Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


We were in Sacremento, three weeks later, for the last stop of the tour finally. I was overjoyed, woohoo...

I kicked my shoes off with a sigh as I walked onto the bus "Where the hell have you been?" Zack asked as he rushed over, pressing me to him in a bone crushing hug as I glanced around for Matt "We've been worried sick, you didn't answer your phone."

I pointed to the red flashing phone case on the counter "It's charging."

"I didn't even hear it.." Zack bit one of his lip rings "Where have you been?"

"For a walk. I'm bored." I shrugged, sitting down on the couch. He joined me as his arm flopped around my shoulders.

"You're terrible at lying." He whispered as the bunk door opened.

"Have you got ahold of-... Where in hell have you been?! We've sent out all the roadies looking for you!" Brian ran over and jumped ontop of me.

"Oh god..." I muttered, shoving him to the floor and running to the bathroom, throwing open the toilett seat and vomitting into it. A cold hand rested on the small of my back as another held my hair back.

Zack's hand reached infront of me and flushed the toilett, as yet another set of hands picked me up and sat me on the counter, Brian gave me a hard look over as Zack got a cold cloth and pressed it against my forehead, handing me a trash can.

"What was that?" Zack asked "Brian you can't jump on people like that!"

"I'm sorry." He muttered, looking at me again "I'm sorry."

"It's ok I... where's Matt?" I asked.

"Out looking for you, duh." Gena walked in "Why do you two have her cornered in here?" She leaned up against the doorframe "Is this some sort of gathering hall?"

Brian laughed nervously "I jumped on her because I was happy she was here... And then she barfed,."

"That's a pretty harsh turn down, Jackie." She winked at me "He's not that bad looking."

I rolled my eyes and hopped off the counter, pushing past the boys as I took Gena's hand in mine "I need to talk to you about something." I whispered and pulled her into the bunk area, leaving Brian and Zack to stare at us like we were some sort of alien with two heads. I shut the door and locked it.

"What's up? Are you alright?" She asked, giving me a knowing yet confused look.

"Gena I think -"


I turned as the door flew open, Matt bursting through, a relieved look on his face as his brown eyes met mine "Oh god!" He rushed over, bringing me gently into his arms "Zack texted me you were back. Where did you go? I wake up and BAM you're gone!"

"Yah.. I needed to take a walk." I shrugged as Gena kept her eyes trained on mine.

"Is she gunna be ok?" Matt whispered in my ear, pointing at Gena "Oh... did I interrupt something? Shit, I'm sorry..." He muttered.

I laughed, kissing his cheek lightly as my stomach flipped all over my insides. I bit my tongue a little as I felt my throat numb "Excuse me," I moved Matt to the side and booked it for the bathroom. I walked in as Zack was sitting on the sink, waiting.

"What's wrong?" He asked as I emptied my stomach once again into the toilet "You aren't sick again, are you?" He asked, patting my back as I brushed my teeth to rid my mouth of the disgusting acidic taste.

"Zacky Bear, can I confide something in you that you promise not to tell anyone?" I asked as he kicked the bathroom door shut, nodding with a comforting smile. "I think I'm pregnant. Again.."

His jaw dropped "You're-"

"Shhh!" I hissed, covering his mouth with my hand "What part of don't tell anyone didn't you understand?" I asked as he beamed, shifting his weight excitedly from one foot to the other.

"I know but... But..." He smiled, wrapping his arms around me "You need to tell Matt, he's your husband."

I smiled: husband "Yepperoni. But I wanna make sure first, I've just been icky feeling and... I'm late."

"Ok the first was enough for me." He laughed a tiny bit "So you want me to take you to the doctors or somethin'?"

I nodded "When we get home though, because I don't know if it's too early on..."

He smiled "Ok... Don't tell Brian, he'll blab."

"I know, I'll probably only tell Gena and... maybe Johnny. He's good at keeping secrets for me." I Smiled "No roadies though, ok?"

He nodded, pretending to lock his mouth and throw away the key "Thanks Zacky Bear." I smiled, hugging him tight.

"No prob Jac Attack." He smiled, opening the bathroom door "Alright, she's alright! Stop freaking out!" He announted, picking me up "She needs loads of rest and soup, come on people, let's get a move on!"

I laughed as Matt got up from the couch "S'down." I laughed as Zack put me on the couch, my feet resting on Matt's lap as he rubbed my shins.

"Are you alright? What's wrong?" He asked, giving me a caring look.

"Just a little icky, that's all." I smiled as Gena sat down, clearing her throat.

"Uhmm... yah?" She asked with a smirk.

"Yah, so what?" I giggled as her smile widened, Zack gave her hand a squeeze "He's in on it."

"Awe.... I wanted to be first." She pouted.

"What in hell's name is going on here? What don't I know?" Matt looked between the three of us as we all smiled like loonies.

"You'll know soon enough babe, and I don't doubt you'll figure it all out before anyone spills." I smiled, getting up and kissing his cheek "You're smart enough."

He rolled his eyes "So if I don't get it, I'm stupid?" He pretended to pout.

"Pretty much." I giggled as his hands tickled my stomach gently. Zack stood up quickly, but Gena tugged him down again.

"Shh." I heard her whisper as Matt kept tickling me.

I could see the worried look growing on Zack's face, but I just enjoyed the fact that there could be a tiny version of Matt and myself inside of me.
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Ooo lala! Sorry for lack of updates, I suck, I know :( I've just been wickd tired later.... Sorry :(

xoxoxoxoxoxo Comments realyl do make life nicer :) LOL

xooxoxxoxoxoxo Jb