Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


Title credit : Animals - Nickelback

*Matt's POV*

Two months in (currently September) and Jackie was gaining weight, fast. But she wasn't fat, not even close yet. She could never be really fat, it just wasn't in her genes to be fat, I figured she'd be tiny even at nine months, because she was always tiny.

But she was definitely not as skinny as she had been before, but I had no problem with it, wanna know why? Her boobs were huge! And the doctor said they were going to get loads bigger, so if that came with her getting 'fatter' I had no problem with that what-so-ever.

Gena was keeping the secret amazing, even though she was pissed when she found out Zack knew before she did. But that passed within a day, just goes to show she tried to tell someone. Jackie and I had decided we weren't going to be keeping this secret long, since she was already puking every morning, and she already had a 'freaking goddamned stretch mark from the devil' as she put it, but with some stretch mark cream, it was gone in a week. Nothing to worry about.

You could pretty much see the bump, but she hid it with baggy shirts, and chocked it all up to eating too much junk food and drinking too much beer, which the latter she lied about. She wouldn't go near it. I quite smoking because of her being pregnant, and the fact I never really smoked much anyways. Drinking, on the other hand, I still drank beer with the guys, but I never got as drunk as I used to, and neither did Zack or Gena. Jackie said we were stupid, and since we weren't pregnant, we had nothing to worry about and we shouldn't care. But, we all did. She was like Gena's sister, and obviously was Zack's, and I just loved her too much to do anything stupid while hammered.

"I'm so fat!" Jackie groaned as she walked down the stairs, in a tank top and checkered pants. She sat down across from me on the couch and pouted, keeping quiet as we watched TV.

"You aren't fat, by the way." I laughed at a commercial break "You gained what? A gram?" I laughed and pulled her over to me, which I could still do easily, I swear she hadn't gained anything.

"I am SO fat. I gained tons of weight!" She groaned "Look at this thing..."

"It doesn't help you're wearing a tiny tank top." I laughed as she nodded "You're still sexy as hell to me." I whispered in her ear as my hands rested on the tiny bump that was her stomach.

"No sex." She laughed "Men..."

I laughed "I wasn't trying for sex, I was just stating a fact that you are still as sexy as ever. And you are NOT fat."

She sighed and looked towards the door as the doorbell rang "Hang on!" I yelled and stood up, taking Jackie with me "Go change." I whispered. She nodded and walked to the stairs. I walked over to the door and opened it, Zack and Gena standing at the other side "IT'S ONLY ZACK AND GEEN!" I shouted up.

"What'd she do? Run and hide?" Gena laughed when I nodded "Wow..."

We all nodded and sat down, talking about planning a tour, when the doorbell rang again "Come in!" I shouted, not even thinking about it. Leana and Jimmy walked in, Johnny and Lacey, and Brian behind him.

"Gangs all here." I laughed but Gena smacked my arm and walked to the stairs.

"I'll be right back. Gotta piss." She smiled as we all rolled our eyes.

"She gives too much information." Lacey laughed and sat down "So... why are we all here again?" She asked.

I shrugged "Beats me, I didn't invite y'all."

"Oh thank you, we all feel so loved." Lacey smirked.

"I heard there's a tour a'brewing?" Brian asked, Zack and I nodded.

"The manager wants to schedule one for March through June." Zack said as Jackie and Gena walked into the room, Jackie in a sweatshirt.

"That won't work." Gena piped up "Not through April."

Zack and I nodded "We know, but it's the only time he said these venues were available."

"Why not April?" Jimmy asked "Unless you just don't want to be touring on April Fools." He laughed.

"No just that-.." Gena started.

"Why can't you tour in April?" Jackie asked, poking Gena "I don't see a problem with that."

Zack groaned "There just is, ok?" He glared at her, she's been stubborn about this, we've all talked it over, and she said to go and tour that she'd be ok. April was her due-month, they hadn't placed a date to it yet, and Zack and I wanted to be sure to be home for it. But if Jackie had her way, we'd be someone across the ocean in April.

"I don't see why we can't." Brian shrugged "When does he need the nod by?"

"This weekend. So he can set up a bus, and tell the venues. But I say we wait until the summer, and tour then." I shrugged.

"Why not just take this? I say we do. Let's vote." Jimmy smiled.

Zack, Gena, and myself all groaned as Zack and I were won out by Brian, Jimmy, and Johnny "So it's a done deal. We tour in March." Brian smiled.

I looked over at Jackie, who just shrugged "We can't, guys." I sighed.

"Why not? Give us one good reason we can't." Brian crossed his arms.

"Because we're-.." I started but Jackie cut me off.

"Because we're going to take a vacation to Hawaii...." She stammered "Yeah.. But we can reschedule, right hun?" Jackie looked at me.

"No, infact we can't. Because it's sort of a set date, and if I'm not around, who's going to go with you?" I asked as she sat facing me.

"I'm sure Gena would go with me. And then there Brianna or Kristy." She smirked "It's just a vacation."

"It's not just a vacation, it's the most important thing ever! If I miss this, then I'm not back until... June, that's three months later!" I groaned.

By now everyone was giving us weird looks "Dude, it's just a vacation." Brian laughed "Seriously."

"It's not just a vacation!" I groaned "It's her freaking due-month!" I shouted and stood up "That's kind of important!"

I sighed and walked out of the room, into the kitchen as the room became silent. I could hear a light set of footsteps walking towards the door, but paid no attention to it and kept my head down on the table "Why'd you just do that?" Jackie asked as she stood next to me.

"Because I don't want to be freaking touring when you're having a baby." I whispered.

She laughed "Yeah, well now everyone knows. And not the way we planned, either."

I looked up as she stood there, hand on her hip, staring at me "I just really, really want to be here for that."

"Babe, you'll be there soon enough. It's just three months, and I'm sure we'll take enough pictures and videos to send to you guys. The important thing is that we have this baby and we both love it." She whispered as she sat next to me, wrapping her small arms around my chest in a hug.

I wrapped mine around her back and sighed "Now I have to go clear this up... right?"

"Yeah, becaue I'm pretty sure there are five people sitting in that room, shocked to silence. Which is uncharactaristic of them." She nodded and pulled away "I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled and stood up, taking her with me "Here we go..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you like it :)

I'm actually writing another a7x story right now, but I don't know if I'm gunna post it. It's kind of predictable, but then again that's fun sometimes haha. To laugh at how corny it is... lol whatever I might post it.

Love y'all who read <3 you make me keep writing this :)

xoxoxoxo JB