Status: Active

Never Say Goodbye


I held onto Matt's hand with a smile as he flicked through the television stations "Are you and the guys going out today?" I asked as he paused on Good Morning America.

"Yah, just for a few hours though." He nodded robotically "You wanna come? We're just running errands for studio shit."

"Nawp, I'll let you have dude time." I laughed as he looked over at me "What?"

"You're my wife, you don't have to give me dude time." He air quoted 'dude' "And plus, everyone misses you, since you've pretty much secluded yourself in the house for like five months."

I rolled my eyes "I get out. And it's only been a little over three. And plus I'm already fat." I poked my showing stomach.

Matt slid my shirt up, resting his large hands on my stomach, rubbing tiny circles with his thumbs "Yah actually you're bigger at this three months that the last three months..."

"Tell me about it, my back already hurts from thinking about it." I muttered as I palced my hands ontop of Matt's.

"HEY BITCHES! OPEN THE DOOR!" Someone shouted as the door jiggled from knocking.

"It's open fucker!" Matt shouted.

The handle moved and Brian burst through, Zack behind him "What's up Brah?" I asked as Zack shot over, giving me a hug.

"I haven't seen you in three weeks, I miss you." He smiled "Oh holy mother of fuck!" He shouted, looking at my stomach "What are you feeding her?" Zack looked down at Matt then at me "In a good way, you need to be fat for this baby, we want it more than healthy."

"I don't know what she eats, I barely see food enter her mouth." Matt shrugged.

"Yah, just other things." I rolled my eyes with a smirk as Zack ignored the comment and placed his hands on my stomach.

"Hey there little person." He smiled, crouching down infront of me "How's my little neice or nephew today, hmm? Giving this crazy lady any kicks yet?"

"Thankfully no." I laughed "But I heard it's common around 16 weeks..." I shrugged "And we're creeping up there, I mean really I'm so fat!" I laughed as I slid my shirt back down "The belly is finished being molested."

"I didn'tg et to influence it today!" Brian pouted.

"Tough luck shit face." I stuck my tongue out at him as I placed my hands on the small of my back "Damn fat."

"It's because you're so tiny, anyways." Zack roleld his eyes "It's just more noticable."

I gave him a weird look "Someone's been doing their reading."

"Yep, lots of it, too." Zack smiled.

"Is there something you and Gena aren't telling me?" I asked, poking his stomach "Are you having a baby too?!"

"No, and neither is she. We're safe like that." Zack snapped his fingers in a 'Z' formation "I've been reading up for you, so I know what's going on. Like the fact you've stopped barfing."

"Thank God." I smiled as Matt's hand supported my back.

"You already act like a pregnant woman." He laughed, kissing my cheek.

"And you already act like a sappy push-over of a father that we all know you'll be." I smiled, kissing his cheek "So to what do we owe this visit, anyways?" I asked, looking at Zack and Brian.

"I haven't seen my sister in three weeks, and I need a reason to crash her and my brother-in-law's house?" Zack asked "That's harsh."

"Just making sure it's because you love me." I smiled "Now... where's the food in this place again? I'm about to eat the couch." I grumbled and walked to the kitchen "You shall now witness things other than your dick go into my mouth, Matthew."

"Jees, thanks." Matt rolled his eyes.

"And he thought that your mouth was reserved for him." Brian snickered, sitting down at the table.

I grabbed a coffee mug and started filling it up, but it was snatched from my hand "Uh uh uh." Matt wagged his finger at me "No caffeine."

I glared at him "That's. My. Coffee. Bitch." I hissed and tried to get the cup back. He wouldn't budge, I looked down at my stomach "I sacrifice for you already." I grabbed a water bottle and a popsicle before leaving the room "There's nothing bad in these posicles, I checked them over."

Matt smiled and sat nezt to me on the couch, pulling me closer "So you can't have coffee why?" Brian asked.

"It could give the baby diabetes." Zack piped up.

"Wow, you really were reading." I laughed "I didn't even know that, I thought it'd make it hyper." I laughed, taking a bite of the popsicle "Mmmmm yum. Matt, wanna go make real food? I think junior is hungry." I patted my belly.

"I suck at cooking." Matt laughed.

"So you're gunna make me starve?" I asked "Briiiaaaannn?" I whined "Wanna make me food?"

"Why should I? You didn't let me influence the mini you." He huffed.

I rolled my eyes "Two minutes of influence, then food."

He bounded over and lifted my shirt a little "Hiiiii." He dragged it out "When they piss you off, come see me. I'm nice, and Zack's a jerk and- Ow!" He mumbled, rubbing the spot on his head where I smacked him "What was that for?"

"No corrupting our baby." I laughed "Now move and make me food!"

"What do you want?" Brian asked "I can..."

"Anything. I'll eat anything right now, I'm about to starve." I groaned as Matt rolled his eyes "You try having something share your food, it isn't that easy."

"Technically, it doesn't eat anything, it just takes vitamins and nutrients from it all-"

"Shut up, if I want a midwife, I'd hire one." I glared at Zack as he shut his mouth.

"Mooooddd swiinnnggss!" He sang and skipped towards the kitchen. I glared at Matt as he stood up.

"What?" He asked "I'm... they're..."

I laughed and pushed him towards the kitchen "Leave the fat woman to her self, I know." I joked as he gave me a pleading look "Seriously, go. I'm gunna go sit in the nursery and..."

"Not cry." Matt helped me up "Because then I'll cry, and then we'll both be messes."

I laughed and kissed his cheek, walking away to the nursery as he walked into the kitchen, where I could hear Brian and Zack arguing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awe, baby :) I did SO much research for this it's not even funny. If you look at my internet history you'd think I was pregnant! HAHA! My mom was talking to me and I was reading and I interjected "You should not get herpes when pregnant" She was all "What the fuck?" Haha. IT says that on one of the 'DON'T' things... haha yeah because you plan on getting herpes O_O Haha

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Jb