Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


My bleached hair stuck out from under the beanie on my head, I brushed it out of my face as I shivered walking towards the venue. It was Olympia, Washington. And it was fuckin' cold. but yet all the guys were in sleeveless shirts and pants. Assholes. Even Gena was in just a shirt and jeans. But no, I was in a fucking sweatshirt and skinny jeans and was freezing my ass off.

"You should get back on the warm bus." Zack rubbed my cold shoulders as I stood backstage.

"N-n-n-no." My teeth chattered.

"Is being skinny worth it?" Jimmy bounded up to us.

"I don't see how you don't freeze like a popsicle." I laughed.

"Cos I keep moving." He smiled and bounded away.

"My legs are too tired to move." I groaned and leaned against Zack as he kept warming my arms up "Why aren't you cold? You fucking furnace."

He laughed and kissed my forehead "Because baby sis, I'm always warm just because I have to be to keep my dumbass skinny sister warm." He smiled.

"Oh very funny. I'm gunna go steal a roadie's jacket." I mumbled and walked around, looking for Jason Berry.

"Hey, who are-" Jason spun me around "Oh hey! Wow... blonde?"

I laughed "Yah, hey can I steal your jacket?" I asked.

"Yah, I'm getting wicked hot anyways." He took it off and handed it to me, it was true, he was sweating.

"Am I the only cold one here?" I groaned and put it on, soaking in the warmth.

"It's because you're the skinniest." He rolled his eyes "I heard... sorry."

"It's chill, Zack knows never to call me fat again." I smirked as Zack yelled something incoherent from the sidestage.

"Oh wifey! Where areee yoouu!?" Matt called as he walked around.

"Lover boy is calling." Jason laughed and walked away.

"Over here husband of mine." I laughed as Matt picked me up, kissing my cheeks rapidly "Ok.. ok... MATT OK!" I laughed as he held me in his arms "So how are you? You left the bus early this morning. I didn't get to see you."

"Are you cold?" He laughed.

I snuggled into his arms "Not now. I was earlier, then Jason gave me his jacket. And now you're holding me." I smiled.

"You need body fat." He laughed "You're too bony."

"That sounded creepy." I laughed as he carried me over to the stage "I'm not singing tonight."

"Awwwee come on!" He pleaded "Heaven doesn't sound the same!"

"Yah well I'm not up there." I laughed as he rolled his eyes "I'll sing..." I grunted as he smiled.

"YES! I'll intrduce you tonight." Brian ran over "Because you're Matt's wifey and he'll go on about all these mushy things..."

I tugged at the beanie on my head "Oh no..." He muttered "Noo....!"

"Yah, dick!" I smirked as he began running, but I jumped onto his back "RUN DICK! RUN LIKE THE WIND!"

He paused "If I'm a dick... then you're riding me... you're riding my dick!" He laughed as Matt chucked a balled up setlist at Brian's head "OW! Watch it, precious cargo!"

"Yah, MY precious cargo."

"Nope. MINE." Zack walked over, taking me from Brian "Come on, someone wants to meet you."

I smiled and willingly followed Zack, keeping close to him since he seemed to radiat heat. We walked to the back and outside "It's so fucking cold."

"And they've been standing here for hours." He smiled "Specially wanted to meet Matt's girl." He pointed to a small group of kids as we walked over "Hey, here she is."

They all stared at me "That's not her. She has black hair."

"It's me fucking little twits." I groaned "Dyed the hair when I lost all the fat."

"You weren't fat." One of the girls with black hair piped up.

"Thanks, I get that a lot from these do-" Zack glared at me "These guys. SO what can I do for you fine young kids?"

"Can I hve your autograph?" A boy with short choppy black and green hair asked.

"Shouldn't you be asking that to the famous rock star standing next to me?" I laughed.

"But you're engaged to a famous rock star!" A girl with glasses smiled.

Zack laughed "Engaged, yah."

"What? Did you two call it off? NO! You two are so perfect together!" She sighed "I gue-"

"Kid, we didn't call it off." I laughed "IF you can keep a secret, and if you don't I'll know where it slipped from, I'll tell you."

They nodded and leaned in.

"We got hitched after the Vegas show." I Smiled "And then Zacky Bear bought me these rad ass sick jeans!" I smiled, pointing down at my bright red skinny jeans from HT.

"Which part was the secret? Zack's embarassing nickname or the jeans?" The girl winked.

"I like her." I smiled at Zack "A lot."

"Thanks." She smiled "I'm Alice. This is my brother Bryson, our sister Angie, and her friend Beckah."

"Hi." I smiled ,shaking each one's hands "Avenged fans right?"

They all nodded "Yah, first concert too."

"Ohhh Zacky Bear," I Poked Zack's side "What was your dream for your first big concert?" I asked.

He smiled "To go backstage."

I smiled at the kids as their smiles grew "Promise not to jump Matt's bones and I think I can slip you in."

"PROMISE!" They all smiled.

"Well I damn hope so Brys." Alice nudged her brother's arm.

"Awwee! A mini us!" I smiled at Zack "Come on, we'll get you in." I smiled and led the kids to the backstage door.
♠ ♠ ♠
TADA! Last of the night, went on an update spree!!

xoxoxoxoxoxo Jb