Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


I stood there waiting for Jason. A few tech's walked around, giving me nods and smiles. I didn't know any of them. And here I thought I knew all of Avenged Sevenfold's tech. Ha! Get it? Singular? I only know Jason.... well, and his brother Matthew.

I tapped my foot on the ground, holding on of my hands bitchily on my hip as some guy walked up to me.

"Hey, are you authorized to be back here?" He looked me over.

"Are you authorized to ask stupid questions?" I asked back.

He grabbed my arm "Come on smart ass, out of here." He grunted as I fought back.

"Hey! Lemme go!" I shouted, trying to free myself of his grasp "JASON!" I shouted "JASON FUCKIN' BERRY GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!"

"Oh like I'll fall for that one." The man rolled his eyes.

"Luke, put 'er down." A deep voice said from behind us.

The man, apparently Luke, turned around with a scared expression on his face "Uh... But she's trespassing."

I smiled up at Matt's eyes "That's ok, she's hot enough."

"Dude... you have a fiance? Helllloooo?" Luke laughed.

"Yah? What about me?" I asked as he looked between Matt and I "Babe, you need to introduce me to all your friends so these mix ups stop."

Luke let go of me "Wow, I'm so sorry, Miss Baker." He apologized "I had no clue."

I smiled "Most of them don't... I have a feeling there's a huge need of a Fiance/Crew introduction, Matt." He nodded and took my arm as Luke walked away "Aren't you supposed to be singing?" I asked.

"What are you doing off the bus?" Matt asked, ignoring my question as the crowd cheered while Brian and Zack wasted time shredding on their guitars.

"What? I can't leave the bus now?" I asked "I'm feeling better, Matt, and I was tired of that damn bus."

Matt held his head in his hands "If I hadn't heard you yell for Jason, or if Jason hadn't told me you were here, Luke would have locked your ass out of the venue. And knowin you, you would have just walked into the venue looking for Jason. And do you know how many of those fans out there would recognize you? And like -"

"Maaaattt!" I groaned and pushed him towards the stage "Go already, ok? I'm fine, stop worrying and all that blah blah blah shit." I rolled my eyes as he smirked "What? GO! Brian and Zack are making fools of themselves."

"Why don't you tell them that and help me sing ok?" Matt asked "If you're up to it?"

I shrugged "If I get to publicly embarass my brother I'd do anything." I smiled and followed Matt on stage.

"OK! So we found her," Matt announced, the crowd erupted into cheers as I stole Zack's mic.

"Bro, stop making a fuckin' fool of yourself." I shook my head and sat down on a bar stool Jason brought out for me "If I have the right, I want y'all to give it up for J Berry. He's the fuckin awesomest ever."

"What about me?" Matt asked into the mic as everything transitioned, acoustic gutiars were brought of for what I was assuming was going to be Dear God.

"Well, when you're not around." I smiled and crossed my legs under me, skillfully balancing on the stool "He saved me from multiple techs and roadies on the way here from the bus. THANKS JASON!"

"Yah... she almost got kicked out." Matt looked at the audience with a shake of his head.

"Well if you introduced me to your crew, I wou-"

"OK YOU TWO!" Jimmy shouted into his backup mic "Let's get this show on the fuckin' road."

I laughed and nodded as Zack began an acoustic intro. Not Dear God though. I recognized it and smiled, Gunslinger.

"Yeah you've been alone. I've been gone for far too long. But with all that we've been through, after all this time I'm coming home to you. Never let it show the pain I've grown to know. Cos with all tehse things we do it dont matter when im coming home to you. I reach towards the sky, I've said my goodbyes. My hearts always with you now."

Matt smiled at me as I began backing up his voice.

The song climaxed and Matt began his screaming. I smiled wide, he was so amazing at it. "I've always been true, I've waited so long just to come hold you," I was singing those weird 'oohhhs' in the background and I heard Zack laughing so I shot him a glare.

"The stars in the night, they lend me their light to bring me closer to Heaven with you."

"Ohhh yaaaahhh!!!!! Bring me closer! Ehhhh yeah-eh!" I sang as Matt smiled at me, taking my hand as we sang together.

"After all that we've been through, after all this time I'm coming home to you. My hearts always with you, now. I won't question why so many have died. After all tehse things we do, it dont matter when I'm coming home to you."

The song faded away and the guys gave little 'goodbyes' and bows before jogging off the stage. Matt picked me up, making me scream a little, and carried me off the stage.

"I love you." He smiled as he kissed my cheek.

"I love you too." I smiled while he set me down to do their little crew/band highfive line. I laughed as Zack ran over to me "AHHHH!" I shouted as he flung me over his shoulder.

"That's for embarassing me infront of everyone." He laughed and began walking.

"What?! You embarass me all the time!" I laughed.

"Not infront of thousands of people." He corrected, setting me down and wrapping me in a hug "Why are you all dressed up?"

I shrugged "I think I'm gunna go get a few drinks somewhere... Wanna come?"

"You couldn't go without us anyways." Brian walked over with a smug grin.

"Why not? I'm old enough." I scoffed "I don't need babysitters."

Brian rolled his eyes "Matt thinks otherwise. You should have seen how pissed he was when Jason told him you were here without someone with you."

I groaned "That's his problem, he needs to lighten up. I'm a big girl now, I can handle myself. I'll catch ya' later at the hotel. I'm gunna go get a drink." I waved and began walking off, feeling someone grab my wrist.

"He's gunna be pissed." Brian said in a quiet voice as he turned me around.

"So? He'll get over it, Bri. Let me go, or I'll tell him you're hurting me. Who's ass would be grass then?" I smiled as he let go "See ya'."

"Yah.... at your funeral." He shrugged off my glare as I walked out of the venue, making sure I had my credit card, ID, cell phone, and keys. I didn't need keys, I was thousands of miles away from my house or car. But I still had them.

I took in a deep breath of air as I held the door open for a minute, hearing Brian and Matt's voices behind me. Brian was telling on me, asshole. I heard Matt getting angry, then a loud crash. I looked back quickly, catching his eye. I shrugged as he began walking over to me, but I walked out.

"Jaclyn Baker get back here right now!" He shouted, "You can't go out alone at night!"

I ignored his shouts as I walked past the gate, through the sea of fans giving me 'holy shit is that...?' looks, and to the sidewalk. I smiled and spun around a little. The first taste of freedom in... a while.

I always had one of the guys with me, or one of the girls. I never got out alone anymore, Matt really wouldn't let me. Ever since.... the incident they all thought I wasn't stable enough.

I'd show them.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about screwing up the chapters LOL. I didn't notice. I'll fix them as soon as I get the time to edit lol.

Hope you like this. I think she needs some freedom, and if it causes controversy, so be it.

xxxoooxxx Jb