Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


Things were going better. Though I was still a little sick. But thankfully, and to the relief of the entire band and crew, my fever was down from 103.5 to 98.6 again, normal body heat, and I had stopped barfing. SCORE!

I could see Matt getting worried though, with all that puking I hadn't really been hungry. And the last thing I need is to stop eating again. That would hault everything and just... screw my life up again. Like I said, Matt was worried. And he wasn't scared to show it.

"So you need to eat this, and this...and I want this gone by the time we get back ok? Oh, and drink this thing, the guy at the health store said it was good for you, and then eat thi-"

"Matt." I said sternly as he kept handing things to me "I'm not annorexic."

He gave me a hard look "But you don't eat anything."

"I do, I just still feel a little queasy every now and then babe. Believe me, I wouldn't do that to myself again." I rolled my eyes.

"Ok just..." He handed me a plate of food. I looked it over then gave him the 'are you fucking serious?' look "Yeah, that has to be eaten before I leave. I want to see it, ok?"

I groaned and looked at Zack. He raised his hands in the air "Don't look at me, you know I'll force feed you."

I rolled my eyes and began shoveling the food into my mouth. Matt watched like a hawk, making me far more uncomfortable than usual. I scarfed it all down, finishing in under five minutes "Tada." I handed him the plate "Now leave before y'all are late."

Matt bent over and kissed me lightly "We'll be back before you know it ok?"

I nodded "Yah, and you know what?" I smirked as he shrugged "We have hotels tonight."

"Oh that's right! SCORE!" Jimmy shouted, pumping his fist in the air as he skipped off the bus.

Matt smiled at me with that look in his eyes. I smiled back just as Zack smacked Matt over the back of the head "Eyes off my sister." He laughed as Brian walked by, giving us a fake disgusted look.

"Don't be jealous, Brian!" I hollered as he left.

"Not!" He shouted back with a laugh, then ran on "Not that-"

"Oh just leave." I waved him off and watched as Zack dragged Matt out "Byyyeeee Zacky Bear!"

"Bye Jac Attack!" He shouted back.

"Talk about ressurecting the dead!" I shotued after him as the bus door shut. Unthinkfully, I was alone now.

Gena went back to Hutington yesterday for some family thing, she said she could stay but Zack told her she should go, it was family, and family to Zack and I anyways, is number one. So I kicked my feet up and turned the TV on. Nothing good on. Damnit. I turned the TV off and took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and pulled a blanket over me. We were in Phillidelphia today, and it was pretty cold.

Even thought it was mid April, I was freezing. I looked down at my outfit. Sweatpants, swatshirt.... I sighed and messed up my hair, I showered this morning in a shower with actual warm water, that was a score. So far this tour had been short, cold showers. I had curled my hair today, not like Shirley Temple curls, but wavy curls.

For the first time in the past eight days I'd been sick, I had makeup on. Heavy black eyeliner and red lipstick. I stood up, I looked too damn good, and felt too damn amazing, to be sitting here doing nothing. I walked to the bunk area and grabbed some clothes from my bag.

A pair of jet black skinny jeans, a white deep V-neck teeshirt, a dark purple vest, and some black ankle boots. I stripped my sweats off and got dressed. I looked in the full length mirror behind the bathroom door and smiled. For having a deathly high fever for over a week, I cleaned up nice.

I smiled and fixed my lipstick before walking off the bus. Matt and Zack would probably kill me, but I was so bored.

I passed a few techs with a smile as they acknowledged me, a few I didn't recognize, but I picked Jason out immediatly "JASE!" I shotued and ran over to him, taking mad skill in these heels.

"Jackie!" He smiled, catching me in a hug as he spun around from my momentum "Glad you're feeling better! The guys told me you were down and out for a while?" He asked, setting me down.

I nodded "Yah, it sucked. Now Matt and Zack are all 'oh god, you're going to be annorexic again' and I wanna punch 'em." I laughed as he nodded, and a few other techs which I didn't know gathered around.

"Jason, who's your friend?" One of them with light brown hair asked, sticking his hand out to me and shaking mine "I'm Eric." He smiled, clearly flirting.

Jason laughed a little "Yah, Eric, this is Jackie."

"Hi." I smiled "You know Zack and Matt right?" He nodded "Well uh... how well do you know them?"

"I know them pretty well. Why?"

"You do know Zack's sister?" I asked "I heard she's a knock out."

He laughed "Isn't she engaged to Matt?"

I flashed him my ring "And couldn't be happier." I patted his shoulder "Sorry, so sorry buddy." Jason laughed and took my arm.

"Come on, before you get in any more trouble." He shook his head and led me away from the tech van.

"Awe, but I was just having some fun Jase." I pouted as he shook his head.

"No no and uh.. no." He laughed "The guys'll kill you for being out anyways, and especially letting the techs and roadies flirt with yo-"

"Yo Jase! Who's the chick?" Yet another roadie ran up to us.

"Back off, Greg, this is Matt's girl." Jason replied without even looking at the guy. He backed off as I rolled my eyes.

"You'd think they never saw a girl before." I laughed.

"They just never saw a pretty one." Jason smirked at me.

"Awwwee!" I smiled, pinching Jason's cheeks with a smirk "You're a sweetie, yes you are!" I laughed as he walked me into the venue.

"The guys are on, hang back here ok? Don't. Move. I'll be right back." He gave me a warning look and I nodded.
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HIIII!!!! I hope people are reading this still?

Comments are lovely little reminders that this is still read LOL

XoX Jb