Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


We borded the plane, conversations about dicks hadn't stopped since the elevator. Johnny had slept in and was wondering why I was talking about Brian's dick so much, and if the apocalypse had officially happened.

"No! His dick isn't nearly as-"

"Can you not talk about that in a public plane?" Brian asked, giving me a hard stare.

"I wasn't gunna say it was as small as a a tater tot." I raised my hands "Because it's not."

"Thank-... How do you know?" Brian asked.

"So it is a tater dick?" I asked as a woman gave me the most evil glare I'd ever seen. I looked to her side and noticed a boy, about thirteen, about to piss his pants from laughing "He must have someone elses sense of humor, lady, he see's that dicks are hilarious ok? Jeez, maybe you need some."

I hand clapped over my mouth and I looked up at Brian "Shut up, Jackie." I hated the airlines and I hated rules. Brian, Johnny and I got stuck together, while Matt, Zack, and Jimmy were together on the other side.

I licked Brian's hand.

"EWW!" He shouted, shaking hsi hand.

I looked at him "Brian...." I smirked as he gave me the 'no you wouldn't...' look. I stood up and looked for Matt "MATT IT'S OK!" I shouted "I don't need to give Brian a hand job! He gave himself one! So you can stop worrying about us now babe!" I smiled, being pulled down roughly. "Ow, ruin my fun, Haner..." I pouted.

"What the fuck are you on?" He asked in a quiet voice that still was like a scream.

"Well only a few hours ago it was Matt's dick but now.... I'm on a damn plane with the most prudeish man ever." I rolled my eyes as Johnny stiffled a laugh "Laugh, midget because I'm talking about you. You wouldn't put out if a PLay Boy BUnny rode you." I smiled as he glared at me.

"Excuse me miss..."

Brian gave me a nervous look as I turned to the aisle "Yes ma'am?" I asked.

"we've been recieiving complaints about.... vulgar language? Could you please keep it down?" She asked in a sweet voice, glacing behind me at Brian.

"Ohhh.... you want his dick?" I held back a laugh as Brian poked my side "You'll have to fight his hand for it."

She sighed "I'm goig to have to ask you to be quiet, then if you won't cooperate."

I shrugged "I'll be quiet, I won't scream DICK anymore... after that time of course." I smiled as she walked away.

"You're going to get us banned." Brian groaned.

"If you're so willing, why didn't you fuck her? She looked like she could have used it." I smiled at Brian "And since you're so desperate-"


I looked up again "Yah Zack?"

"Switch seats, now. Go, come on, move, go go go." He stood me up.

"PARTY KILLER!" I shouted, getting a glare from the woman "What?! I didn't scream vulgar body parts now did I? OK? So shove it in your mouth and go away!"

I trudged to the other side and sat next to Matt "We can hear you two talking about dicks from the all the way over here." He whispered in my ear.

I crossed my arms "You're all a bunch of whiny dicks, that what you are."

Matt pressed his lips to my cheek "And you love it."

"Well, only your's. Brian's is tainted." I smirked and looked over at Brian as he stuck his tongue out at me.

I closed my eyes and stuck my tongue out, making makeout faces at him. When I opened my eyes a few seconds later, Brian had been replaced by Zack, who was in death glare sister protector mode. I rolled my eyes as Matt looked down at me "What? I'm not commenting on Zack's dick.... I don't even want those two words in the same sentence unless it's Zack isAdick ok?"

"Yah, sure." Mat laughed.

"Will you shut up?" Jimmy asked "All I've heard from you is dick this and dick that-"

"OH MY GOD!" I shouted and stood up, walking over to Brian, escaping Matt as he tried to grab me "BRIAN I HAVE THE FUNNIEST NICK NAME FOR YOU!"

"Oh God...." He mumbled, covering his face with his hands.

"Matt's dick one, and you're dick two!" I Smiled as I said it as quiet as possible.

The kid a few rows infront of us busted out laughing, his mother shushing him frantically "OH MY GOD!" He laughed "That's the funniest thing ever!"

"See!" I smiled and gave him a thumbs up, glaring at my guys "Someone thinks I'm funny."

Zack pulled me down into the vacant seat next to him "Only because he's an immature child, Jaclyn."

"And truth be told..." Brian started with a little laugh "He probably prefers dick... and his mom just doesn't know."

I smiled and hugged Brian "I knew the perverted you was in there somewhere...." I smiled up at him as Zack groaned.


We all nodded as he walked away back to his seat. I smiled at Johnny "So, midget boy, do you prefer dick o-"

"Shut up." He cut me off, putting his headphones on as Brian and I smiled at eachother.

I rested my head on Brian's shoulder "You're such a great friend." I smiled.

"So are you. You keep us on our toes." He laughed a little.
♠ ♠ ♠
The word "Dick" Has become my new favorite word.... Hahahaha hope you like it :) It's gunna get happier now :) HOpefully, unless I feel like killing people or get wicked sad ;) haha

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxo Jb