Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


"ZACK!" I Shouted, running into the lviing room in just a towel.

"OW MY EYES!" Brian shouted, shoving his face into the couch.

Thanks Brian, that helps me out a lot. I thought to myself as Zack turned around.

"Yah?" He asked, giving me that 'what the fuck is with the towel?' look.

"I'm raiding your clothes." I announced and walked into his and Gena's room.

I rummaged through his things, I grabbed a red plaid button down and scampered out of the room with one of his hats too.

"HEY!" Zack shouted "C'mere!"

"No time! Gotta wake up the Mr. and then-" I hadn't been paying attention where I was skipping, and skipped right into Matt's chest with a loud 'oof'.

"I'm awake, and you're on the floor." He laughed, picking me up with one arm. He looked me over "I think it's time we got some food into you."

I shook my head "Not right now, I have an outfit to coordinate." I smiled "Then Zacky's taking me shopping!" I smiled and ran into the room, slamming the door behinid me.

*Matt's POV*

"You're taking her shopping?" I asked, sitting down next to Zack as he stared off into space "DUDE!"

"Oh, yah, sorry. What?"

"What's with you?" I asked.

"He told Jackie she was fat." Brian muttered.

"WHAT?!" I asked, smacking Zack's arm "YOU TOLD HER WHAT?!"

"I didn't!" Zack defended "She..."

"Don't you give me she started it, Zack. Don't. You can't do that with her!" I groaned "I'm.... I'm gunna beat your ass up."

He gave me a look "Do you think your wife will take highly to the fact her husband beat her brother up?"

"No but if she-"

"Guys!" Gena shouted at us. We both turned to her.

She was pointing to the bedroom door, and Zack and I looked. Jackie stood there with a questioning look on her features "Uhm.... are you two ok? Or do I have to seperate my two favorite men now?"

"What happened to me? I'm not a favorite anymore?" Brian asked, clearly trying to lighten the mood since everyone knew something was up.

"No, you're just an easy fuck." Jackie waved her hand at him with a smirk "Ready bruddah?"

Zack stood up "Yah, Geen are you coming?"

"Well duh, if you two go shopping alone..." She shivered "Who knows what'll happen. You might terrorize an entire strip mall.... or go get smashed somewhere."

Jackie ran over, jumping onto the couch next to me "Bye baby."

"I can't come?" I pouted.

"Uh.... No?" She laughed "ZACK! Can I bring my husband?"

Zack rolled his eyes "Yah why not.."

"Ok come on." She grabbed my hand.

I smiled and followed Jackie, Zack, and Gena out of the hotel room. This would give me some time to talk to Zack about his idiocy now.


*Jackie's POV*

I zipped up the jeans with a sigh, they were tight in all the wrong places. I glanced down at the tag with a gasp. "Fuck..." I muttered, stripping them off.

"What's wrong?" Zack asked.

I shook my head and threw them into the 'no' pile that Gena and I had started. "Why not? They look gorgeous on you!" Gena titled her head and looked at me.

"They're a size one and they're too tight." I muttered under my breath as I searched for more jeans.

"Well yah, I'd hope so. You're fuckin' twenty-two for gosh sake." Gena walked up behind me "Is everything ok?"

I nodded and grabbed a size three, walking into the dressing room. They fit beautifully, but I hated that damn little number "Jackie, are you ok in there?"

I looked at the door, I could practically see the worried look on Zack's face "Yah, I'm good. Just inspecting the jeans to make sure they're perfect." I lied. I was really critisizing my body, exactly what I shouldn't be doing.

Gena was somewhat right, I was twenty-two, I should be ok with being over a size one, that's what like... eighteen year olds wear. I sighed and stepped out of the jeans, tossing the into the 'yes' pile.

The day dragged so long. I bought that one pair of jeans, and felt like throwing up. I sat out of the 'shopping extravaganza' as Gena said, the next three stores.

"Come on, you fuckin' LOVE Hot Topic." Gena smiled "You have to come in with me."

I groaned "Geen..."

"COME ON!" She smiled, dragging me in along side of her. Matt and Zack stayed outside and sat on a bench talking, like they had been all morning, with extremely serious expressions. I wanted to know what they were up to.

"Try this on." Gena threw a hoodie at me.

I held it up "That's a bad idea, they're ego's are big enough." I laughed.

"Just do it." She laughed as I shrugged into the hoodie "It looks awesome, get it."

"It's too small." I said, picking at the sides as they clearly hung off of my body.

"Babe, you're dilusional. It's big."

I rolled my eyes and just to shut her up I bought it, then walked outside to sit with the guys. Gena wouldn't have it though, she dragged me back in for round two. Which we bough shit loads of teeshirts, skinny jeans even though they were my worst nightmare right now, and a few new lip rings and studs and such. I walked out and a bottle of hair bleach caught my eye. I picked it up and ran to the counter, quickly paying for it and running back out to catch up with them.

Body makeover here we go...
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Oh nooeeess! I hope we don't go too stellar with the makeover ;) Only I know right? Haha.

Hope you like it... I'm kinda struggling with the next one though. I'm not sure who's gunna be her main shoulder to lean on for the next few chapters, I thinkit's clearly Matt, duh, but someone else too.

I'm leaning towards Zacky Bear =)

xoxoxoxoxoxoxo Jb