Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


*Jackie's POV*

Matt and I went to the doctor's office the next morning, my knee was broken. How can you break a knee? I guess I did though, but I lied to the doctor. He asked what happened, Matt started to explain but I cut him off. "I fell down the basement stairs chasing my dog. It dragged me into a pole." How effing original Jackie, yeah like that helped at all.

The doctor gave me crutches and this boot thing that went around my foot and halfway up my effing thigh, I can't even sit properly with it on. Matt had to help me in and out of the car, even though I finally figured it out he insisted. I hated how nice he was, but we just laughed about it. Secretly I was thanking whatever God there was that Matt was so nice, and he actually cared enough to help me.

"Woah, what happened with you?" Jimmy asked as I crutched, my new word for walking on crutches even if it doesn't exist, my way into the house.

"Ur..." I looked around.

Matt looked at me and crossed his big arms "She fell down the basement stairs chasing her dog, then it dragged it her into a pole." He said in all seriousness.

"When'd you get a dog?" Brian asked, looking at Zack and I.

"We don't have a dog. She lied." Zack sighed, looking at me. "Why?"

"Because I don't want the doctor thinking I'm so rape case!" I laughed.

"RAPE CASE?!" Johnny, Jimmy and Brian gaped from their various spots in the room as I took a seat on the couch, just throwing myself down since bending my knee was out of the question.

"You said you were gunna tell them." I looked up at Zack.

"Slipped my mind, sorry." He laughed.

"TELL US NOW!" Brian shrieked.

"Some creeper jumped me yesterday while I was goin' to get ice cream. He didn't actually rape me, he tried. At one point I was naked, but I think I broke his nose... or face actually." I laughed, thinking about that satisfying cracking noise "He kicked my knee in, broke it and here I am now." I smiled and pointed at the lovely giant thing on my leg.

"Woah! And you waited a day to tell us?!" Jimmy asked. "Wow I feel loved!"

"Jim, believe me it doesn't matter if I told you yesterday or tomorrow. It'd be the same reaction." I laughed as Matt draped his arm over my shoulders and brushed some hair behind my ear.

"So like.... how do you break a knee?" Johnny asked.

"That's what I asked. He said the patella, knee cap before you ask what it is, cracked and moved out of it's allignment. Then he said something else cracked in half and that I need to wear this godforsaken piece of shit for eight weeks." I sighed and rested my head on Matt's chest "Oh yeah, he gave me sedatives. The only good part of the visit, sedatives." I smiled, thinking of Young Frankenstein when Igor says "Setagive!!" because he's just that awsome.

"So, have you taken any yet?" Matt asked as he pointed at my purse where the perscription bottle was visible.

I nodded "Two, as it said to. And I think they're working." I said, looking at the ceiling as my eyes lost focus "If you need me, get someone else because I am now incapable of anything." I said slowly as my eyes grew heavy.


I could still hear the guys around me, talking about band and stuff and I just laid on Matt's shoulder. Taking in the scent of his cologne. "Matt, what are you wearing for cologne?" I whispered and opened my eyes, looking forward.

He didn't answer me. "Matt, what are you wearing for cologne?" I asked again, this time turning to face him. Still no answer as she just ignored me and talked with Zack. "FUCKING TELL ME!" I screamed, oh my god he's starting to piss me off with this silent treatment. "MATT FUCK ME." That should get his attetion.


I looked forward and saw Zack staring at me. I rubbed my eyes and looked up, I had obviously been sleeping and dreaming that... holy shit. "Urr... what are wearing for cologne?" I asked Matt, once more. A shit eating grin growing acrossed my face as it turned as red as possible. He looked back down at me and just stared.

"What did you just say to me?" He gaped, his eyes as wide as saucers.

"What are you wearing for colonge?" I asked, but knowing full well what he was asking about.

"Before that." He said slowly.

"Fucking tell me?" I asked "Or did I dream that bit up while I was passed out?" I asked, trying to change the subject. He just stared at me "Fuck me..." I whispered.

"That." Matt said, a smirk acrossed his face.

"Why not?" I shrugged "I mean I'm druged here, I could be dreaming this up too. Who knows, woooo!" I laughed, waving my hands around like a complete retard.

Matt just stared at me in awe, probably thinking I was totally insane. "I'm going to go back to sleep now, and hopefully I'll wake up and this will not have happened." I said, leaning to my other side and lying down on the arm of the couch, pulling a pillow under my head.

