Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


"ZACHARY BAKER OH BROTHERE WHERE ART THOU?!" I shouted, dragging the kids behind me "You and your lovely friends owe these adorable children a visit!" I opened the door to the dressing room.

"FUCK!" Brian shouted, running around with a smile.

"Watch'ya language, Brian! We don't need to be blamed for the corruption of these fine beings." I smiled and gestured for the kids to sit down "These are the guys. Nothing special. Eh."

Alice's face was priceless as Jimmy walked in "Oh. My. Gosh! It's THE REV!" She shouted, grabbing onto Angie's leg.


The guys stopped what they were doing, other than Zack and Gena, and stared at them "Uh.... Jackie? Wanna like.. explain?" Matt asked, giving me the 'wtf?' look.

"This is Alice, Angie, and Bryson. They're siblings, this is Beckah their friend." I smiled "Fans. First show."

"WOOO!" Jimmy high fived a star struck Alice "Thank you for letting us rob you of your concert innocence."

She offered up a small smile. "Jim, you're scaring her." I laughed. "HEY!"

"Move bitch." He shoved me to the side, slinging his arm around Alice's shoulder "Move so I can properly introduce myself to these chi'dren."

I crossed my arms and pouted, looking down "Shows what I get for being a nice bitch."

"Awe, it's ok." Zack came over and picked me up "I'll go take care of miss pouty pants, y'all have a good time... and Brian.." He gave him a stare "No raping them."

Brian widened his eyes and splaid his hands out "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?! I'd tell Jimmy that, not me! I'm less touchy feely than he is!"

I giggled as Zack carred me over to another chair, sitting me down "Fanksh Zacky Bear."

"Welcome." He laughed, rolling his eyes.


"So then we totally made her piss her pants-"

"I don't see how we got onto the subject of Zack peeing his pants." I rolled my eyes, hiding the red blush on my cheeks by burrying my face into my hands.

"I meant you." Brian rolled his eyes "So yah. We jumped out of the garage and she peed. So epic." He smiled.

"HA!" Bryson laughed.

I gave him a glare "One word: Security."

"You aren't famous enough." Angie rolled her eyes "The guys are the famous ones."

"I don't know about it." Matt laughed "You guys did wanna meet her."

"So true." Beckah laughed "But I don't think securi-"

"SECURITY!" I shouted, hearing a clatter of footsteps and the door opened.

:"Yes ma'am?" A big burly man asked, looking at me.

I pointed at Brian "He's harassing me, can you please remove him?"

He nodded and walked over to Brian "Excuse my Mr. Gates, but you'll have to leave."

"WHAT?!" Brian asked in astonishment as he was escorted out of the room "BUT THIS IS MY SHOW! MY BAND! WHAT THE FU-" His words were cut off by the door.

Everyone in the room stared at me "I would have thought you would kick Matt out." Alice giggled "Because he wouldn't be pissed at you later."

"I know, Brian's gunna take his revenge on me. But he forgets one thing." They all stared at me "I'm a Vengeance, I'm a bitch."

"Vengeance by name, not blood." Bryson smirked.

"Boy you're batting a thousand!" Zack laughed "She's a bitch, believe me."

"Thank you Zack, I'll kick your ass later. Now let's start talking again. What are y'all kids up to?" I asked.

"Coming to our favorite bands concert." Beckah smiled.

"GOD!" I groaned "They're ego's aren't big enough, thanks."

"Awe you know you love our big egos." Matt scooted closer to me on the love seat, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Or big somethin' else." Angie muttered under her breath.

"Excuse me?" I asked, sitting sideways and looking at her.

She looked up "Hm? Oh, nothing." She smiled sweetly, "So we should go guys, Mom is gunna worry her ass off." She stood up, motioning for her siblings and Beckah to follow.

"Was that a dick joke?" I asked with a smile "DICK DICK DICK!"

The guys all burried their faces in their hands "And she just stopped last week, too." Zack groaned "Ok, thanks for visiting, the guy outside the door will show you out." He said as the kids left.

"Nice group of kids." I smiled.


"But you were all dicks." I giggled as Matt picked me up "I am not a suitcase, people! I have these two things called LEGS that work!"

"Yah well... yah." Matt laughed.

"Nice comeback Mr. Sanders." I smacked his ass din time with his steps as we made our way out the back door, followed by everyone.

"Thank you Mrs. Sanders." He said in a happy tone, and I smiled. I was gunna take forever to get used to that. But I loved it.
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Bahaha.... Yes I laugh at my own story :) I gots to or I'll hate it lol...

xoxoxoxoxoxox jB