Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


*Jackie's POV*

Matt's arm was draped around my waist as he snored away next to me. If this is what it was like being married and how I was gunna wake up every morning, then damn I wish I had been married a long time ago.

I smiled at how cute he looked, he started to smile a little, then scrunched his eyebrows together. He must have been dreaming because he started mumbling in his sleep.

I laughed quietly and pulled his arm off me, but he clamped it down tighter "Staaayyyyy." He whined, burrying his face back into his pillow "You're keeping me warm."

"On the contrary m'dear husband, you are keeping me warm." I laughed "My toes are freezing."

Matt moved his leg over to me, brushing it against my foot "Holy fuck I guess so.." He mumbled, opening his eyes and pulling me closer "More reason to stay."

I squirmed out of his grasp "I'm gunna go pester my brother."

"Oh jeez..." Matt muttered as I gave him a questioning look "Zack's my brother in law."

I toppled onto the bed with laughter "HA! Oh gosh! He'll love that one... More meaning to 'band of brothers'." I smiled and walked out, leaving a very lonely looking Matt to fall back asleep. I walked into the one big living room that joined our rooms together and saw Zack sitting on the couch with Brian watching TV.

"Hey ho's." I smiled, sitting between them, resting my legs on Brian's lap and my head on Zack's arm.

"Hey Mrs. Sanders, how did you sleep?" Brian smiled "That's so cool."

"Tell me about it, and I slept very well. Oh by the by Zack...?"

"Yah sis?" He looked down at me.

"Your new brother in law says hi."

Zack's eyes widened "AHHHHH! That's right! OH NO!"

I smirked as Brian began laughing "You're related to Matt!"

"Who's related to Matt?" Gena walked out of her and Zack's room, wearing an oversized sweatshirt and a pair of my sweatpants.

"Those are my Victoria's Secret sweats, Geen." I laughed as she sat down.

"Oh..." She looked down "I took them from Zack's bag, now who's related to Matt? Other than Jackie now?"

"ZACK!" I smiled. Gena's eyes grew wide "Brother's in law."

"Awe, how sweet." Gena rolled her eyes a little "So what are we doing today?"

I was about to open my mouth when the door to Matt and I's room opened "Jackie?" Matt asked.

"Yah babe?" I asked back as he stood there, looking like a lost puppy, it almost made me 'awe'.

"Can you come here?" He held his arms out with his eyes closed.

"I am not fucking you." I rolled my eyes as he stood there still "What is it?"

"I miss you."

I couldn't hold it in, and apparently neither could Gena "Awwee." We both cooed at the same time as he stood there with his eyes closed.

"Plleeeaaase come back to bed?" He asked with a yawn "You make sleeping so much more comfortable."

"Matt." I groaned and stood up, walking over to him and kissing his cheek "Later, go back to sleep ok? I'm gunna stay out here."

He pouted and turned, walking back into the room and shutting the door. "Ouch, let down by the wifey." Brian laughed as I sat back down.

"Why didn't you go back to bed? You've gotta be tired." Gena snickered.

"I actually slept good. He wears me o-"

"SHUT UP!" Zack shouted, covering his ears "I don't want to hear that about my baby sister."

I smiled and hugged his chest "I ruv you Zacky Bear."

"Ruv you too Jac Attack." He smiled, kissing my forehead "Now go get showered and dressed, we're going shopping."

I looked up at him then over at Gena "You whipped my big brother?"

"No." She laughed "He was like that when I found him."

I smiled as Zack rolled his eyes "Yah, I trained him young." I pinched Zack's stomach "And it seems more training is in the works mister Vengeance." I smirked as he poked my stomach.

"Look who's talking."

I sat back, giving him a look. I stared down at my stomach under the teeshirt I was wearing. I lifted it up and poked myself "What?" I asked, looking up at him curiously.

"I was joking." He laughed a little as I stared down at my stomach.

"You might be right though... I have gained wei-"

"You had the stomach flu for over a week, you're under weight if anything." Brian groaned with an eyeroll as he watched TV "Zack stop giving your sister a complex."

"Yah, he didn't mean it kiddo." Gena smiled over at me.

I nodded and walked to the bathroom to get ready, but the thoughts wizzed around me head as I turned the shower on. I inspected my body in the mirror, pinching skin here and there. I sighed "Nothing's ever good enough."
♠ ♠ ♠
Ouch, Zack, way to tell the recovering annorexic chick she's fat. Haha.

I love writing this, it's kinda.... I don't know how to explain it lol. It's kinda like writing down my life in words for other people to read :)

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo jB


PS: My ex is a total douche, he told me I'm gorgeous and that someone out there wants me. DOUCHE BAG DOUCHE BAG DOUCHE BAAGGG!!!
