Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


*Zack's POV*

Matt stumbled into the front lounge of the bus, his head clearly aching as he downed three tylenol to kick the hangover. He looked at me and sat down "Hey, do you know where my ring went?" He asked, looking around "I think I lost it and I kinda wanna find it before Jackie wakes up so she doesn't freak ou-"

I reached into my pocket and laid the two rings on the table. Matt's eyes scanned them, then looked up at me, confused.

"Do you remember last night?" I asked.

"All I remember is that I got pissed and punched someone and got kicked out." He shrugged, still trying to figure out what was infront of him.

"Jackie got hammered."

"Yah, I bet... she needed to have some fun though."

"She made out with Brian, you decked him, got thrown out, and then-" I pointed at his ring.

"I... I did?" He asked "That's... what?"

"You caught them making out, they were both hammered and clearly they'd never seriously do anything, he wouldn't. You decked him and I pulled Jackie away. She tried figuring out what was wrong when we were outside. You pushed her away and called her a fucking slut as I recall, and threw your ring at the ground and walekd away."

His eyes were wide "Why are there two rings?"

"She took her's off right after, after picking your's up of course. I think she remembers more than you do though, because that sobered her up pretty fuckin bad." I shrugged as Matt looked the rings over.

"Will she let me apologize?" He asked quietly, knowing he screwed up, potentially big time.

"Maybe, I don't know. I'm not her conscience."

He nodded and moved to the couch, leaving the two rings on the table. I shookmy head, he knew he screwed up, we all knew he didn't mean it, but Jackie would make it hard. If it were some other girl, someone who hadn't been around for so long, they'd be back together in a heartbeat. But oh no, she just had to be Jackie, and she would either cry and apologize, or block him out like brick.

I looked up as someone cleared their throat "Can I uhm... talk to you?"

"Yah." I smiled, following Jackie into the back lounge "What's up baby sis?" I asked as she sat down, her head cradled in her hands. Her face was more flushed than usual, because of the hangover.

"I feel like such a whore." She muttered into her hands "Matt's right..."

"No, he isn't." I sighed, sitting down with her "He's not right, you aren't a slut. You're my sister."

"And therefor you have to say that." She laughed "I made out with Brian." She dragged out his name "That's... I mean he's Brian. Not Matt."

"That's obvious. And yeah, you made a mistake but-"

"Oh my god.." She looked down at her hand, tears falling from her eyes "I... I.. .I didn't...?"

I nodded "They're both on the front table. Matt's watching them like a hawk so.. if you put your's back on he'll probably jump your bones and put his on."

She giggled a little bit "I'll go tell him I'm sorry... but he better fucking give me a good apology for calling me a slut. Or I'll castrate him."

She got up and walked out, and within seconds there was a loud crash. I groaned, figuring they were fighting, you'd think the lack of arguing would tip me off? Naw...

*Jackie's POV*

Matt pinned me to the couch, our hands lustfully rushing over eachother's body as our lips battled out for dominance "I'm sorry.." He whispered "I'm an asshole."

"No I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten that wasted." I whispered into his ear as he bit at my neck.

"Can't you two just stop arguing for one seco-" Zack walked in "AHH!" He screamed "Leaving leaving leaving... left!" He shouted and ran into the back room.

"Nope! We call the back lounge!" Matt shouted, picking me up.

"Not without these." I squirmed from his grasp and grabbed our rings from the table, fixing my shirt as we ran past Zack into the back lounge. The door was slammed and Matt slid his ring on at the same time as me.

"Fuck!" He groaned as he shuffled through his pockets "I don't have a condom.. Zack's gotta have some, I'll be right ba-"

I pushed him against the wall, pressing my body tight to his and passionatly kissing him, feeling his muscles relax. I pulled back with a grin "Fuck it." I whispered.

"Oh I will." I smirked, picking me up roughly and pressing me onto the couch.

Shirts flew, pants dropped, bra's snapped... All was well in love and war.


I rested my head on Matt's chest as we caught our breath "I love you."

"I fucking love you." Matt kissed my head "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry..."

"We should fight more often." Matt said as my hands ran over his bare sides, causing a shiver to shake his body "I like our makeup sex."

"Me too." I smiled, moving ontop of him "And... and... and.." I smiled wide as he nodded "Yah."

"Yes." He smiled, pulling me down and kissing me "We did it."

I laughed "You make it sound as if it was our first time." I laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Fuck it, they needed to have makeup sex and condoms would have ruined everything lol.

love you guys! Hope you liked this as much as I did :)

xoxoxoxoxoxoxo Jb