Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


*The next saturday in Jackie's POV*

The guys figured that stage names for the band would be nice. Zack was now to be known as Zacky Vengeance, he said because I always took my vengeance on people that I was now Jackie Vengeance, I just called him crazy. Matt was M. Shadows, ooh scary. Brian was Synyster Gates. Jimmy was Reverend Tholemew Plague. And last but certainly not least! Johnny was Johnny Christ, how original right? But it rocked.

I took on Jackie Vengeance with pride though, I mean hell I was a bitch sometimes. But weren't we all.

We decided to go to the beach, again. This time Brian had decided to further piss me off.

"What is wrong with you? Are you just glutton for punishment?!" I laughed as he stood infront of me, being mad I put sand down his shorts. He did it to my first though.

"Well.. bitch!" He shouted.

"Woah!" Zack looked back and grimaced "Man you know better." He smirked as my face contorted into rage.

"BRIAN HANER!" I shouted, reeling my hand backwards and punching him straight in the stomach.

He doubled over, grasping onto his stomach as he fell to the sand "What the actuall..." He trailled off as he stood back up "Where'd you get that from?" He asked.

"I am a Vengeance." I smiled towards Zack.

"That you are." Matt laughed at Brian's pained face as he sat down.

"He'll learn soon enough." I laughed and sat down next to Matt as we watched the sun start setting. "I think I'm gunna go get some ice cream." I mumbled.

"Want me to go with you? It's getting dark." Matt said as he unwrapped his arm from my shoulders.

"Naw, I'm good. Want anything though?" I asked, standing up and brushing my green shorts off.

He shook his head so I started walking away towards the strip, where the ice cream stand was.


I had to pass a few creepy roads, which had really creepy people on them. I could just about see the ice cream stand, when I felt a rough hand on my back.

"Hey there little missy." A man, probably a year or two older than myself but not too much taller, growled as he looked my outfit over. It just consisting of my polkadotted bikini top and minishorts with flipflops.

"Excuse me." I said and tried to loosen his now rough grip on my shoulder.

He shook his head, an evil smile playing acrossed his face. "Sir, what do you want from me?" I asked slowly as he tugged at my arm.

"I think you know." He smiled and rested his gaze on my chest.

I squirmed helplessly as he dragged me into a gated road. 'Why didn't I let Matt come with me!?' I shouted to myself as he shut the gate and smiled at me. He reached to my back and untied my bikini strap. I slapped his hand away. "Get off me!" I shouted as he lunged towards me. If I could hurt Brian, I could sure enough hurt this clown.

But, I over estimated myself because in reality Brian wasn't even fighting back. He grasped my arms tightly and yanked me to the floor, kicking my knees so they gave out. Making my right knee kill like shit because it never healed properly from freshman year when I hurt it on the soccer field.

I remember my junior year, I tried out for the soccer team and made it. Varsity. But one game a girl slid into my leg in the rain and I had hyper-extended my right knee. Matt was at the game and I remember lying on the ground screaming in pain and his face was the first one I saw, the coach quickly following. He calmed me down just by being there, but he couldn't take that pain away. He tried to keep my mind off of it for the following few week when we figured out my ankle was broken too. He was over everyday, watching movies with me and leaving when my boyfriend would call. The one thing that would constantly remind me of him, was when my knee would act up now. It had never healed properly, and everytime it'd hurt I would remember Matt's caring, concerned, worried face above me on the field. Then the fact that my boyfriend would call during Matt's daily afternoon visits hit me.

How much did each of those boyfriends care if they wouldn't even take the time to have came over and asked, face to face, how I was doing? When Matt was the one getting me ice, and water bottles, and helping me to my room and making sure I was comfortable at night? I should have seen it, but I didn't because I considered him 'the ultimate best friend' in the book that there ever could be. I realized now how stupid I had been to not see that. He would call me if he couldn't make it on an afternoon, and he showed up otherwise. He always asked if I wanted to come hang with the guys, he made sure when I was there, that everyone was on their best, well best they could muster behavior.

How could someone be as blind as me?

I shouted in protest as the man dragged my shorts down. "NO! STOP!" I shouted, pushing him off of me and into the brick wall behind him.

I yanked my shorts back on and tied my bikini up. Thinking of Matt, and that thought finally hitting me, gave me the strength whack this joker asshole in the face. "Don't touch me!" He growled as he stood up.

"Touche!" I said, laughing at my words inside my head because they sounded so rediculous.

He reached out for me and I yelped as his long dirty fingernails dug into my arms skin. "Bitch!" He shouted as I clawed at his eyes, him knocking us both to the floor of the alley way.

"GET OFF OF ME YOU BASTARD!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs and kicked him in the groin. I heard a few voices calling my name and rolled my eyes 'I'm fine' ran through my mind, god help me if I actually needed help right?

The man stood up, kicking my knees again. I cringed in pain as I felt my right one snap, "AHG!" I shouted, tears freely falling from my eyes now. He looked down at me and hissed.

