Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


*Jackie's POV*

Two days of knowing, and being back together, and Matt hasn't let me out of his sights or do anything for myself. We were talking, in my room out of Zack's earshot, on what to do about Carey.

"Exactly what did she say?" He asked as we laid on my bed, his hand resting on my stomach along with mine.

"Her exact words?" I asked, he nodded "'You stupid, careless bitch! Zachary better be willing to stick up for you in this, because I'm washing my hands of you.' and something on the lines of 'you had better get a job'.... " I laughed "I think she's nuts. But Zack and I have been looking at appartments anyways, just because it's getting too much living here with her all the time..." I shrigged.

"Yeah... wow." Matt mumbled.

A few minutes went by of silence, Matt rubbing circles on my stomach with his thumb. I was nearly asleep when he kissed my jaw "Hmm?" I asked.

"I have a great idea." He whispered in my ear.

"What would that be, Matt?" I asked, opening my eyes and looked at him as he hovered over me, a goofy smile covering his face.

"You move in with me." He smiled wider, if it was possible.

I shook my head "No. One beacuse I'm not leaving Zack with psycho woman. Two because it's your place and I'm not going to impose on you like that."

Matt rolled his eyes and moved my legs with his, side to side "Reason two has so many problems in it. It's my house, exactly why it's all lonely and you should move in. Plus, it's not imposing if ONE you're my girlfriend and TWO if I totally want you there. Which I do." He smirked and took my hands "And I think Zack can handle Carey, or get his own place."

I sighed "I don't want to ditch him."

Matt groaned "What if I told you I already talked it over with him and he said it was fine? What would you say then?"


"No, I didn't!" He said, covering my mouth with one hand and supporting himself above me with the other "I just told him that I thought it was a good idea. He said it was fine with him, as long as you were cool with it."

I closed my eyes and sighed as he rubbed circles into my stomach again "Fine."

"YES!" He shouted and stood up "Ok, let's get you packed... I'll pack everything into bags and stuff... and we can get it over there today."

I sat up and flung me legs over the edge of the bed, grabbing waist and pulling him back to me, placing him between my knees "Don't jump right now, I have one of those gut feelings..."

"Well.... you should always go with your gut feeling." Matt sighed.

"I just think we should tell Zack first.... so he doesn't flip out." I laughed as Matt's face dropped.

"I just thought we could wait until you had the baby... so he won't have to know. Then you could always keep it in the closet or something." He laughed.

"You're a creep, you know that right?" I asked as he nodded "Ok... I'm dating a creep... and having his kid."

Matt smiled "And I'm dating a model... And she's having my kid.."

"I'm not a model." I laughed as he pushed me back onto the bed.

He kissed my neck and smiled "Oh... could have fooled me." He whispered with a laugh as he trailed kissed down to my collar bone.

"I'm pregnant, the baby doesn't want any company." I laughed "Stop it..."

He sighed and stood up "So we gunna go tell Zacky or what?"

I nodded and Matt held out his hand to me "I'm not a beached whale yet." I laughed and stood up myself "Save the enegery for when I can't get up."

"I always have enough energy for you." He smiled and picked me up bridal style "I could do this even when you're nine months."

I laughed and rolled my eyes as he carried my down the hallway. We made our way into the living room, where Zack was still sitting watching TV. He looked up and smiled "You two are getting along."

"Yeah, well she's moving in with me." Matt smiled.

"Cool." Zack mumbled, eyes glued back to the TV.

"Someone sounds happy." Matt chuckled.

"Am I supposed to be thrilled?" Zack asked, looking around the room with a blank expression.

Matt set me down and took a seat, as I sat next to Zack "Not thrilled... but not a complete jerk about it." I laughed "What's wrong with us living together?" I asked.

Zack sighed and looked at me "It's not that, it's just... I don't know, it'll be lonely and crappy without you here."

"Awe, someone's gunna have seperation anxiety." Matt laughed a litt as Zack shot him a glare.

"I'll just miss you alot." Zack laughed "I'm still worried about you two, you're too... close lately, I don't want anything to happen." Matt and I nodded at eachother, Zack caught this and sighed "What? There's something I'm missing, isn't there?"

"Yeah, there's one big thing you're missing." I sighed.

"I'm getting that 'you should be afraid' feeling again, Jackie." Zack laughed nervously as I made myself comfortable.

"I wanna just come out and tell you this, Zack. But I don't want you to flip out... No going scary big brother on Matt's ass,-"

"Why would it be Matt's ass?" Zack asked, cutting me off. "What'd he-..." Zack's face dropped as he stopped talking "What's going on?"

"I'm having a baby." I smiled sheepishly as Zack stared at me.

He stood up and ran his hands through his hair "Don't be mad, dude... But if you are, don't be mad at her. Be mad at me." Matt piped up as Zack paced the room. He held his finger in the air for Matt to shush, so he did.

After ten circles around the room, I finally got fed up "Will you speak already? If you're mad, please, tell me so I know what to do." I laughed.

Zack stopped pacing and looked at me "I'm not mad. Just surprised..."

"So were we." Matt laughed "Well, at least I was."

"When did you tell him? When did you find out?" Zack asked, sitting back down next to me.

I bit my lip and thought back "Well, I told Matt two days ago... and I found out a few weeks ago." I sighed "I'm sorry... this is going to mess everything up."

"It's not going to mess anything up, Jaclyn." Matt said from across the room and Zack nodded in agreement.

"I'm really happy for you guys." Zack smiled finally "So when are we breaking the news to Mom?"

"Already did... Hence the moving out thing." I mumbled as Matt nodded.

"SHE THREW YOU OUT?!" Zack screeched, looking around the room in anger.

"Not exactly... just said stuff on the lines of that." I shrugged "I bet she wouldn't absolutely kill me if I lived here any longer."

"I can't even... I'm so sorry." Zack apologized and gave me a giant squish hug, then pulled away quickly "I'm sorry... again... I don't want to hurt you." He laughed and looked at my stomach.

"It's cool, I'm not getting fat... yet." I laughed "When do you think is a good time to break it to the guys?" I asked.

Zack and Matt both groaned "Never? If possible..." Zack sighed "I think they, plus the girls, would have a baby-fest and start going nuts."

"Like they aren't?" I laughed.

"True..." Zack smirked "Whenever you two want to... your baby, not mine."

I sighed and looked over at Matt, who was just smiling "We can have a group meeting today?"

"Let's wait a while... see how long we can pull it off." I smiled as Matt nodded "No squealing, Zack. Or I'll kill you."

He nodded and crossed his heart "Promise."

"Good... let the fun begin." I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awe... Zacky seems the kind of guy who'd be an awesome older brother, and I bet he is ;) winky winky.

So there's another one. I'm totally in love with y'all because I got fourteen readers on the last chapter, I'm happy people are still reading it after the break I took... thanks :)

Wish me luck, in the middle of November I audition to be the Red Queen for a play! I'm a bitch, I'll get it ;D

xoxo JM