Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


*Matt's POV*

Jackie and I just sat on the couch together, watching the news on TV as there was nothing else on really. Well, unless you liked Dora The Explorer and her retarded Map and Backpack. Neither Jackie or I could stand them, she threw a pillow at the TV when it came on the screen and yelled 'go fuck swiper!' at the screen, causing me to laugh.

Halfway through the midnight news the front door opened and Zack walked in. "Hey you two." He eyed us suspiciously.

"Welcome back." Jackie laughed.

"So what happend?" He asked, walking around the couch "SHIT!" He shouted, looking at Jackie's very swollen knee. "What happened? You said incident, I thought you spilt ice cream on yourself!" Zack gasped as he looked her over.

"Er..." Jackie mumbled "I got attacked in an alleyway." She whispered.

Zack's jaw dropped as he looked from me to her and back again "WHAT?!" He gaped.

"Yeah.. I beat him up pretty bad though, you should have heard the crack when I punched his face!" She smiled proudly as Zack just stared at her "Am I doing the Vengeance name justice?" She smiled funnily.

"YOU GOT ATTACKED?" He gaped yet again.

"Yes, he tore my bikini off and then my shorts. But he didn't get anywhere because fuck, I ain't lettin' no creeper in my pants!" Jackie laughed, but obvious pain of remembrance in her voice.

"He raped you?!" I asked taken by surprise, she hadn't shared that detail with me.

She smiled weakly and shrugged "Not really, he just... tried." She said, nodding to herself "Tried being the operative word. I'm not lettin' no freak be my first time. And che'yeah." She laughed as Zack smiled.

"Well... as long as you're alive and not.. raped," He paused, hating how it sounded from his own mouth "I guess I won't freak out." He said, bending over and hugging Jackie's shoulders.

"Ah, carefull bro'. Bruises will be there tomorrow but they still hurt." She laughed, gently rubbing her arms where the bruises were already coming in in a light purple.

A while later, Zack still up with us, we were back to watching TV. Still nothing good on so we settled on Cops. Jackie was lying flat on the couch, her head on a pillow in my lap. I was rubbing her arms, they were cold and I could tell she was shivering since all she was in was a bikini top and shorts. But it was relatively warm out.

I felt her yawn and watched as her eyes fluttered closed then open, her straining to keep them so. "Wanna go to bed?" I whispered in her ear.

"Mhm." She mumbled and sat up. She stood, cringing in pain as she finally shifted her weight to her left foot and started limping for the door.

I rolled my eyes and got up, having really planned on bringing her to bed anyways, I walked up behind her and picked her up. "Oof!" She laughed as I held her tightly "Thanks." She murmered into my ear as I carried her up the stairs.

"No problem." I smiled as she wrapped her arms around me and nuzzled her head into my neck.

I opened her bedroom door and flicked the lights on "AH THE LIGHT!" She laughed as I set her down on her bed. She smiled and patted the bed next to her "You stayin' the night?" She yawned.

"Uh..." I mumbled, I didn't want anything to be awkward since what I'd told her earlier.

"Take that as a yes." She smiled "Extra pajamas in Zack's room, let me get changed in peace." She waved me out of the room and stumbled to her dressed, propping herself against it and grabbing a tank and shorts.

I walked down the hall and into Zack's room, he was still watching TV. I stopped what I was doing and listened. I could hear Jackie whimpering quietly in her room and I just sighed, her knee was a bitch when it acted up. And now it was probably broken or like... dislocated or something crazy. I knew it would be hurting her for a while, it looked horrible. It was black and purpled around the edges and was pretty swolen up.

I quickly changed in the bathroom and walked back to Jackie's room, knocking on the closed door before I walked in. "Hm?" Jackie hummed, I heard walking towards the door then she swung it open, her face looked pained and I could see that she'd been crying.

"You set?" She asked as she walked, surprisingly well even though I could tell she was in agony, to her bed and sat down.

"Yup." I smiled and just stood in the middle of her room.

She let out a quiet laugh and looked up at me "You do know you don't have to stand there, Mattie." She said and moved to the far side of her bed, it was a giant bed, and patted the side nearer to me. "Sleep?" She smiled, tugging up at the covers and covering her shoulders up.

"Why not." I smirked and walked over, carefully getting as to not move the bed too much and cause her more pain.

I watched as she settled into her pillow, smiling softly to herself as she proped another between her knees. "Mmm, shit." She laughed and crinkled her face up "Mother f-.." She said, sitting up quickly and grabbing her knee in pain as she groaned. "Arg!" She groaned again.

"Want me to get you some more pain killers?" I asked, starting to sit up.

Jackie laughed, but there was underlying pain showing through. "I'm already set." She laughed, shaking a bottle of pain killers in her hand as she grabbed them from her side table. She took a water glass from the table also and downed four pills. "M'kay, lets try this again." She laughed and laig back down, sighing as she finally got comfortable.

"You gunna be okay with me in here?" I asked as she just looked at the ceiling.

"Mhm, as long as you don't like... kick me or anything." She smirked and looked at me out of the corner of her eye and turned onto her side, cringing a little. "Fucking knee." She mumbled.

"Fucking asshole guy." I mumbled back as she just started laughing. "How can you laugh right now? You almost gor raped, and your knee is screwed again." I asked.

"I don't know. Maybe just not dwelling on bad things helps, I don't know though." She laughed and closed her eyes momentarilly. "But... I think I'm going to go to the doctors tomorrow, get crutches and maybe a brace for it." She shrugged, eyes still closed.

"I'll drive you." I whispered as her breathing steadied out as she fell asleep.

I reached over to the table lamp and clicked it off, settling down and closing my eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh lala! I got ten readers on my last chapter! Do you KNOW how happy that makes me?!?! LIKE UBER HAPPY that I decided to update 1)on my vacation; 2) on a relatively nice day; 3) when I feel like shit! Haha, the latter is because of retarded allergies.

But I hope you like this. I already had the sequel finished, and read it over last night and absolutely hated it. I deleted it ALL and started from the last chapter I had posted here on Mibba. And now I'm beginning to LOVE this more than ever and it is now my new baby. I love it so much, and I think I can do so much better with it than like "Oh I love you so much" "I love you more" *sex scene* and all that mundane shit.

I liked the concept I originally had, but it was too filled to the brim with drama, and I even felt like killing myself after I read it. No, no one killed themselves. There were suicide attempts made by my character, because it was a day I felt horrible about my life and I can't write on those days because it screws my writing to hell haha. And there was so much going on and so many random characters I brought in just to kill off for drama and conflict, it made my freaking head spin!

So yeah... but it's going to be easier on the mind and eyes now :) but what about Matt and the A7X guys isn't easy on the eyes? Haha

XO Jackie