I mustered all my engergy and growled at him, hopping up and putting all my weight onto my left leg. I reeled my arm back once more and linered him in the face, hearing a nice crack under my knuckles as he tumbled backwards grasping his face.

"Don't mess with a Vengeance." I whispered in tears as I crumpled to the floor, hearing Matt's familiar voice in the distance. "MATT." I shouted in a 'right here' tone.

I heard the thumping of footsteps and the man crawled over to me, just as I could see Matt approaching. "Bitch." The man whispered gruffly into my ear and nipped at it, placing his lips roughly onto mine.

"GET OFF ME!" I shouted and shoved him back, my fist coming in contact with his face once again. He finally got up and ran away as Matt neared me.

"Jackie?" He asked.

I stood up, using the wall to support myself and undid the gate andwalked limped over to Matt. He held his arms out to catch me as I collapsed. "What the fuck happened?" He asked, noting the blood on my lip.

"I uh... was attacked?" I asked, why? I don't know.

"WHAT?! Who? Where'd they go?" Matt asked, looking around frantically.

"Mattie, I dealt with it. I don't think he'll mess with me again." I laughed as Matt lifted me up bridal style, feeling his bare arms and muscles under my bare legs.

"Come on, let's get you home and clean you up. Fucking shit, I knew I should have came with you." He muttered under his breath.

"Matt?" I asked as he walked down the road, and I took his cell phone from his pocket to text Zack where we were.

"Yeah?" He asked, watching me intently as I texted.

"Do you... like me?" I asked quietly as I hit 'send' on the phone and slid it back into his pocket with my free hand.

"Of course I like you." He smiled, but I saw through it. There was more.

"No like... like like me?" I asked "If you don't, please tell me. Because I'd rather know than not know." I laughed as he just stared at me in awe. "What?" I laughed.

"How'd you know?" He whispered as we neared my house.

I shrugged in his arms "Good guess?" I giggled as he smirked.

"That was a good guess." He laughed as I reached out to open the front door for him.

He walked in and into the kitchen, setting me down on the counter and fetching an ice pack from the freezer. "Here, ice your knee. I'll get a band aid for your arms.." He said and rushed out of the room.

Matt had left his cell with me, so Zack texted back.

'why are you goin home?' He asked.

I picked up the phone and started back. 'this is Jackie. I kinda.. had an incident? Yeah, but everythings chill, Matt's clearing me up.' I said, not wanting him to freak. But, he would anyways.

A few moments later, Matt bandaging the fingernail cuts in my arms, Zack texted back.

'An incident?! Tht cant be good. wht hppnd?' He asked.

I smirked and texted back 'i will tell u when u get home.' Was all I said, I really didn't want to tell him via text that I'd been attacked.

Matt looked at me as he finished up "Ok, all done. How's your knee feel?" He asked, a pained look coming acrossed his face.

"Eh?" I laughed "But you should have seen me wham his ass! I kicked his balls in, I think he's never having kids!" I laughed "Then I hit him hard in the face, I think he might have a broken cheek bone." I smiled proudly and jumped off the counter, stupid move dumbass. "OW!" I shouted and crumbled to the floor, guiding myself down with the counter.

"Oh, c'mere." Matt laughed and supported me up.

"Thanks." I laughed as he pulled me closer, holding me up with one arm "Strong much?" I laughed.

"You don't way anything much?" He laughed back.

I frowned at him as he lifted me up and brought me into the other room, setting me down on the couch. "I do weigh something." I laughed.

"Yeah? Like a pound, if that." Matt smirked as I cuddled into his warm, bare chest.

"Mmm, whatever. As long as you don't move, I don't care if I weigh nothing." I laughed as I took in his scent. Body spray, it smelled awsome, and cigarettes. He smoked, it was horrible but he did. But it made him... Matt.

"Well then I'll stay here as long as you don't weigh nothing." He laughed and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, feeling his skin against my own.

I sighed into his chest and traced the tattoos on his arms, he barely had any bare skin on them there were so many. "I want more tattoos." I pouted up at Matt.

He shook his head "You don't need any." He laughed and traced the lyrics on my wrist "You're perfect the way you are."

I cooed up at him and laughed "Aww thanks Mattie-kins. You're the best ever." I smiled and kissed his cheek, his face growing red.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oooohhh!! Don't worry, I don't really think I'll have anymore drama in here for a while. I've heard that it's stupid and makes stories less desirable to read.

But yeah... the whole knee thing is actually based on my knee. I have this shit called 'petella-fembral-syndrome' or it's super close to that, and it sucks. They reccomended physical therapy, but it didn't help. So now it acts up hella lots, and last summer I was goofing around playing soccer in my backyard (like I know I shouldn't be doing anyways) and I hyper extended the same knee, and twisted my ankle. Then this past winter I fell down the front steps (five feet fall) and hurt it again, and nearly broke my ankle. So all of Jackie's idiotic clutz issues are what happened/happens to me in my life.

Another thing, it is officially SPRING BREAK here where I live, so I hope to update more, but I'm trying to get together with friends as much as possible and then it's like 80+ degrees out everyday and I like to tan. So I shall try to update this as much as possible!
