Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


"So what exactly..... Are we doing?" I asked as Adi turned the TV up "I mean..."

She gave me a weird look "We don't do anything. And I'm pretty sure you should be getting ready..."

"Uh..." I bit the inside of my cheek "Ok?" I got up and walked to the bathroom. What the fuck? How did I even.... Something was seriously wrong. I looked in the mirror and took a step back. My hair was short... And... blonde? What the fuck? I closed my eyes, trying so hard to rememeber what I took for drugs that could have made me this messed up.

I shook my head after not remembering anything, and took a shower. The entire time my mind was set on figuring out if I was crazy or not... Right now everything pointed to my memories being one giant lie of a dream.

I got out of the shower, and let my body, which seemed to know where everything was, guide me to my room and clothes. I looked at my room, it was normal.... I was still freaking out though. I shouldn't be here, had someone drugged me? Had I.... I don't even remember.

I pulled out two items quickly and put them on, a teeshirt and a pair of shorts. I shook out my abnoxiously blonde hair and walked back out to where Adi was glued to the TV, the guys were still on.

"So why are the on so much?" I asked.

She looked up at me as if I had just asked an obvious question "Because they're gunna be in town on tour tomorrow..." She shook her head "Babe, did you fall last night or something? Do you have amnesia?"

I looked at the ceiling "Zack....." I growled "I fell in the kitchen after he woke me up. But that doesn't explain how I'm here..."

"I'm going to ignore you now, because I'm scared. Oh one more thing," She pointed at me "You do remember we're going, right?"

"To what?"

"THE CONCERT!" She shouted "Jeez holy jeez Jackie! I can't believe you..."

I walked into the kitchen and took a seat, trying to piece together everything... my life, if it were possible.

*Matt's POV*

"So she's gunna be like this for HOW long you think?" Zack shouted at a nurse.

"Well the doctors said she's... not dying or dead, but.... Five weeks?"

Zack's fists balled up and Brian grabbed his shoulder, pulling him back hard into the chair "Ok, thank you." Brian said quickly as the nurse hurried out scared "Zack you need to calm the fuck down." Brian groaned.

"WAIT!" Jimmy shouted. We all turned to him.

"What?" Zack asked.

"She just.... she just squeezed my hand!" He smiled "She could be waking up!"

So we all sat around, watching, our hopes high, for any sign...

Jackie's POV

"So this... this is the venue?" I asked as Adi lead me into the crowded arena.

"Yes, Jackie. Yes it is." She rolled her eyes and handed me a laminated pass "Journalism passes?" She looked me in the eyes "Or have you forgotten about work to?"

I thought for a minute, "No, I remember that." We worked at a rock music station, somewhat like America's FUSE station... which I also remembered. Two lives mixing together in my brain was more than confusing... "So we go backstage?" I smiled.

"Yes, and please don't embarass me and tell them you know them? Because I hate to break it to you, you've never seen them even LIVE before."

I took a deep breath and nodded as we walked backstage to meet and greet before the show. They were all sitting on couches, I wanted to run up to Matt and jump on him so bad. But like Adi said, they didn't know me from a random fan in the crowd...

"Hello boys." Adi smiled "I'm Adriane and this is my co-worked Jackie, we're here to interview you guys."

Brian was the first to signal us to sit down "We don't bite, contrary to popular belief.
I know Matt does... I thought to myself as we sat down amongst the guys.

"So do you need us to introduce ourselves?" Zack asked.
No, no thanks. I know everything about you guys, down to your deepest darkest secrets.

"Naw I think we're good.." Adi looke at me "Ready?"

I nodded "Yah."

Zack gave me a look "Have you interviewed us before?"

"No." I said, maybe too quick
No, we've just been BROTHER AND SISTER since we were ten... that's all. "To be honest, this is my first concert."

"Wow, a first timer. Alright, so hit us with your best shots." He smiled, that smile that I had fallen in love with.

"How do you guys feel touring in Australia?" Adi asked.

"It's like..." Brian started "It's like really awesome, beacuse it's so warm here."

"You live in SoCal, isn't it the same?" I laughed.

Adi gave me a look that told me to shut the fuck up "Yah, well.... it's still nice." Zack smiled.

"I bet."

"Okkaaayyy." Adi 'coughed' "Next question. What's your favorite thing to do when you're touring here? I know you've been here once or twice before."

