Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


The plane landed, and I raced Brian off. Matt was behind with Zack, Johnny was avoiding us, and Jimmy was... well, he was Jimmy, causing his own trouble somewhere.

"Watch out you dick face!" I shouted, shoving Brian as I grabbed my bag.

"Yah? Well... well..."

I laughed, leaning on Zack as he stood behind me "Yah, nice comeback, Haner."


Brian looked behind me with a horrified look on his face. I turned and smiled "Don't freak out girls," I laughed as six girls ran over, giving me weird looks "Their dicks are all blown for the day, no jobs for you right now... but maybe tomorrow.."

"OH GOD!" Brian picked me up, walking away "You need to shut up, kiddo."

The girls followed "Didn't you just hear me?" I asked.

"Aren't you Matt's fiance? Zack's sister?" One of them, the taller of them all, asked.

I nodded, kicking Brian to set me down "Yah, so?" I asked.

"You like.... you're like their personal blow job girl?" Another with orange hair asked.

"Their whore?" One with blonde hair giggled as her friends joined in.

"Thats so uncalled for." Brian laughed "So she's an easy fuck, but not a whore."

The girls stared at him with wide eyes "Did... did Synyster Gates just defend a woman?" Blondie asked.

"HEY!" I shouted, scaring them "He might be a man-slut, he might have a disappointing dick, but he is no where near a womanizer! And he stands up for women every day!" I Shouted.

"Yaaah right!" Ginger laughed.

"True.... he only stands up if you use your hands or mouth. But that's beside the point, he's a great dude and... hell if I wasn't engaged to Matt, I'd tell you to fuck off he's mine." I smirked as they slowly walked away.

"And let's see the gossip columns that come out on this one..." Brian mumbled and pulled me towards the guys, who had been watching in amusement.

I smiled as Matt picked me up "What's up doc?" I asked.

"Not much, all this dick and fucking talk is making me horny." He smirked at me as I kissed his cheek.

"Kinky hot bunk sex?" I asked, he nodded "And no, Brian. You can't join." I rolled my eyes playfully at him.

"I wouldn't want Matt's dick near me." He held his hands up as I supressed a comment.

"Alright... alright. So it's just Matt and I..." I kissed his cheek again as we walked outside, it was nice and warm.

"We need to go buy condoms." Matt whispered in my ear.

I took a deep breath "We're in Vegas...." I looked him dead in the eyes as he nodded.

"I thought you wanted a big, fabulous, extravagant wedding...?" He asked.

"We can always have a second wedding when we get back." I smiled.

Matt smiled wide "Ok, first stop, wedding chapel!"

Everyone stopped in their tracks and looked at us "One downfall.." Zack piped up as I looked at him "Gena will die if she's not here."

"Well good fucking thing I am, right?"

I jumped off of Matt and ran over to her, wrapping my arms tight around her shoulders "OH MY GOD GENA I LOVE YOU WHERE DID YOU COME FROM!?"

"LA, but that's not the point... you two are gunna get hitched!" She smiled.

"No seriously... did you stalk us?" I smiled as we walked onto the awaiting bus, letting the guys load everything.

"Naw, we planned for me to meet back up with y'all here anyways. I had a feeling you two horn dogs would tie it up in the city of lights." She smiled, hugging me tight.

"That's New York love." I giggled.

"Whatever." She laughed.

"Sin city!" I smiled as she laughed more.

"Speaking of Syn..." She trailed off "What is this I heard walking here about Matt's girl blowing Brian's dick?" She asked with an amused expression.
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BUAHAHAHA! Last one of the night i'm sooo tired! Long day of Drama class and chorus, I'm so beat.

hope you liked it, how about.... you guys get me to..... let's see... 25 comments? It's at 23 now, so two more? If you're super awesome (which you are) You'll strive for 30 :) No double posting though! HA!

Whore this out for me? Invite friends, spread the woorrrddd :) Pease?

xoxoxoxo jB