Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


* I do not own the photo's in this chapter. They are in no way related to these characters other than to give you a sense of outfits, body, hair, and clearly the guys are the guys. *

"This sucks, sucks balls... come on!" I groaned, shoving Brian to the side as he poked at my side.

"Awe come on, you should be flattered." Zack rolled his eyes.

"NO! I am not flattered to be half naked in a photo!" I shouted, resting my hands on my hips,. earning cat calsl from some of the guys. I huffed and slapped my hands down "ASSHOLES!"

"Oh come on, we're just goofing off Captain Sexy." Jimmy slapped my ass and I gave him big eyes "If I were seriously hitting on you, Matt'd kick my ass."

I groaned and crossed my arms "Why do I ahve to do this again?" I asked, looking in the mirror at my rediculous outfit.

"Because you volunteered to help the band in whatever way you could." matt laughed "And we need a half naked girl in a photo."

"Well I'm just glad you didn't hire a slut.... " I muttered as the photographer walked up to us.

"Ok, guys, hello." He smiled "And you must be," He looked over his sheet "Miss Baker?"

I groaned "Mrs. Sanders."

He looked at Matt, then me "Okayy.... I missed that memo." He chuckled "Ok so we'll do individual guys photos first, then an individual of you Mrs. Sanders, then a group. Alright?"

We all nodded "Wait." I held my hand up "I get one alone? Why? This is for the band... I'm not in the band.."

"It's for the tour, and you co-sang a few venues. You get to be on the tour poster thing that the label sends out." He smiled, as if I should be happy.

I groaned "Ok, fine. As long as they go first." I pointed at everyone as they agreed.


"I think they look great." Matt wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we looked over the film.

I groaned "I look like a slut."

"Nope. That's sexy[/ur]*." He growled in my ear as he sat down in the chair behind me, pulling me onto his lap.

I smiled as he kissed down my neck.

"Ok ok you two, stop having sex in public." Zack shoved my shoulder "I wanna see mine. I bet I look like a stud."

I rolled my eyes and clicked to his best [url=]photo
"See? Stud... but you cna't spell stud without STD." I smirked at his expression

"I'm sexy." He laughed "Now where's the group one?"

I clicked around until I found it, clicking to enlarge it. NO PERVERTED IDEAS PLEASE! Ha.

"Look at my gorgeous boys! I'm so proud of you guys!" I smiled as the photo came up.

"We do look pretty rad." Matt smiled "'Specially me, right?"

I kissed his cheek as he leaned over my shoulder "Of course. Now look at this sexy man's individual..." I looked around for Matt's and smiled. His was awesome "Why is mine the only slutty one?" I pouted as Matt smiled at his picture.

"Because you're the only girl." He rolled his eyes "And it isn't slutty, it's sexy."

I rolled my eyes and stood up "I don't want that leaking, ANYWHERE other than the label ok?" I asked.

"Yah sis, sure sis. Ok sis." Zack waved me off "Go take a pissy pill, we'll be back soon."

I rolled my eyes and left the room to go get changed. I fixed my hair a little, since it tangled under my beanie, and walked out into the freezing cold Olympia weather. I shivered and tucked my hands into my pockets, walking towards the busses.

"Excuse me, do you know where this street is?"

I looked to the right and saw a man standing, looking at me like I had two heads "What street?" I asked. He pointed to a piece of paper in his hands. I bit my lip "Uhm... I think it's just down the road."

"Ok... do I know you?" He asked "And it's not a pick-up line."

I laughed "I dunno depen-..." My jaw dropped as I looked him over "Oh. My. God... Are you..?"

"Oh damn." He laughed "You know who I am?"

I nodded with a smile, jumping up and down a little "You're uh.... Alex!" I smiled as he nodded.

"Varkatzas. Now who are you?" He laughed, shaking my hand.

"Jaclyn Baker." I smiled, not thinking twice about the name I gave, I wasn't so used to being Mrs. Sanders yet.

"Oh like as in Zack's sister? The guitarist from Avenged Sevenfold?" He asked, I nodded.

"You know them?"

His turn to nod "Yah, we go back. So whatcha doin' up here anyways? Aren't you a Cali girl?" He asked.

"Yah but the guys dragged me on tour with them." I said with fake sadness "Naw it's rad. They had a concert and photo shoot today for the tour poster thing-a-ma-bob." I waved my hands around. "What are you doin' up here?"

"Lookin' for a friend before we leave for tour. Gotta keep in touch." He laughed as I felt my phone vibrate "Getting called away, eh?"

I laughed and looked at it Mr. Matthew Sanders flashed across the screen. I laughed "I can call back. But yah, cool meeting you. The guys talk about you and your friends a lot."

"Cool, tell 'em I said hi ok?" He asked, giving me a one armed hug.

"Will do, see ya."

"Oh hey, can I take your number so I can get the guys' numbers later?" He asked, grabbing into his pocket.

I shrugged and handed him my phone as we swapped numbers. No harm right? "Ok cool, talk to you later then." He smiled and walked away.

I walked towards the busses and pulled my phone out, calling Matt "Hello?" He asked.

"Hello Mr. Matthew Sanders." I laughed "What's up babe?"

"We're at the bus, where are you?" He asked.

"Be right there, got kinda tied up." I clicked my phone shut and set it into my pocket, only to have it vibrate again. I pulled it out and laughed.

Message from: The charming Mr. Varkatzas

I opened it up.

Thanks for the directions by the way, I didn't get lost. Tell Zack that he gave you the brain cells of an explorer. - Av

No problem, and I will. - VengeanceBitch

I laughed at my old text signature and closed the phone, walking to the busses.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I don't own the pics, at all. The one that portrays Jackie is one of the lovely Miss Jessica Origliasso from her FHM photoshoot, I'm not claiming it, giving her full cred because it's her gorgeousness that I can only wish my characters could be as hot as she is lol. But that's the idea of what Jackie Sanders looks like at the moment, m'kay?

Cool, and oohhh new guy lol. Had to do it, I needed something to pass the time ;D