"Well we like to go to the beach and scope out gorgeous women." Jimmy smiled "And of course drink lots of booze."

"So if you two work interviewing people, why haven't you interviewed us the last few times we've been here?" Zack asked, still looking at me.

I shrugged "She's the question asker."

"Well do you have any qustions for us?" Matt asked "I mean, it is a duo interview, right?"

"Yah..." Adi mumbled "Don't screw it up." She glared at me as I took a deep breath.

"Uhm... I hadn't prepared anything, I kinda..." I paused a little, how did I put this? I had no idea I was interviewing my brother, boyfriend, and their band today. I didn't even know exactly why I was here and not at Matt's side enduring these questions with him "I kinda forgot?"

"Ouch." Brian laughed "That's harsh."

"Oh my god, come here." Adi stood up, dragging me out of the room "Do you fucking want to go home? Are you trying to fuck up the most important interview of our LIVES?!" She hissed quietly "Do you want to leave so I can get this right?!"

"I... I.. I'm sorry! I just don't know what the fuck is going on!" I shouted "I swear on my life that I'm not supposed to be here right now!" I shouted.

"Jesus! Then leave!"

I turned around to see Zack standing in the doorway "What?" I asked.

"If interviewing us is so horrible, leave. You don't have to."

"I... It's not that." I stammered, feeling tears coming to my eyes that my goddamn brother didn't recognize me, or even KNOW I existed.

"She's delusional. She thinks you're her brother." Adi laughed, I gave her a glare "I guess this is fucked enough, why not let it all out?"

"Adi..." I hissed.

"What?" Zack laughed "That's rediculous, I don't have siblings. My Mom wanted to adopt but.... the girl didn't want to leave. Her friend passed away or something."

"I'm that kid!" I shouted, fuck it, if my life was this screwed up now, there was no way of screwing it up more "I'm the kid she was about to adopt, people mistook us as twins!"

"Hun, as crazy as that sounds, you have blonde hair. Mine's black." Zack gave me a look as he generously let Adi and I back into the room as Adi collected our things.

"What's going on?" Brian asked.

"She thinks he's here brother." Adi pointed to Zack "And somehow she knows everything about you all, and she doesn't really know what the fuck is going on."

"Sounds like someone took too much acid this morning." Matt laughed.

"NO!" I shouted "We..." Oh God what was I doing? "We've known eachother since grade school! We were going out, we were gunna have a baby and..." I looked down, tears falling from my eyes "Oh my god this is so fucked up..."

"Tell me about it... SECURITY!" Matt shouted.

I felt hands on my arms, they'd leave bruises in the morning, if there was a morning "Let me go! I'm not crazy! I SWEAR TO GOD! Zack, in highschool you beat up a kid beacuse he called me a freakshow!" I shouted "You're Mom's name is Carie, you sleep with three blankets, the blue one on top, green in the middle, and white on the bottom! Your Jack Daniels shirt is your favorite shirt ever! I fucking gave it to you for your sixteenth birthday! You're room is painted blue with a white stripe across the middle! And Matt," Now I had stopped being dragged and everyone was staring at me like I was crazy "Matt, your hair is dark brown, you think pancakes and bacon is the best breakfast ever, liquorice is your guilty pleasure. You bite your lip when you're nervous, you hate being called 'Matty' and the ring on your middle finger was a gift from your cousin on your eighteenth birthday!"

"What in fuck... how do you know that?" Matt asked.

"If you had a kid you'd name it Cadence because it means rhythm, if it was a girl anyways. You never chose a boys name. You have a wicked comfy bed, and you use Head and Shoulders shampoo, AXE body spray, and you absolutely love the beach." I said, completely out of breath and in tears. Adi glared at me as hard as anyone had ever done before "Zack... when you were thirteen, you skipped school and got a free ride in a cop car for being truent. I lied to Mom for you and told her you were sick that day and I was going to Matt's to pick you up...."

I got a hard look from Zack "No one ever knew about that."

"I know." I whispered.

"How do you know about that? Are you like... a stalker?" He asked.

I shook my head and turned around "No.... I don't even know who I am anymore."
♠ ♠ ♠
Yah, it's getting confusing...

Do you know how fucking hard it is to remmber to take it out of italics? Haha, i keep screwing it up...