Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


*jackie's pov*

"This is the night! What a beautiful night! The one we call Bella Noche!" I smiled and twirled around the bus, the boys had gone out a few hours ago for their first soundcheck of tour, Boston! I was mostly happy to have some alone time, so I took severe advantage of it by singing, twirling, and being in my undies and one of Matt's white teeshirts.

I grabbed a coffee cup and filled it up, humming the same tune over and over since, frankly, I didn't know the rest of the song.

"Da da da daaaa! Daaa da da daaa!" I sang out loud "Bella noche!" I sang loudly and twirled again, stopping dead on my tracks, half leaning forward as Brian smirked at me from the stariway into the bus.

"Good morning." He smiled "Getting comfy are we?"

I smiled, embrassed, clearly "Yah uhm... I thought you guys would be gone longer?" I asked, quickly grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around my bare legs. And half naked ass.

"Yah, I just had to come grab my cell. I forgot it and..." He looked at me funny "You really are Zack's sister, aren't you?"

I laughed "No, just part of the family."

Brian rolls his eyes as he took his phone from the charger "Well... I'm off now, you can go back to parading around in your undies and singing in...?" He looked at me.

"Singing in horrible attempts at Italian." I smiled "Bella noche is supposedly beautiful night."

Brian nodded "Gotcha, see you later right? You are coming to the show?"

I nodded "Oh definitely, noon, right?"

"Yah, see you." He smiled and disappeared, I had a horrible feeling I was going to get a laugh filled call from someone soon.... and it'd be at my expense, damn Brian..

No more than five seconds later, my cell phone rang from the bunks. I jogged back and picked it up "Hello?" I asked.

"Bellllaaa nochee!" Jimmy mocked into the phone.

"Very funny Sullivan, now stop bothering me and get back to this lazy thing you men call work." I groaned, rolling my eyes and hung up on him. Two seconds later, it rang again "Hello." I huffed and sat down on my bunk I shared with Matt.

"Hey gorgeous, did you let my best friend see you in undies?" Matt asked "Brian said-"

"He walked in on me while I was singing, terrible mind you, and laughed at me." I said, I knew this'd get Brian's deserving ass kicked.

I heard a mumble, followed by a loud "OW WHAT THE FUCK SANDERS?! That was my dick!"

"Yah, that's for laughing at my girl."

"Fuck you all!" Brian shouted "You're all a bunch of-... OW! Fuck it! I'm leaving the room!"

"All settled baby." Matt's voice came back loud and clear on the phone.

"You didn't have to kick him twice." I laughed.

"First off I didnt' kick him, I punched him. Second off, Zack was the second." He laughed a little "You're still coming to the show, right?"

I nodded "Oh, duh, you can't see me." I laughed a little at my stupidity "Yah, I'll be there."

"Get here early, and wear the outfit in the back lounge ok? It's awesome." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Why early?" I asked, yawning and lying down.

"I have something to ask you, and you gotta be early just in case ok? Just listen?"

Again, I nodded "Shit. I gotta remember I'm on the phone. Yah, I'll come early. Byeee."

"Bye baby." Matt laughed and hung up.

I rolled over and shut the curtain, feeling really sleepy. Maybe it was all the dancing...


"Hey! Jackie, over here!"

I looked up to see the guys friend and roadie, Jason, waving me over to the back gate. I walked over, in the outfit Matt picked out for my I'm assuming.

"Thanks, I was wondering where I was s'posed to go." I laughed as he helped me over one of the blockades.

"You look great, Matt's gunna be so happy." He smiled.

"Do you have any idea what he's got up his sleeve? Zack won't even tell me." I pouted, I had hung out with Jason before, and 'the pout' always worked on him.

He looked away "As much as I wanna tell you, Jackie, Matt wants this to be a surprise."

I groaned and shook my arm from his grasp as we entered the building "Jackie!"

I looked over to see Gena running towards me. She'd arrived a day late because of some family chrisis she had to work with, so her plane got in later "Geen!" I shouted, embracing her in a hug.

"You look gorgeous!" She smiled "Come on, the guys are waiting."

I nodded and followed her. She was in a short black mini dress, with black heels and matching green accesories. She looked stunning, I was so happy Zack was with her.

"Anouncing, Miss Jaclyn Baker!" Gena smiled as we walked through the doors.

"Sis!" Zack smiled, running at me and picking me up.

"Bro! It's been so long! like... five hours!" I laughed as he swung me around "So let's break it down, what's going on?" I asked as I sat next to Matt, taking a serious note now.

"Wanna sing the female vocals for us tonight? You know, for A Little Piece Of Heaven?" He asked.

"Matt, you know damn straight I can't sing." I laughed "I'd ruin the entire set."

Zack rolled his eyes "That's a fucking lie, we all know it."

"I heard it for real today, you're awesome." Brian smiled "Even though I laughed."

"Yah, pllleeeaaasee sing?" Jimmy asked.

I felt my face burning red "Uhm.... ok?"

"YES!" Matt kissed my cheek "Awesome, ok so... Jason'll tell you when to come on? Ok?"

"GUYS!" As if on one of those non-planned cue's, Jason ran in "Set in three!" He shouted and disappeared.

"Ok! Let's do this!" Brian stood up "Bllllllllllllllllaaaaahhhhh!" He shouted as we all stared "What?" Just getting pumped for the show..."

I laughed "Ok guys, go knock 'em dead." I smiled, giving Matt a kiss and Zack a long hug "Go get 'em bro."

"Alrighty, sis." He smiled and left Gena and I to watch as they stormed the stage.
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