Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


*Jackie's POV*

"Now I'd like you all to give a warm welcome to someone special who has generously agreed to come help me out tonight." Matt said as he stood infront of his mic. Zack smiled at me "This girl is our little behind the scenes secret we've kept from y'all up until now."

"Oh I'm so fucking nervous..." I laughed as Gena gave my hand a light squeeze.

"You'll do fine, Matt's gunna be right there. And you're a pro at this song." She smiled "I've heard you sing it." I nodded as Matt continued.

"She'll come up when her parts coming, we don't want her to get more scared than needed." Matt smiled back to me as I mouthed a thank you "She's my girlfriend, and best friend, Jackie."

The crowd cheered, my face went twenty different shades of red. "AND MY SISTER!" Zack shouted, everyone laughed.

"That too. Now let's get this shit started, shall we?" Brian asked as the intro began.

Matt sang flawlessly up until the first chorus where Jimmy sang, then he stopped everyone "I'm sorry... I forgot we need you to scream here." Matt looked back over at me "So uhm... scream into a mic."

I laughed as someone handed me a mic, I nodded at Matt and they restarted the song, with many laughs from crew and the guys.

I screamed and laughed when I knew I was supposed to, and when it came time for Matt and I's duet, he came over and got me from the side of the stage.

"What can you do?" I asked as he sang his part with a smile, both of us walking on stage "Not long enough. I pray to God that you do."

"I'll do what ever you want me to do." He smiled at me.

"Well then I'll grant you one chance." I smiled, blushing as his hand cupped my cheek.

"And if it's not enough?"

"If it's not enough?" I smiled back at him.

"Not enough?"

"Try again."

"And again." Matt sang with all his heart.

"Over and over again." We sang together, facing the crowd.

I smiled as Brian sigaled me to chant with them "We're coming back, coming back. We'll live forever, live forever. Let's have a wedding, have a wedding. Let's start the killing, start the killing." I said, letting out a small laugh away from the mic at the end as Matt and Jimmy went off onto their little ad libs.

Then Zack stepped up to his mic with a smile "Do you take this man in death for the rest of your natural life?" He looked at me as I smiled at Matt.

"Yes, I do."

"And do you take this woman in death for the rest of your natural life?" Zack now looked at Matt.

"I do."

"I now pronounce you-"

"'Cos I really always knew that my little crime would be cold that's why I got a heater for your thighs, and I know... I know it's not your time, but bye bye!" He laughed as they finished off the song.

I was standing off to the side while they finished the set, then Matt called me back out "I know, don't hate me." He lauged "but... There's something I gotta ask you."

I nodded as he took each of my hands. I noticed that the guys and Gena, plus all the crew, were standing watching. Matt handed me a microphone "Ok?" I smiled.

"Jaclyn Baker, will you marry me?" He asked and produced a ring from his shirt pocket. The crowd gasped, and began cheering, as did our little band/crew audience.

I just stared at Matt. I knew my answer.

"Yes, I will." I smiled as he stood up, wrapping me in a hug once the ring was placed on my finger.

"I love you." He smiled as he pressed his lips to mine.

"I love you, too." I smiled back as he thanked the crowd, and carried me off stage.

"YES!" Zack, Brian, Jimmy, and Johnny all cheered as they congratulated Matt.

Gena and I rolled our eyes, while admiring the ring "Men..." We laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh la la! I thought it was about time :)