I could still feel all the guys looking at me as I pretended to fall asleep. A few minutes later, them still quiet and obviously staring at me, I sat up and yawned, stretching my arms above my head and looked around "How long was I out for?" I asked, hoping to God it was really a dream.

"You weren't." Brian said, trying not to laugh.

Thanks God, "Shut up, I was on drugs!" I shouted in protest as Matt just stared at me, once again. "Stop staring at me!" I shouted and looked at him with wide eyes "You know I didn't mean it!"

Zack just laughed "Sure you didn't." He mumbled.

"And what was that supposed to mean, Vengeance?" I asked, sitting up straighter now.

"You'd want Matt to fuck you anyday, we all know that." He smirked as I tried to stand up.

Matt pushed my ass as helped me stand "I could have done it myself, thank you. And no touchy the assy." I laughed and swatted at where his hand had been. "Now, you gunna take that back Zacky? Or do I have to hit you with my crutches?" I asked, holding my left crutch in the air.

"I think I can run away from you faster than you can hit me." He smiled "And we all know Matt fucking you is your dream." He said and shot up, running to the other side of the room as I just stood there, my face shading deep red.

"You're an ass of the first order, you know that Zack?" I laughed, sitting back down next to Matt.

"Now, were you serious? Or just trying to get my attention? The latter being cruel by the way." Matt smirked and slung his arm behind my back, circling around my waist and resting his hand on my hip.

"Depends, in eight weeks I can be serious. But with this knee, I'm pretty sure not." I sighed "Eight weeks, the test of a good man." I smiled, winking as Matt nodded.

"I think I can go eight weeks." He said, planting a small kiss on my naked shoulder.

"Oh la la!" Johnny laughed from the couch "Why don't you just ask her out already man?" He asked.

"What?" Matt asked.

"You're planning on sleeping with her, you should be official first." Johnny smirked.

Matt and I laughed "Will you be my girlfriend?" Matt asked, purposefully sounding like a teenager.

"Uh..." I said, not actually thinking it over. I already knew my answer, but I was screwing with Matt. He just stared at me with wide eyes and his mouth open. "Aww, how can I say no to that face." I cooed and planted a kiss on his lower lip, it was too irresistable just hanging there with his lip ring glinting in the light.

He pulled me closer and closed his lips around mine, deepening a kiss I didn't even plan to make any deeper. I moaned slightly as his hands rested on the small of my back. I heard four sets of foosteps run out the front door and just laughed as Matt disregarded them and tugged at my shirt. "Eight weeks is a long while." I whispered.

"You got that right." Matt growled and pulled me closer, or as close as I could get with my legs hanging off the couch.

"Let's shorten it, shall we?" I smirked and pulled away.. "Ten seconds...." I smiled and waited ten seconds before he re-attached our lips.

His hands running up and down my back made me tingle, I felt his tongue running on my lip and moaned, opening my mouth for him. Our tongues were engaged in a batle royal as Matt pulled me onto his lap, me sitting sideways. I could feel him underneath me and laughed. "C'mon." He whispered, standing up and picking me up.

I let my crutches stay on the couch as he carried me to my bedroom. He set me down on the bed and looked at me, his pants visibly tightening. "How do you want to do this?" He asked, looking at my leg.

I smiled and took the bottle of pain killers from my table and the water bottle. I popped a few and tossed the bottle "Anyway you want now." I smiled as I knew the pain killers would take affect and I wouldn't even be able to feel my leg.

"Kinky." Matt said, wriggling his eyebrows before he straddled my waist and I willingly fell back onto the bed. He worked at his belt, as I worked at my shorts. We took them off and Matt laid ontop of me, attaching our lips once again. I felt his boxers, and what was under them and smiled into the kiss as I reached down and pulled them off, along with my underwear.

"So much for eight weeks." I smirked as he stared back down at me.
♠ ♠ ♠
OH! There it is, oh yes, oh yes. I'm listening to Richman by 3OH!3 right now and I'm like hyper becuase I'm going into B-town with my bffs tomorrow to the Museum of Fine Arts! I can't wait! I'm overly hyper but sad because vaca is over tomorrw :( but eh, whatever. It was nice and I got tan!

xoxo Comments are pretty awsome sometimes :) *hinty hint hint*