Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


Title cred: Best I Ever Had - Drake
*Jackie's POV*

After everyone found out, I wasn't alowed to do anything. There was always someone with me, picking things up for me, and... just everything! I hated it. I wanted to be independant while I was going through this, but with Matt being protective, and Zack being... protective, and same with all the other guys, there was no pouring my own damned coffee. It was ready and set for me when I woke up. I. Hated. It. So. Much.

"I'm not completely stupid." I laughed as Zack opened the car door for me, we were going to the doctors for three months check up.

"I know. I like being nice, jeesh." He laughed.

Zack was taking me because Matt was out of town working with some guys on the venues, he said he could do it later, but I practically shoved him into the car with Brian so he'd leave. We all agreed he needed a break.

As we were driving, Zack turned down the music and looked at me "What?" I asked, laughing a little at his expression.

"Why are you being stubborn lately?" He asked.

"I'm not stubborn." I laughed "What makes you say that?"

"Becuase, you won't stay with anyone while Matt's away for the week. You insist on staying alone, you won't even spend one night back home. With me, please?" He asked, for about the millionth time since Matt had left.

"Zack, I'm fine. I can do things by myself, I don't need someone there twenty-four seven to make me coffee and carry my things. I'm not having trouble at all." I laughed as he pulled into the parking lot. "I could have even driven myself today. Shit head."

"Matt told me to go with you, he doesn't want you alone. You know he's going to freak when he finds out you were alone the entire week?" He asked as he helped me, even though I didn't need it, into the building.

"I know. But let him freak, I'm not close to having this baby, I don't need anyone there." I laughed as we sat down, Zack bouncing his knee up and down, you could just feel how nervous he was. And he wasn't even the one having the darn baby!

A few minutes later the doctor walked out "Jaclyn Baker?" She asked.

I stood up, Zack helping me "I'm fine Zack." I laughed as he followed me "Oh no you aren't coming in... Matt will kill you." I laughed and made him sit down.

I walked into the small room behind the doctor as she sat me down "Nervous husband?" She asked with a smile.

"No, my boyfriend is out of town for the week, so he's making my brother take me." I laughed as she nodded "I know... how un-orthodox, out of marriage..."

"It's ok, I see it all the time. Let's have a look-see here shall we?" She asked and looked up at me as I nodded.

*Zack's POV*

I was sitting in the waiting room for Jackie, when my cell phone vibrated from my pocket. I pulled it out and glanced at the ID Matt. I sighed and stood up, walking out into the parking lot "Hey." I answered.

"Hey, how's it going? Is she out yet?" He asked.

"No, she went in like... twenty minutes ago. Aren't you in that confrence for the London Venue?" I asked.

"It hasn't started yet. I just wanted to check up." He sighed "I hate being away for these.."

"Imagine how you'll be when you're in Australia and you get that call at like... two in the morning that she's having the baby." I laughed.

"Shut up Baker." Matt growled "And it won't be two in the morning while we're there, it'll be more like... I don't know." He sighed "I didn't know we had Australia planned for an April show?"

"Yeah... I just got the tentative dates faxed to me today... We're in Australia, New Zealand, and Japan that month.. and a few more I can't remember. We repeat a lot of dates, so maybe we can mix them around for a break in April... I don't know." I shrugged.

"Maybe. I'll bring it up today... well I have to go, the meeting's starting. Bye, tell Jackie I love her and I'll be home soon."

"I will, talk to you soon dude. Bye."

I hung up the phone and walked back in, just in time as Jackie walked in to the waiting room. She saw me and walked over "Ready?" I asked, she nodded and walked quietly out.

The car ride was silent, and I couldn't get all the possibilities off my mind. "Matt called." I said to break the ice.

"Oh?" Jackie asked "That's unusual." She rolled her eyes.

"He wanted to make sure you were doing alright...?"

"Everything's fine." She mumbled "Just... I don't know, it's just really hitting me that he's not going to be there for this." She rested her hands on her small bump "Oh, look." She smiled and handed me a picture "It's not very clear, but it's the baby."

I smiled and pushed them back to her "I'll look at the house. I want to drive safe, precious cargo on board." I laughed.

She smiled "Whatever... so what'd Matt say?"

"What do you think? He said to tell you he loves you, and that he'll be back soon." I smirked as she smiled "Miss him yet?"

"A little..." She whispered "I'll miss him more when he leaves though... that's for sure."

"Yeah..." I mumbled as I pulled into their driveway.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love this one :) but I love the entire story... So yeah, haha.

Love my readers, you all keep me going :) When I see the reader count I go berzerk and write like crazy haha.

And that song (title song) is wicked awesome. I was listening to it while writing this... weird, yeh I know ;P

xoxoxoxoxoxoxxxoxoxo Jackie