." With a shrug she began picking up "I knew you couldn't resist the beach."

"You got me, one thing I can't resist." She laughed as I began cleaning off her desk, picking up a bunch of papers and tossig them into the garbage can. I heard a loud thunk and looked in, seeing a small cardboard box. I picked it up, taking note what it was, I choked. Jackie laughed "Bones in the air?" She asked.

She was standing infront of her mirror, so I held the box up "Want me to throw this out? Or do you want to keep it?" I asked, biting the inside of my cheek as she looked at it confused.

Her face dropped as she registered what it was. She whipped around and took it from my hands, pinching her eyes closed and then looked at me seriously "You weren't supposed to... just uh.." She stammered and tossed it in the garbage "Toss it out."

She kept cleaning like nothing happened, while I stood there staring "Are you going to tell me what it was for?" I asked "Saying it was Brianna's or something will totally clear this up." She stood up, a teeshirt in her hands, and turned to me. She fumbled with the shirt and I noticed she was crying "What was it?"

She glanced over at her trash can, where the top of the box was showing "It was positive... But it could be false..."

"Most of the time pregnancy tests are right, Jackie..." I sighed as she nodded, spilling more tears.

"I know." She whispered and dropped the shirt "I'm sorry... I'm really, really sorry..." She sobbed "I should have been more carefull..."

I sighed and walked over, wrapping my arms around her as she shook "Shh, it's ok... just relax." She nodded, wiping her eyes "Have you told anyone?" I asked.

"Carey..." She mumbled.


She shook her head furiously "No way in hell... He'll kill me... and-.." She looked up at me "You."

I nodded "There's the answer to my next question, so it's mine?" I asked, she nodded "Ok..."

"We don't have to tell him... we can wait." She whispered "Or we can just go to the doctors and... y'know... he won't even have to know."

"I don't think aborting this just so Zack won't find out, is a good plan, Jackie." I whispered "Even though it was a complete accident, I think you'll regret it more over time."

She nodded "That's what I told Carey but..."

"Was she angry?" I asked, knowing Carey she wouldn't be the happiest camper.

"To say the least... she called me a slut, whore, bitch, careless bitch..." She sobbed "I can't be around here right now.."

I sighed as she pulled away from me, her hands moving to her stomach as I smiled a little "Look on the bright side," She looked up with a confused look "There's a mini us in there."

"That's a bright side, Matt? That I'm going to get STRETCH MARKS!? That I'm going to be as fat as a whale?" She asked with wide eyes "That's a bright side to you?" She asked in disbelief.

"Well... not really when you put it that way... but it's our baby." I laughed "You can't hate it."

"Oh no I can't." She smirked and grabbed my waist, hugging me a little "But I sure as hell can hate you."

"WHAT!? Why me?" I asked as she poked my arm.

"Because if you hadn't been so amazing at sex, I wouldn't have gotten pregnant." She laughed "It's all your fault."

"Well it's half you, too. If you weren't so irresistable and gorgeous, I wouldn't have hit that so many times."

He jaw dropped "Oh you just got yourself the silent treatment for the next two days." She held her hand up.

"I think the past six weeks have been enough, thank you very much." I laughed and picked her up, placing her over my shoulder.

She dug her nails into my back until I let her down, when we were in the living room "What was that for?" I asked, rubbing my back.

"Don't do that anymore." She smiled and walked into the kitchen.

Zack looked around "You two okay again?" I nodded "God it's like a freaking light switch with you two." He laughed.

"Yeah... but I think we're good for good now." I smiled as Jackie walked back out, a cup of coffee in her hand.

She sat down on the couch next to me and cuddled into my arm "Baby Shadows..." She whispered in my ear, making me smile.

"Or Vengeance." I whispered back.

"Whatever." She laughed and rested her head on my shoulder.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ba dum chhh! There's another.... Not exactly where I wanted to go with this, but I liked the whole begning part *waves hands around* it just sounded so right for this story.

Love all my readers, because... well... you read it :) I would absolutely LOVE to hear feedback on this, so I know if y'all like the baby idea :) because I care :)

xoxoxo Jackie