Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


*Jackie's POV*

A full month had gone by and no one noticed, or wasn't saying anything, aboutthe weight I was gaining. I was hoping they didn't notice. Matt and I discreetly went for the first month check and all that, and the baby was fine. Matt, being a man, asked if sex would be bad for the baby. The doctor just laughed at him and said it was, only if I said so. Technically, having sex during a pregnancy was actually good. It helped keep the birth canal in shape or something, so Matt was really happy about that. Me on the other hand, I could see alot of whining from him and 'it's good for the baby' in the near, very very near, future.

We were all sitting in Matt's backyard, all being all the guys AND girls. Gena was sitting to my left, and Brian was at my right. Matt was talking with Zack in the pool, while Jimmy kept trying to dunk Lacey under. She was a strong girl, for her size.

"So, what have you and lover-boy been up to lately?" Gena asked, flipping over to her stomach and looking at me.

"Not much... just moving my stuff to here." I pointed to the house.

"So you're getting pretty serious, then?" Brian asked, taking interest in the conversation. He always did when it came to me and Matt, he was protective over us, and pretty much yelled at us when we fought, which happened slim to never the past month we'd been together.

I nodded and kept tabs on my hand, keeping it from resting on my stomach. I was in a tank top and shorts, while everyone else was in bikini's or swim trunks. "Yeah, pretty serious." I smiled.

"That's good." Gena smiled "I see he's making you get back to a healthy eating habit? You were scaring us again for a while there girly." She smiled "No offense, I mean."

I laughed "None taken, and yeah... I eat alot."

"Damn, sure looks it!" Brian laughed and looked at my stomach "I hadn't noticed lately. Thank you for pointing that out, Gena." He smirked "Now I can tease you for gaining weight."

I rolled my eyes as Brian reached towards my sides, wiggling his fingers in the air "Don't you dare." I laughed, just looking at his hands felt like he was tickling me. "DON'T!" I screeched as his fingers attacked my sides, bringing me instantly to the ground in a fit of giggles.

"Oh yeah?" He laughed "I know how to tickle."

"BRIAN!" I choked, trying to get my breath "Stop... Really.." I laughed, but he wasn't letting up. My stomach began to ache, and I had tried almost everything to stop him. Well, everything but one thing. "MATT!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, getting his name out in one loud shriek.

He jumped out of the pool and raced over, carefull not to slip on the grass "Hey, HEY!" He shouted at Brian, shoving him off me "You alright?" He asked, instinctively looking from my eyes to my stomach as I sat up, with his help.

I nodded "Yeah... good." I caught my breath as Matt glared at Brian.

Matt glared at Brian, and walked back over to the pool, after kissing the top of my head quickly. Gena resumed her spot next to me, and Brian gave me a side hug and apologized "I'm sorry... I didn't know you were going anti-tickle." He held back a laugh.

"It's cool... I just don't feel the greatest." I shrugged and placed tugged my shirt over the exposed skin on my stomach.

Gena caught my eye and tapped my leg "Is there something you need to tell us, sweetheart?" She asked.

I shook my head "Nothing important, why do you ask?"

"Well, you're gaining weight faster than normal... you do eat alot, I've seen it..." She trailed off.

"And Matt's freakin' out because I tickled you." Brian added.

I had to hand it to them, neither of them were dumb. I knew they'd be the first to be at least on to Matt and I. "So what? I'm a moddy fat cow who doesn't like being tortured." I shrugged "Got a problem?"

Gena sat up "ZACHARY! Get over here now!" She shouted.

Zack climbed out of the pool and walked over, sitting down next to Gena "Yeah babe?" He asked.

"What's wrong with your sister?" She asked.

Zack looked at me and shrugged "I don't know, how am I supposed to know?"

"You're her brother, you know everything. Why is she getting fat? She's never fat." Gena added quickly "Tell me what's up, or I'm breaking up with you."

"Geen, that's harsh." I tapped her shoulder as she brushed me off.

"Tell me." She said once more as Zack stared at me, sorriness in his eyes.

I grabbed Gena's shoulder and pulled her up "We're talking in the kitchen, come on." I sighed and dragged her into the house, a shit eating grin spreading acrossed her face as she blew Zack a kiss.

"So what up?" She asked as we stopped in the kitchen.

"Hold your horses, I'll be right back..." I mumbled and walked outside and over to the pool where Matt was sitting, talking with Zack "Baby?" I asked.

Matt looked up and smiled "Mhm?"

"We need to talk to Gena... now." I sighed.

"Now?" Matt asked, knowing what was going on.

"If you don't tell her, she's dumping me." Zack whispered.

Matt rolled his eyes "I guess it can't hurt to tell her." He mumbled and followed me into the house.

Gena was sitting at the table, hands and legs crossed. She smiled as we walked in, her eyes widening "I KNEW IT!" She shouted.

"Knew what?" Matt asked, sitting down next to me.

"You're engaged." She smiled "Because why else would she need you here?"

"I'm pregnant." I said, locking her eyes.

"OH. MY. GOSH!" She shouted "I have to tell-.."

"No one." Matt stopped her from standing.

"No one?" She asked, sitting down with a defeated look on her face.

"Exactly, no one is who you can tell." I laughed "Geen, I really wanted this to go smoothly... see how long we could go without telling everyone." I sighed.

"Hun, you aren't the type of girl to put on weight this fast. I think they'll all figure out sooner than you want." She laughed.

I rolled my eyes "We'll tell them when we want, just keep your trap shut, ok?" I asked.

"Secrets safe with me... But one person I think you should tell?" She sighed, we both nodded "Brian. He deserves to know."

"In time, darling. In time." I laughed "If anyone has a bigger mouth than you, it's Brian."

She shrugged and followed as we all walked outside, Gena beaming ear to ear as she and I sat down next to Brian. Gena amazingly keeping 'our little secret' the rest of the day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Taadaa! Gena had to know :) I felt bad leaving my brother's girlfriend out :) Haha

SOOO! How is everyone? Alive and well I presume? You know, I love y'all so much. Screw comments, even though I got one last chapter :) meep meep! Haha

Love it. See, it makes things faster!

xoxoxo JacM