Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


"Who have you been texting all afternoon?" Zack asked, flopping down onto the couch with me.

I rolled my eyes and set my phone on my lap "Alex Varkatzas."

Each jaw in the room: Matt's, Brian's, Gena's, and Zack's, dropped "Who?" Matt asked.

"That singer from that band... "

"Atreyu?" Zack asked.

"Yah, that. Alex." I smiled "You guys know him, he says hi. He asked me where a street was today. That's why I was late to the bus."

Zack looked at Matt, I was ignoring the looks he was giving Zack "Ok, so why are you two so friendly now?" Gena interrupted the glare fest between the guys.

"I dunno, he's fun to talk to. He was telling me about some tour pranks the guys played last year. It's rediculous." I laughed as my phone vibrated. But Zack beat me to it.

"Excuse me? The charming Mr. Varkatzas what?" He asked, closing my phone hard.

"WHAT?" Matt asked.

I shrugged "He put himself into my phone."

"What you put into his for you?" Zack asked.

"Miss Vengeance." I shrugged "It's what I always used to do."

"You aren't a Vengeance anymore." Matt growled.

I looked at him with a shocked expression "Well my bad. I'm sure he knows anyways, jeez Matt. Jump down my throat."

"Well he's a very..."

"He has a girlfriend." I laughed "Even I know that. I'm not completely stupid and brainless."

"But that doesn't matter to him." Brian sighed "He's a-"

"Will y'all stop? He's a cool dude, I'll set him straight and let him know I'm taken." I rolled my eyes and texted Alex.

Hey, just so everyone knows everything, I neglected to inform you that Matt and I tied the knot in Vegas :) Wicked sick right?

"Happy?" I asked, flaunting the sent status to everyone.

"He won't care." Brian threw his hands in the air "He'll do what he wants."

I gave Brian a look "Oh? Well thank God I have Matt to kick his ass then. And Zack."

Zack smiled "Oh for sure baby sis! So ok... what are the plans for today? We're stuck in Olympia until..." He looked at the cieling "Three days."

"WHAT?!" I asked "But it's so cold!" I groaned.

"I vote we get hammered." Brian smiled.

I raised my hand "In." I smiled as everyone agreed we'd go get hammered. Trashed. Smashed. Fucking WASTED. I wanted to, I needed to.... have some fun why not?


"FUCK!" I laughed as Brian ran into me "What are you on?" I laughed as his hand circled my waist "Briiiaaannn?"

He looked down "What? I'm your best friend, I can't feel you up? Jimmy did today when you were in that one piece."

I rolled my eyes, he was as harmless as Jimmy was. They knew the consequences of taking advantage, and they knew the wrath of Matt.

"Hey! Hands off my sister." Zack smacked Brian's arm.

"I don't see Matt buying his wife drinks." Brian handed me a beer "So I will. And I need someone to dance with anyways."

Zack gave me a look that was more sober than he was, and walked away with Gena to the dance floor. "Come on." Brian tugged at my hand "We'll find Matt somewhere out there."

I laughed and followed him, letting his hands rest on my hips as we slwoly picked up the beat of the song. Brian's alcohol coated breath tickled my ear as I sipped the drink in my hands, the nice cold liquid on my throat as I laughed "You're such a man-slut." I laughed as my hips instinctively ground into his.

Soon Brian's hands were on my stomach, pulling me to him as my head spun around, alcohol consuming my thoughts as my body pressed against his. The only thing wrong: I wasn't turning Matt on, but his best friend.

I felt something press against my neck and turned around, my lips brushing Brian's as his hands landed on my ass, holding firm. His lips pressed against mine hard, his tongue sliding inside my mouth as I moaned quietly. His leg made it inbetween mine and I ground into his hips even more, feeling him against the inside of my thigh.

I felt something impact my side and the warmth of Brian's body was gone. I looked up to see an enraged Matt holding Brian by the collar as they disappeared behind people. I noticed soon what was going on and looked at who was dragging me away.

"What in FUCK were you thinking?!" Zack shouted "Do you know how bad Matt is gunna kill him?!"

My head spun as I stopped at a trash can, emptying my stomach into it "What?" I asked, feeling everything spinning "Zack? Is that you?" I asked with a giggle.

*Zack's POV*

She giggled as her hands rested against my side "Why are you all silly looking? And... why is my head all fuzzy?" She ran her hands sloppily through her bleached hair "Hahaha!"

I rolled my eyes as security dragged a fighting Matt and Brian out. Everyone followed, and I took Jackie with me "Where are we going bro? I'm not done partying!" She giggled as I tossed her over my shoulder, carrying her out as she talked to herself, not noticing her upside-down state.

"Matt!" Jimmy pulled him away from Brian "Dude stop it!"


Brian was cursing the same at Matt, not knowing what the fuck was going on. I set Jackie down and left her in Gena's care as I went over to them.

"Calm down, you're gunna get thrown into jail!" I shouted and shoved Matt backwards.

"Calm down?! Aren't you mad that your MARRIED sister made out with some guy other than her husband?!" Matt shouted at me.

"She's hammered! He's hammered! She's like...-"

I was cut off when someone hugged Matt, taking his attention away. Jackie looked up at him with confused wide eyes "Why are you all mad and shit?" She giggled, pressing her hands to his chest "You're sexy."

Matt shoved her away, anger growing in his eyes "Matt, don't shove her." Gena walked over as Jackie tried to talk to Matt again. It didn't help that Johnny was the only one completely sober and that he didn't have a clue what was going on. A bunch of drunks trying to convice eachother about something never ends good.

"Ok, let's just get back to the bus and we'll talk it over in the morning ok? When we're... less hammered." Johnny as if reading my mind walked over.

"Baby?" Jackie hugged Matt again "What'd I do?"

Matt shoved her off him again "Get off me you fucking slut." He walked down the sidewalk, shaking his head as he took off his ring, throwing it down as she stared at him.

The glossy look leaving her eyes to be replaced by tears as she looked around. She bit her lip, glancing down at the band infront of her feet. She knelt down and picked it up.

"Oh babe it's ok," Gena hugged Jackie's shoulders.

Jackie handed me the ring and with a broken look took her's off "Don't do it." I warned, you'll both come around tomorrow."

She bit her lip again "I'm a slut. I'm not worth his time." She placed both rings in my hands and folded my hands around them. They felt so cold, as if they hadn't just been on their fingers.

"Jackie, babe, come on." Gena sighed, linking arms with her and walking "We'll meet you guys back at the bus."

I nodded and slid the rings into my pocket, climbing into the car with Johnny, Brian, and Jimmy as we drove to the parking lot.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ut oh :/

What's goin' downnn???

xoxoxoxoxoxoxo Jb


PS: Jackie won't get together with Alex OR Brian. Just to make sure no one get's confused. She's meant to be with Matt or dead. M'kay? Cool. Thanks lol, comments rockkk!